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Just thinking

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:48 pm
by oak hill71
I was looking at another message board, and the subject of rascism came up, and a black guy got on there purposely reaching at some comments and turning them into rascist remarks against him. One of the people called him a moron, and he immediately started saying that he was a rascist because of it.

So what is everyone's thoughts on this? It's alright to dislike an arrogant, annoying white man, but you immediately get called a rascist if you dislike an annoying, arrogant black man?

Why is it I am only only allowed to dislike a person if he is white?

Re: Just thinking

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:37 pm
by Tigercannon71
Thats the problem in society today. You cant dislike somebody for being a moron unless they are the same race, sexual preference, sex, size, or different in any way from you. If they are they start to call you homophobic, sexist, racist, or whatever kind of -ist you have. Really its a sad commentary on our society that it has become that way.