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Middle School Girls Softball Tournament Summer Inman Benefit

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:27 pm
by muddaubr
The Logan Middle School Softball team is hosting a softball tournament to benefit, the Summer Inman family and the Logan Middle School Softball Program. We are requesting a $150.00 entry fee.

I'm sure you are aware, Logan is the home of a young mother who was recently murdered. Her name: Summer Inman.

Summer is survived by three young children, ages 5 and under who need our love and financial support We are hoping to raise a significant amount of money for Summer Inman's children.

The double elimination tournament will be held in Logan at Mingo Park, on May 21, 2011 and May 22, 2011. We will have 2 softball fields available and 1 baseball field. Certified umpires will be assigned to each game. Teams placing fourth and third will receive medals; second and champion will receive medals and a trophy.

Deadline for Entries is May 4, 2011.

For further information, send email to [email protected] or phone, Carol Powers, (740) 603- 0768 or Lori Schrader (740) 603-6303

Re: Middle School Girls Softball Tournament Summer Inman Ben

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:10 pm
by muddaubr
Deadline is the 4th of May, but I am sure we can accommodate a few late entries. We can guarantee two (2) games. This is going to be an awesome tourney that you will not want to miss! There will be teams from all around the surrounding area and possibly a team from out of state. Contact Carol @740-603-0768 or [email protected]