Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
Fido, I am from the old school and I am definitely "CON"......very hard topic to discuss without letting my moral issues come into play. Good luck on gathering data for your presentation and I know you will do a great job.
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
It isn't necessary to declare your politics when you enter the military and it isn't necessary to declare your financial standing or "class", etc, etc when you enter the military, so why do they find it necessary to declare their sexual preference? Just do your job and keep your mouth shut...(pun intended).
Don't ask... don't tell.
Don't ask... don't tell.
- seofan_via_dublin
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
As long as "equal rights" means they don't get cushy assignments and get treated just like all the other
men and women serving, then it's fine by me.
Everyone has a right to serve, and doing so earns a ton of respect from me.
But, "equal rights" don't mean "better rights".
If they have the guts and honor to sign up and possibly die for our country, then give them a rifle and put them on the front line.
men and women serving, then it's fine by me.
Everyone has a right to serve, and doing so earns a ton of respect from me.
But, "equal rights" don't mean "better rights".
If they have the guts and honor to sign up and possibly die for our country, then give them a rifle and put them on the front line.
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
If gays want to serve in the military, good for them. I would be proud to stand behind

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
...and..I'm sure if they were here today Moose, they would let you know that they would gladly stand behind you as well!moose wrote:If gays want to serve in the military, good for them. I would be proud to stand behindthem.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
I tell you Fido, IMO, and something to think about would be this. I would view everything in the light that there could be another time in our future when, like during the Vietnam War, Korea and WW 2 that there was a mandatory draft. Some homosexual men, on the surface, appear heterosexual in all their mannerisms. Some? they just flame like a bright fire. How would they fit in? Don't ask, don't tell, provides a means to eliminate someone in a draft, who really isn't suitable

Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
If I can shower with the females....then have at it. Otherwise, nope.
- 1974Viking
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
If they do their jobs as each other man or woman is the Services do without special treatment, good or bad, I am OK with it. What a man or woman in the Service do in their off time is strictly their own business. Isn't that what they are in the Service in the first place, to protect our and their freedoms? If you do a good job, and can do as your job requires, what does it really matter? I just feel like they are pushing for special privileges that are not afforded to the rest of the men and woman who do not live the life style as they do. That I do not agree with at all.
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
I would say it is no ones--- business
Gays have the right to die for this country has well
Gays have the right to die for this country has well
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
hmmmmm, funny you say die,instead of fight.
but like you said ,its no ones buisness. 8)
but like you said ,its no ones buisness. 8)
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
It's sad to see that much hate in one person boil to the surface like that, isn't it?!biggdowgg wrote:hmmmmm, funny you say die,instead of fight.
but like you said ,its no ones buisness. 8)
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
There have always been "gays in the military" whether or not it was acknowledged. Back in the "draft" days when "being gay" was reason for discharge, there were statistically many more "cases" found in peacetime than in wartime - when bodies were needed on the line in combat, no one cared much or pursued very hard that directive.
"Don't ask; Don't tell" forced people to lie about their sexual identity.
When others in their unit were talking in casual conversation about leave activities, dates, etc; gays were not allowed to say a word about their own because doing so was forbidden.
'tucky - what you're talking about is "promiscuity" - and heterosexuals are certainly as capable and guilty of that as homosexuals. I have no actual knowledge, but I strongly suspect that there are, and have always been, prostitutes who do pretty well in the vicinity of military bases, and soldiers who brag about sexual conquests/exploits. Or even, conversely, mention a faithful relationship with a wife/husband, fiance, etc back home. Why should heterosexuals get to "say so" freely when gays are strictly forbidden to talk about the people they care about/with whom they have a relationship on threat of charges and discharge? Why should talking about a loved one ever be a "crime"?
"Don't ask; Don't tell" forced people to lie about their sexual identity.
When others in their unit were talking in casual conversation about leave activities, dates, etc; gays were not allowed to say a word about their own because doing so was forbidden.
'tucky - what you're talking about is "promiscuity" - and heterosexuals are certainly as capable and guilty of that as homosexuals. I have no actual knowledge, but I strongly suspect that there are, and have always been, prostitutes who do pretty well in the vicinity of military bases, and soldiers who brag about sexual conquests/exploits. Or even, conversely, mention a faithful relationship with a wife/husband, fiance, etc back home. Why should heterosexuals get to "say so" freely when gays are strictly forbidden to talk about the people they care about/with whom they have a relationship on threat of charges and discharge? Why should talking about a loved one ever be a "crime"?
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
really? tell us more. which "line in combat" were you on and which branch of the service were you in to know what you stated here?caglewis wrote: when bodies were needed on the line in combat, no one cared much or pursued very hard that directive.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
When did I mention "promiscuity" Cagle or even touch on the topic?
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
along with a picture of a transvestite/cross-dresser as an example of "what?" sexual flamboyance?? Maybe you didn't say "promiscuity", but still... that's the general idea of what you posted, isn't it? Desmonstrated sexual availability?Some? they just flame like a bright fire. How would they fit in? Don't ask, don't tell, provides a means to eliminate someone in a draft, who really isn't suitable
Last edited by caglewis on Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
You misunderstand what I'm saying. What I was trying to say to FIDO that he might think about when addressing this group is that many homosexual men are like Chris Crock (that's who is photographed here) and would have a very very difficult time. Flaming means that they're far more effeminate than most women are.
Speaking of. I worked with a guy who was kinda a girly type of acting guy. Kinda like David Spade but a wee bit more so...but..I'm 99.9% certain he was interested in only girls. He was VERY quick witted and you had to be on your toes around him..but when he would get wound up...he'd get really putting the 'feminine touch' to his 'nunciating and I started it and everyone else picked up on it shouting 'Flame On' to him...and he'd get so torqued! (flame on from the cartoon book hero Cagle)

