Winners Bracket!!!!!

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Winners Bracket!!!!!

Post by tro8410 »

Go ahead Light!!!

The championship dance is this Sunday, we'll be waiting...

I said half way through the season that we'd come back and win the whole darn thing and I don't care who we play, how many players you kick off our team, change the rules, turn the lights out during our games, or have whoever you want ref the games. Bottom line....we're still gonna win on Sunday. I'd feel like a puss if I had 2 try 2 win a league that I helped run by kicking the other players out the league. Don't worry though, Donnie will still get his championship t-shirt. It's also funny, when the 2 teams who run the league lose they're games, the website doesn't get updated...?

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Re: Winners Bracket!!!!!

Post by mattash »

I been busy man. Keep talking trash and I'll kick you out also. Just joking.

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Re: Winners Bracket!!!!!

Post by tro8410 »

Some one has stand up....

kicking Donnie out is weak! every team in that league moans and cry's about calls every week and the people on hunter was pulling his shorts and holding him and then flopped to the ground and cried like babies until he got kicked out. Then they wait until we leave the gym and say he can't next week in the championship, I would be embarrassed to try and beat a team when they aren't at full strength. I would feel like a chump....

I guess if you help run the league then you can make up rules as you go, to try and win your own league.

Being hated and having the target on us, is fine by us... just makes it even sweeter when we win

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Re: Winners Bracket!!!!!

Post by TheKing »

TRO here is the thing from game one this year we have been hosed from the ref to the people running the league. So what do you expect is going to happen. They know that with Donnie the have no chance but what they don't know is that with or without him they still have no chance. We are going to the dance and we are going to win in game one period. I don't care how much the Hunter team has be weak and not want to play us with Donnie because they know nobody on there team can match up with him we still have the rest of us who can't be guarded. Look at Travis in the hospital for several weeks and comes back and dominates and not to mention smoke who gets fouled every time he goes to the line. Bottom line is this with or without D we win and he gets his shirt and we will be dancing all night long.

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Winners Bracket!

Post by tro8410 »

I've ran my mouth too much, I'm just upset how Donnie isn't gonna get a chance to play. I'm not gonna say anything else, I'm just gonna show up and do my talking on the court like I've done this whole tournament. But kicking Donnie out like that is bush league. he didn't foul anyone or take anybody out and intentionally hurt anyone, he got frustrated and vented his opinion because they called a player control foul on him when he didn't even have the ball. i don't remember exactly who was guarding him, but who ever it was FLOPPED to the ground and screamed. Donnie got upset and they kicked him out. that is that... punishing him for the next game is garbage! if he got in a fight or purposely fouled someone hard then yeah I could see him getting out. Any other team in this league would be pissed if they're best player got suspended like ours did. I won't say nothing else, I'll just be there sunday

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Re: Winners Bracket!!!!!

Post by mattash »

I understand where you guys are coming from but unfortunately rules are rules. We had them in place from day one if you receive four T's then your out. It would not be fair to the other teams to allow him to play. I hate it for Rigsby honestly.

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