Ive been kicked out of better places ?
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:05 pm
Somehow despite me occasionally pushing the envelope I've never been suspended on here ( even when i got carried away ) BUT BUT BUT BUT I got kicked off trip advisor this week . wow ... told two guys they make me want to puke ... I was furious over getting screwed over by sunwing airlines . And these two morons took up for the airlines . They actually emailed me sunday am at 8;26 am and told me my 3;30 pm flight left at 7;30 am ... yeah ... I got an email alert with*** FLIGHT STATUS CHANGE **** saying my flight left an hour ago..... only to find out 3 hours later they meant 7;30 am THE NEXT DAY . They didnt change the date before they sent the email out ... So right off the bat , overnight delay .... So we go to the airport the next am at 6am to be told ( with no call or email) that the 7;30 am flight was now delayed til 7;40 pm that night .... we cancelled and rescheduled for March . The two jackass's on Trip advisor said to set back and be happy , no reason to be angry at the airlines . MD