Speaking of. I worked with a guy who was kinda a girly type of acting guy. Kinda like David Spade but a wee bit more so...but..I'm 99.9% certain he was interested in only girls. He was VERY quick witted and you had to be on your toes around him..but when he would get wound up...he'd get really putting the 'feminine touch' to his 'nunciating and I started it and everyone else picked up on it shouting 'Flame On' to him...and he'd get so torqued! (flame on from the cartoon book hero Cagle)

- sghsrebel09
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
I honestly don't see why it matters. You aren't in the military to find your soulmate, you're there to fight for your country and the rights that it has.
"Gays" have it hard enough as it is. Why in the world would you restrict someone from doing what they feel is morally right, not to mention helpful, for the good of their country. The "don't ask don't tell" policy, I don't really care about it. The last time I checked it wasn't eHarmony, no one has to know if you or heterosexual or homosexual. It doesn't matter in any way, shape, or form. You fight for your country, keep the rights that make us equal and don't worry about if the man or woman standing next to you, fighting for the same thing, is homo/heterosexual or not. They are your brothers and your sisters fighting for the same rights and reasons you are.
I'm not really sure how many group showers there are, but I can almost guarantee if you are worried about them wanting you mid shower, you are most definitely not their type.
"Gays" have it hard enough as it is. Why in the world would you restrict someone from doing what they feel is morally right, not to mention helpful, for the good of their country. The "don't ask don't tell" policy, I don't really care about it. The last time I checked it wasn't eHarmony, no one has to know if you or heterosexual or homosexual. It doesn't matter in any way, shape, or form. You fight for your country, keep the rights that make us equal and don't worry about if the man or woman standing next to you, fighting for the same thing, is homo/heterosexual or not. They are your brothers and your sisters fighting for the same rights and reasons you are.
I'm not really sure how many group showers there are, but I can almost guarantee if you are worried about them wanting you mid shower, you are most definitely not their type.
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
When you have served and seen it--- I say die--no hate for the gay person here.kantuckyII wrote:It's sad to see that much hate in one person boil to the surface like that, isn't it?!biggdowgg wrote:hmmmmm, funny you say die,instead of fight.
but like you said ,its no ones buisness. 8)
You are reading things wrong.
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Feedback Needed..."Gays in the Military"
We was just havin' some fun with you was Biggdowgg's idea