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Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:10 pm
by kantuckyII
This might be a shock to some of you that it wasn't a shock to me
Lean Forward: Rev. Al Sharpton drops ‘God’ from Pledge of Allegiance
MSNBC might be the only place where God can’t get a shout-out from a Baptist minister.
In a recently released commercial for the network, part of its “Lean Forward†series, MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation†host and Baptist minister Rev. Al Sharpton is featured, expressing the need to renew the fight against discrimination. And at the end of his plea, he cites the Pledge of Allegiance, but omits the phrase “under God†from it.
“We must have a renewed fight for many of the things we fought for because voting rights, and women’s rights, and the rights of people against discrimination, whether they’re African-American, Latino, lesbian and gay must be protected, until we have a nation that is really living up to the creed of one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,†Sharpton said. “Not all of one kind, but all.â€
Even though, as noted by Newsbusters’ Ken Shepherd, the original iteration of the Pledge of Allegiance did not include “under God,†the omission of the phrase has been a point of controversy. In June 2011, MSNBC’s parent network NBC omitted â€God†from the pledge at the beginning of the U.S. Open golf tournament.
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:08 pm
by abuck76
Was not in the original pledge.........Should not be in there now.........That is an easy :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:14 pm
by kantuckyII
The only reason you think that's okay is because the two are cut out of the same cloth. That sure is not a compliment
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:22 pm
by abuck76
Should not be in it..........I do not say it in the mornings at school............. :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:53 pm
by ManitouDan
The next time abuck sticks up for any christian cause it will be the first time ... and he proclaims to be a christian .... sad .
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:56 pm
by abuck76
I am a proud Christian trying to protect my faith.......I know you can not understand that, but try............. :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:00 pm
by kantuckyII
You don't accept the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith Abuck. Ever notice that you're always on the side of the atheist as well? you're just kidding yourself friend..I don't think you're anymore a Christian than I am a Green Bay Packer. Ole Al? ever heard him ONE TIME tell people they need to be born again? He's preaching a social gospel, not the good news of the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He's not a Reverend of the Christian Faith..he's only kidding himself. Hiding behind the mask
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:14 pm
by abuck76
Oh, I understand tuck.....You are the one.......The Only One..............The one that knows everything and if we , other Christians, do not agree with you, we are the ones that are wrong..........Your despotic way is getting old............ :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:48 pm
by Burg_Grad_77
abuck76 wrote:Oh, I understand tuck.....You are the one.......The Only One..............The one that knows everything and if we , other Christians, do not agree with you, we are the ones that are wrong..........Your despotic way is getting old............ :12224
You haven't figured that out yet abuck? I honestly believe he thinks he is the only one that knows anything and everything about the Bible and if you don't agree with him then you aren't a Christian.
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:11 pm
by farmer
The Pledge of Allegiance
A Short History
Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. In his Pledge, he is expressing the ideas of his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, author of the American socialist utopian novels, Looking Backward (1888) and Equality (1897).
Francis Bellamy in his sermons and lectures and Edward Bellamy in his novels and articles described in detail how the middle class could create a planned economy with political, social and economic equality for all. The government would run a peace time economy similar to our present military industrial complex.
The Pledge was published in the September 8th issue of The Youth's Companion, the leading family magazine and the Reader's Digest of its day. Its owner and editor, Daniel Ford, had hired Francis in 1891 as his assistant when Francis was pressured into leaving his baptist church in Boston because of his socialist sermons. As a member of his congregation, Ford had enjoyed Francis's sermons. Ford later founded the liberal and often controversial Ford Hall Forum, located in downtown Boston.
In 1892 Francis Bellamy was also a chairman of a committee of state superintendents of education in the National Education Association. As its chairman, he prepared the program for the public schools' quadricentennial celebration for Columbus Day in 1892. He structured this public school program around a flag raising ceremony and a flag salute - his 'Pledge of Allegiance.'
His original Pledge read as follows: 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag and (to*) the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.' He considered placing the word, 'equality,' in his Pledge, but knew that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans. [ * 'to' added in October, 1892. ]
Dr. Mortimer Adler, American philosopher and last living founder of the Great Books program at Saint John's College, has analyzed these ideas in his book, The Six Great Ideas. He argues that the three great ideas of the American political tradition are 'equality, liberty and justice for all.' 'Justice' mediates between the often conflicting goals of 'liberty' and 'equality.'
In 1923 and 1924 the National Flag Conference, under the 'leadership of the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution, changed the Pledge's words, 'my Flag,' to 'the Flag of the United States of America.' Bellamy disliked this change, but his protest was ignored.
In 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, 'under God,' to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.
Bellamy's granddaughter said he also would have resented this second change. He had been pressured into leaving his church in 1891 because of his socialist sermons. In his retirement in Florida, he stopped attending church because he disliked the racial bigotry he found there.
What follows is Bellamy's own account of some of the thoughts that went through his mind in August, 1892, as he picked the words of his Pledge:
It began as an intensive communing with salient points of our national history, from the Declaration of Independence onwards; with the makings of the Constitution...with the meaning of the Civil War; with the aspiration of the people...
The true reason for allegiance to the Flag is the 'republic for which it stands.' ...And what does that vast thing, the Republic mean? It is the concise political word for the Nation - the One Nation which the Civil War was fought to prove. To make that One Nation idea clear, we must specify that it is indivisible, as Webster and Lincoln used to repeat in their great speeches. And its future?
Just here arose the temptation of the historic slogan of the French Revolution which meant so much to Jefferson and his friends, 'Liberty, equality, fraternity.' No, that would be too fanciful, too many thousands of years off in realization. But we as a nation do stand square on the doctrine of liberty and justice for all...
If the Pledge's historical pattern repeats, its words will be modified during this decade. Below are two possible changes.
Some prolife advocates recite the following slightly revised Pledge: 'I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, born and unborn.'
A few liberals recite a slightly revised version of Bellamy's original Pledge: 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with equality, liberty and justice for all.'
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:44 pm
by dazed&confused
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
John Adams, 'Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials,' December 1770
US diplomat & politician (1735 - 1826)
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:42 am
by kantuckyII
abuck76 wrote:Oh, I understand tuck.....You are the one.......The Only One..............The one that knows everything and if we , other Christians, do not agree with you, we are the ones that are wrong..........Your despotic way is getting old............ :12224
You're the only one I know that thinks you know more than the Apostles, the OT Prophets and Jesus Christ deny the basic fundamentals of the faith. I've never ran across anyone like you in my life. Are you the devil himself?
..and for the record? it's not ME who you're disagreeing's the Word Of God and God need to get that straight
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:45 am
by abuck76
Shout out for Al...Way To GO!!!!........... :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:00 am
by LucasJackson
abuck76 wrote:Was not in the original pledge.........Should not be in there now.........That is an easy :12224
So women once were unable to vote. So they shouldn't now? Narrow view for an open minded person like you
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:15 pm
by abuck76
Really?..You want to use that apples and oranges analogy..............Yea, you go with that........

............... :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:31 pm
by Kentucky Trojan
Abortion wasn't legal in 1776.
Let's go back to that, too.
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:14 pm
by abuck76
You do know you are trying to compare laws, abortion, and cultural hysteria, putting God in the :12224
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:33 pm
by Kentucky Trojan
Abortion is murder.
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:37 pm
by dazed&confused
Kentucky Trojan wrote:Abortion is murder.
Abortion is legal! Exclamation point!
Re: Can't God Get A Shout Out From Ole' Al?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:43 pm
by Kentucky Trojan
Abortion is murder.
Immoral and wrong.