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Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:35 am
by kantuckyII
Veterans retreating from President Obama

President Barack Obama is trying hard to win veterans, but it looks like they’d prefer a new commander in chief.

The Obama campaign had been hoping that veterans and their families — especially among the post-Sept. 11 generation that served in Iraq and Afghanistan — would be part of their path to victory: They’re a high turn-out demographic and concentrated in battleground states, with nearly 1 million each in North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia, and 1.6 million in Florida.

But recent polls make clear that the president’s campaign is losing the battle. Even as Obama leads in Colorado, Florida, Ohio and Virginia, Mitt Romney is up by double digits among veterans in those states. Nationwide, he’s got a commanding 20-percentage-point lead over Obama and has even overtaken the president with younger veterans.

(Also on POLITICO: Mitt's transition efforts intensifying )

“It’s no contest,” said Maurice Tamman, a Reuters data news editor who has polled on veterans and the presidential campaign.

Obama’s campaign has been trying to improve on a historical Democratic disadvantage on national security and among veterans by touting the killing of Osama bin Laden, ending Iraq combat operations and winding down the war in Afghanistan. They’ve also been talking up the administration’s attention to veterans’ benefits and efforts spearheaded by first lady Michelle Obama, hoping to appeal not just to the troops but to the spouses and other military family members who have coped with long separations and multiple deployments.

(Also on POLITICO: Dan Senor: U.S. 'looks impotent' )

Instead, even as Obama has been gaining in the overall polls, several NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls conducted from Sept. 9-11 had Romney well ahead of Obama among veterans in Florida , Ohio and Virginia . And in Colorado, a poll released Sept. 16 by SurveyUSA and the Denver Post found both veterans and military families supporting Romney over Obama 53 percent to 39 percent in a survey that included third-party candidates.

Back in May, Obama had the lead among Afghanistan and Iraq veterans. But a Reuters/Ipsos poll from September says that’s evaporated, with Romney now up 48 percent to 34 percent.

Obama campaign aides said the slip in the polls needs to be considered alongside recent surveys showing the president ahead of Romney on questions regarding foreign policy, leadership and keeping the country safe from terrorist attacks. In the campaign’s final weeks, Obama will try to close the gap among veterans by pressing Romney over several foreign policy stumbles as well as a lack of specifics on his plans for troops.

(Also on POLITICO: Lawmakers eyeing sequestion II? )

Ryan Williams, a Romney campaign spokesman, said the Republican’s lead among veterans comes from their resistance to the looming potential defense cuts under the budget sequester, problems with Obama’s foreign policy positions and the backdrop of the stagnant economy that’s left the post-Sept. 11 generation of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans with a difficult time finding work when they return home.

Read more: ... z27UnrdYW3

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:41 am
by NYBuckeye96
Romney doesn't care about the military. He failed to mention them at his Convention. Also, the GOP in the Senate blocked the military jobs bill. DISGUSTING!

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:43 am
by kantuckyII
Well, let's just say your wrong and then pretend you're right...isn't that the normal for a lib?

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:49 am
by NYBuckeye96
How am I wrong?

Did Romney mention the military at his Convention?

Did the GOP in the Senate pass the military jobs bill?

Yes or No

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:08 pm
by Burg_Grad_77
Imagine that, Tuck starts another political thread on a forum where just last week he called for the banning of people who mentioned politics on one of his threads.


Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:52 pm
by abuck76
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor old tuck.........God bless his little heart burg.............he can not help himself........... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .................. :12224

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:54 pm
by kantuckyII
Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Imagine that, Tuck starts another political thread on a forum where just last week he called for the banning of people who mentioned politics on one of his threads.

Naw, it just became apparent, watching you guys, that anything goes here on SEOP on the Chat Forum. I just saw this article and thought how relevant it is and then I thought, hey, they post 'em and when in Rome?.....

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:23 am
by caglewis
Do not veterans need and DESERVE the health care provided by the VA and easy access to it? Who champions and supports that?? Wouldn't the Republican budget plan proudly eliminate those benefits - don't they call recipients "freeloaders" dependent on government handouts and ridicule their need and cut the budget?
Are you a "veteran" 'tucky? Who provides/pays for your health care? If it's any government entity, then how dare you criticize "governmental" provision of health care for anyone else? How would Republicans do it better than Obama?

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:47 am
by kantuckyII
Republicans have for years been the ones who've supported the military and its members but anyway, you'll have to take it up with them, I'm just sharing the article

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:12 am
by caglewis
Just "sharing an article", were you? Not expressing a political or religious opinion?

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:39 am
by abuck76
I think Romney or any candidate not mentioning the military at such an important event , while you have men and women dying on foreign soil is unconscionable....The military will remeber......And the Senate stopping a bill that would help veterans on their return?...What in the heck is wrong with you guys in the GOP?..For Gods sake, just do what is right!!!!!!!............. :12224

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:09 am
by noreply66
abuck76 wrote:I think Romney or any candidate not mentioning the military at such an important event , while you have men and women dying on foreign soil is unconscionable....The military will remeber......And the Senate stopping a bill that would help veterans on their return?...What in the heck is wrong with you guys in the GOP?..For Gods sake, just do what is right!!!!!!!............. :12224
if it was started by the Ds the Rs will voted it down--then they re-word it and say it is theirs.

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:11 am
by kantuckyII
caglewis wrote:Just "sharing an article", were you? Not expressing a political or religious opinion?
I'm allowing them to express 'Their Views'

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:12 am
by kantuckyII
abuck76 wrote:I think Romney or any candidate not mentioning the military at such an important event , while you have men and women dying on foreign soil is unconscionable....The military will remeber......And the Senate stopping a bill that would help veterans on their return?...What in the heck is wrong with you guys in the GOP?..For Gods sake, just do what is right!!!!!!!............. :12224
We've sure not heard much about the active military members dying every day in Afghanistan since Obama put so many of them there, have we? Seems like if the D's are in control, they're expendable and have very little value

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:32 am
by NYBuckeye96
kantucky never answered my questions............

Did Romney mention the military at his Convention?

Did the GOP in the Senate pass the military jobs bill?

Yes or No

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:56 am
by Eagle82
How come the media has shut up on Afghanistan? Soldier deaths more under Obama.

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:57 am
by tarheels18
Good luck getting an answer NYBuck. I usually just read through these threads and don't post, but one thing I've noticed is if Tuck is wrong he wont answer. Take a look at another thread of his. I'm still waiting to read a reply to it. ... 18&t=91060

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:25 pm
by Orange and Brown
One thing I have learned over the years is that when Extremists are wrong they tend to shut up and change there tactic, and that is what someone on here does. If they are proven wrong they just drop it and go spread more lies and accusations somewhere else (in this case another thread).
When one is sexist, Racist, and and can't comprehend that another persons views just might be right. It tends to make discussion, (at least well thought out informative discussion) impossible.....

What makes it even worse is when they hide all there views and beliefs behind the vale of Christianity, it just becomes pathetic.
As somewhat of a Biblical Scholar, and a member of society, it is very disheartening....

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:59 pm
by noreply66
kantuckyII wrote:
caglewis wrote:Just "sharing an article", were you? Not expressing a political or religious opinion?
I'm allowing them to express 'Their Views'
No --we allow you and then when you are set straight off you go to another hot air topic

Re: Veterans Don't Like Obama! He's Losing...Badly

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:41 pm
by NYBuckeye96
Jon Stewart presents............................SCREWING PRIVATE RYAN..........