Golf Scramble
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:03 pm
Hi to all,
I am posting this for one of my "kids"...........please copy this or pass it on to every one of your friends.
Folks, as many of you saw on November 5th, the rat pack in logan, lost a dear friend/classmate/teammate/brother in BJ Hughes. He was taken away from all of us too soon. To honor B.J.'s memory we are having a golf outing in Logan, at the Brass Ring Golf Club. August 11th is the date that we have chosen. We are trying to get as many of our friendly rivals to attend as possible. BJ played football, basketball and ran track during high school. The one sport he didn't play was golf, and I'm not sure if there's a sport that kid loved more. It would mean the world to me, the Hughes family, and to BJ to gather on the 11th, and play in his memory.
It's going to be a 3 man best ball scramble. The registration form, and other information can be found at If you have any questions please feel free to text/call me 740-974-2201.
-Cole Resler
If you can't reach Cole you can call or text me and I will forward all messages to him.
Paula Humphreys. 740-710-2497
I am posting this for one of my "kids"...........please copy this or pass it on to every one of your friends.
Folks, as many of you saw on November 5th, the rat pack in logan, lost a dear friend/classmate/teammate/brother in BJ Hughes. He was taken away from all of us too soon. To honor B.J.'s memory we are having a golf outing in Logan, at the Brass Ring Golf Club. August 11th is the date that we have chosen. We are trying to get as many of our friendly rivals to attend as possible. BJ played football, basketball and ran track during high school. The one sport he didn't play was golf, and I'm not sure if there's a sport that kid loved more. It would mean the world to me, the Hughes family, and to BJ to gather on the 11th, and play in his memory.
It's going to be a 3 man best ball scramble. The registration form, and other information can be found at If you have any questions please feel free to text/call me 740-974-2201.
-Cole Resler
If you can't reach Cole you can call or text me and I will forward all messages to him.
Paula Humphreys. 740-710-2497