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A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:46 pm
by toast
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:32 pm
by Chieftain
The idea is actually quite old, but is the best measure for the support of a total society and as the speaker noted, quite common in many societies. No one becomes rich in a vaccum -- you need workers, customers and the support of govt. services that allow you to pursue wealth -- police, military protection, utilities and the goods and services that others provide for your consumption........... i.e. , an integrated society. Democracy itself lends to the ability of that society to have incentives for work and pursuing a living. You can not amass wealth without those factors and to keep it healthy for everyone's benefit as well as your own, the progressive system has been utilized for thousands of years. To hear the contrary is to listen to someone with greed in their plans.
Never fails.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:02 pm
by Xtoxxviii
Looters are the true greedy ones.......................
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:58 pm
by eccedomusscientiae
With tax you don't get it back. Yes, you can have them reduced, but the actual tax you pay, you dint get it back. Social Security is not a tax, I feel it is a forced retirement/healthcare plan.
As far as progressive taxes, I have no problem paying more tax as I benefit more. What upsets me is providing an avenue for many to just lay on the couch and not be productive members of the "civilization" as the speaker calls it.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:00 pm
by Chieftain
I call "B.S."
As is typical, what little abuse people want to point to still doesn't alleviate the obvious need for these programs -- going to cut out the elderly ? The infirmed ? Kids ? The poor ?
We are talking tens of millions who would otherwise be in the streets. Either make the case ( and you can't) for letting people suffer or stop with the foolish remarks that do not address the overwhelming needs for programs and why they exist. Chase your strawman "abuser" if you must, but expose yourself as a fraud unless you want no programs in this society no matter the severity of the problems.
Taxes complainers are all about greed. Especially the rich.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:22 pm
by Boonedawg
Not going to make a bit of difference when a loaf of bread costs a weeks wages. ... llars.html
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:02 pm
by Space Cowboy
Paladin_II wrote:I call "B.S."
As is typical, what little abuse people want to point to still doesn't alleviate the obvious need for these programs -- going to cut out the elderly ? The infirmed ? Kids ? The poor ?
We are talking tens of millions who would otherwise be in the streets. Either make the case ( and you can't) for letting people suffer or stop with the foolish remarks that do not address the overwhelming needs for programs and why they exist. Chase your strawman "abuser" if you must, but expose yourself as a fraud unless you want no programs in this society no matter the severity of the problems.
Taxes complainers are all about greed. Especially the rich.
And just where do you get your info from? Factcheck?
I see hordes every single day that are collecting money and bennies from Uncle Sugar Daddy that dont hit a legit lick of work....and a few of them that dont even have citizenship.
May be that percentage-wise, it might not seem like much, but Im willing to bet its a huge chunk money-wise.
If the dead-beats only added up, nationwide, to lets say 7% (and we both know its more. to say it isnt is dishonest) do you realize how much money could be paid down on our debt?
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:44 pm
by Chieftain
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:58 pm
by Space Cowboy
You are still dodging where you got your figures.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:42 pm
by eccedomusscientiae
A good lawyer and you will qualify.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:58 pm
Paladin_II wrote:I call "B.S."
As is typical, what little abuse people want to point to still doesn't alleviate the obvious need for these programs -- going to cut out the elderly ? The infirmed ? Kids ? The poor ?
I call DOUBLE B.S.
I seriously doubt that the most conservative person on here would want to "cut out" the truly needy elderly, kids, or poor. In fact I'd say that they would be 1st in line to help the TRULY needy. What gripes most is things like standing in the checkout line at Krogers with your balogna, weiners and a loaf of bread and there is a young, dirty female with two or three kids rummaging through everything on the shelves and some big healthy Ox helping her load the T-bone and ribeye steaks, etc. into her cart. And that isn't some occasional thing either. You see it almost every time you go grocery shopping. I've even seen food stamps in poker games before.
I have a female acquaintance that has two young kids that used to take her food stamps and go to Krogers and buy a ton of groceries and took them home and sold them to her sister at half price (for cash) and then took the cash and went and bought cigarettes and beer with it. In this case, BOTH people were beating the system and people that work are paying for it.
To say that there is a minimal ripoff of the system is a HUGE joke. If I had to guess, I'd say that more than HALF of these people receiving "gimmies" could make it on their own if they would just do it.
I think you are really off base when you insinuate that ANY "conservative" wants to see ANY needy person starve to death but it IS kinda tough to work all week and see people that don't (won't) hit a lick at a snake eating better than you do.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:08 pm
by Xtoxxviii
doesn’t look like this thread is going in its intended direction.
Maybe Americans are becoming aware of the true greedy ones in our society………………..
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:42 pm
by toast
Excellent post Paladin!
I'm not sure some of you actually listened to the clip. This isn't about those that misuse social programs or the waste of our tax dollars. We all know that exist. Although some of you conveniently forget about the
billions wasted on corporate welfare.
This is simply about the obligation people of different wealth and incomes should have when it come to paying taxes.
"It went similar to this:
The greater the economic gain you have achieved by living in a civilized society the greater your duty to maintain that society with your taxes." Economic justice is a moral issue which is recognized by most religions.
overall tax burden hasn't changed much in the last half century or so and the
percentage the wealthy pay has been dropping for years.
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:11 pm
by Space Cowboy
toast wrote:Excellent post Paladin!
I'm not sure some of you actually listened to the clip. This isn't about those that misuse social programs or the waste of our tax dollars. We all know that exist. Although some of you
conveniently forget about the billions wasted on corporate welfare.
This is simply about the obligation people of different wealth and incomes should have when it come to paying taxes.
"It went similar to this:
The greater the economic gain you have achieved by living in a civilized society the greater your duty to maintain that society with your taxes." Economic justice is a moral issue which is recognized by most religions.
overall tax burden hasn't changed much in the last half century or so and the
percentage the wealthy pay has been dropping for years.
I didnt forget about it. I was just waiting for for one of you socialsts to bring it up.
To start, you will not hear me defending Bushs economic policies. Fisically, he sucked.
But to blame him and all the repubs for all of their corporate welfare and then to turn around and defend the liberal (read: socialst) move to bail out General Motors ( not to mention the advantage the dems gave Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....and they still needed bailing out) , Kissing ass of the oil industry, bailing out the "big banks", and allowing the Fed to buy up to 70% of its own debt by printing up more money (further devaluing the dollar) is dishonest, and, quite frankly,in my book, bordering on treason.
The government made me a Ford man overnight........Its also worth mentioning that the most of those politicians that voted to bail out G.M. went out and bought european autos

Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:15 am
by Space Cowboy
......and what part of "if" is so hard to understand?
Re: A moral argument for Progressive taxes
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:44 am
by Burg_Grad_77