Young Americans tend to lean more to the left. 52% of Americans between the ages of 17 and 29 say that Democrats come closer to sharing their values,compared with 36% who say Republicans do.
31% of Americans say the Supreme Court is too conservative,up from 19% who held that view in 2005.18% say the court is too liberal and 47% say it is balanced.
89% of Americans say sending text messages while driving is dangerous and should be outlawed.Nevertheless, 57% admit to having sent text while driving.
Hillary Clinton has extended her lead over Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential contest. 48% of Democratic and Democratic- leaning voters now support Clinton for the nomination, compared to 26% who support Obama.Clinton margin grown by 10 points in just a month.
More Americans say the "surge" in Irag is working. 31% now say sending additional troops to Iraq is "making the situation better," up from 22% who said the same a month ago. Also,fever people say the invasion of Iraq was "a mistake"-down to 57% from last month's 62%
One in four American adults did not read any books last year.41% read between one and five books, 31% read between six and 15,and 27% say they read more than 15 books.
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's approval rating among Republican voters have reached double digits.14% of Republicans now favor Romney as the candidate,up from 8% last month.He's in third place behind Rudy Giuliani 32% and Fred Thompson 19%