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Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:43 pm
by abuck76
This is a travesty of justice.........This young man was gunned down for no reason.........The man who did it was on a psychological vigilante trip, and these parents now, do not have their son..........Ask God to comfort this family.......... :12224

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:24 am
by abuck76
I am amazed...I waited and watched, to see how many people commented...........Shame on you.........This young man was murdered for being a black kid, by a self appointed executioner..........May God be with Trayvon and his family, and with YOU........... :12224

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:07 am
by FlyingBuckeye3
Just because someone doesn't comment on this thread doesn't mean they haven't thought about or prayed for this family. I have personally prayed for comfort and guidance through such a tough loss for this family, no one ever deserves to lose a child at such a young age. I was hesistant to comment though because I feel the media is more concerned if this is a race issue than respecting and consoling the family in a time of tragedy. Prayers go up across America for this family.

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:40 am
by grndma1
I watched Trayvon's family on Anderson Cooper's show yesterday. I sat here and cried along with his momma as they talked of their son. I pray that this family will get the justice that their son deserves. It doesn't matter if he was black or white, how he was dressed, or where he lived. He was shot and killed and that police department has failed to do their job in the investigation. Maybe some people don't agree with me and Maybe some do, but I hope with all this national attention that this story is getting, that something will finally be done in this case.

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:37 pm
by LucasJackson
By reading this thread, why does there need to be an investigation. Get a rope and hang the guy. Prayers to the family of anyone killed. the family will have a tough time. I thought only right wingers convicted people before due process. Guess not.

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:22 pm
by Tigercannon71
Yes say a prayer for his family. Anytime a 17 year old is shot its a very tragic case. That family will have to live with that for the rest of their lives. Lets not jump to conclusions and let a lynch mob kill this man yet. Let justice play out. Look what happened in the Duke Lacross case as well as Casey Anthony. Everyone knew they were guilty, but when facts came out they were found not guilty. Dont let the media sway your judgement and be quick to condemn this man who shot this young boy. Let the facts and the case play out. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty no matter what the media or abuck says.

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:46 pm
by abuck76
You are a sad human being TC............. :12224

Re: Say a prayer for Trayvon Martin and his family

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:55 pm
by kantuckyII
I'd pray for his family but I wouldn't pray for him. Before he took his last heart beat, it was determined where his soul will be for an eternity. Did he accept Christ or reject Him? That's settled in this life There's no reason to pray for him now, he's gone...either eternally separated from God or in His Presence forever. I feel for his family but...would like to know what happened, really

Secondly, they, as well as you, want to use this young man, either to promote more racial hatred or to attack gun ownership. This kid is going to be used like someones property. Even Obama has gotten in on this..said that if he had a son, that he would have looked like Trayvon. Eric Holder is also in on this now! can you believe it? why wasn't he in on it a couple weeks ago when those two black 16 year olds chased down a 13 year old white boy, poured gasoline on him and set him on fire? Eric Holder should probably be in prison himself right now. This administration is the most divisive in our nation's history but all in all? nothing that I didn't say was going to happen four and five years ago...

Lastly, as Dino said and TC added, let's let this man be tried before he's guilty