http://www.boingboing.net/2011/06/06/to ... ug-52.html
If the country made it through 8 years of the nut Hedge we can get through this mans 4/8kantuckyII wrote:Guy, we already have a nut in the White House right now so why would you be so upset over Palin? I mean, come on...look how Obama embarrassed us in England recently? he tried to get the Queen to toss back a cold one while they played their national anthem and when he signed the Westminster Abbey register, he was three years off on the date. What a joke!
I mean, seriously, watch this dork, he actually thinks that their playing music so his speech
I'm sure this thread will be removed in a few minutes anyway but enjoy the first dork's blundering before it is
Was Obama there as our prez in 2008? No! lol check out that date he penned down...
Typical SEO Americans..... when you are through with it, just throw your trash down wherever you happen to be and let it blow in the wind.kantuckyII wrote:
What are you talking about when you're talking about conservative policies? What are they that should elicit a negative response from GAHS? Or any of the mods for that matter?Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:I also call b.s. You claim to have contempt for the left and right camps. But really, you're either a closeted conservative or a conservative in denial. Either way, you're a hardcore conservative. If you would call b.s. on Kantucky every time he has political diarrhea of the mouth, your claims would have more credibility. But his nonsense never illicits a negative response from you. And the irony of all this, and this is absolutely true, is that conservative policies will never help people like you or Kantucky, or the vast majority of us. You do understand that conservatives who have power wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire, don't you?
that's true, whereas the liberals who have power will absolutely pisss on you whether you are on fire or not............Der_Kommissar1968 wrote: You do understand that conservatives who have power wouldn't take a leak on you if you were on fire, don't you?
of course you caught on to it years before the masses......just after you invented the wheel i would imagine.Paladin_II wrote:I see others have caught on to something I discovered years ago here.
I laugh when they proclaim they are moderate