This day in history...

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1507 Future German reformer Martin Luther, at age 21, was ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic church.
1541 Spanish ecclesiastic reformer and mystic Ignatius Loyola, 50, was elected the first General of the Jesuit Order, which he had helped establish the previous year.
1687 James II issued a Declaration of Indulgence allowing full liberty of worship in England. The document allowed peaceable meetings of nonconformists and forgave all penalties for ecclesiastical offenses.
1944 German Holocaust victim Anne Frank, 14, wrote in her diary: 'I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for giving me this gift...of expressing all that is in me.'
1965 German theologian Jurgen Moltmann revealed in a letter to Karl Barth: 'Polemics always makes one a little one-sided.'

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1949,12 nations,including the U.S. signed the North Atlantic Treaty.

In 1975,more than 130 people,most of them children,were killed when a U.S. Air Force transport plane evacuating Vietnamese orphans crashed shortly after takeoff from Saigon.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
6 BC This day is believed by some Biblical scholars to be the actual date of the historical birth of Jesus Christ.
1735 The first Moravians from Europe arrived in America. Invited by colonial governor James Oglethorpe, ten males of the "Unitas Fratrum" landed in Savannah, Georgia after sailing from England in February.
1830 James Augustine Healy, the first black Roman Catholic bishop in America, was born to an Irish planter and a slave on a plantation near Macon, Georgia.
1868 Mormon church leader Brigham Young, 67, married his 27th and last wife. (In all, Brigham Young's wives bore him 47 children.)
1952 American missionary and Auca Indian martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'Faith makes life so even, gives one such confidence, that the words of men are as wind.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1546 At its fourth session, the Council of Trent adopted Jerome's "Latin Vulgate" as the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. (Included in the Vulgate O.T. were the 15 apocryphal books which Protestants reject in their biblical canon.)
1730 Shearith Israel, first Jewish congregation organized in America, consecrated their synagogue in New York City.
1912 The American Theological Society was organized at Union Theological Seminary, in New York, for the purpose of discussing religious, theological and philosophical problems.
1945 German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the night before he was hanged by the Nazis, said: 'This is the end - - for me the beginning' -- his last recorded words.
1988 Televangelist Jimmy Swaggert, 52, was defrocked by the Assemblies of God following the disclosure of his involvement with a prostitute. (Swaggert was ordered to stay off TV for a year, but had returned after only three months.)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on April 08:
0563 -BC- Gautama Buddha (as celebrated in Japan-Kambutsue)
1460 Ponce de León San Tervas de Campos Spain, Spanish conqueror/explorer, searched for fountain of youth, found Florida
1533 Claudio Merulo organist/composer
1582 Phienas Fletcher poet
1605 Philip IV king of Spain & Portugal (1621-65)
1605 Louis de Vadder Flemish painter
1614 El Greco [Domenikos Theotokopoulos] Iráklion Crete Greece, painter (View of Toledo)
1631 Cornelis de Heem painter
1642 Gerard Callenbach Dutch Admiral
1655 Louis Willem I Margrave (Baden-Baden)
1692 Giuseppe Tartini Italy, violinist/composer (Trillo del Diavolo)
1695 Johann C Günther writer
1697 Pierre Prowo composer
1708 Georg Zarth composer
1726 Lewis Morris Bronx NY, US farmer (signed Declaration of Independence)
1731 William Williams Lebanon CT, US merchant (signed Declaration of Independence

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1816 In Philadelphia, church reformer Richard Allen, 56, was elected the first bishop of the newly-created African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. (Previously, in 1799, Allen had been the first black ordained to preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church.)
1838 Birth of Edward Kremser, German chorister. Included among his numerous vocal and instrumental works is the enduring hymn tune KREMSER ("We Gather Together").
1933 Death of Henry Van Dyke, 81, an American Presbyterian clergyman and author. He is still remembered for two writings: a book, "The Story of the Other Wise Man" (1896), and a hymn, "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" (1908).
1945 U.S. Armed forces liberated the prison camp at Buchenwald, Germany. It was estimated that nearly 57,000 prisoners (mostly Jews) perished in the gas chambers of Buchenwald during its eight-year existence as a Nazi concentration camp.
1970 The Russian Orthodox Church in America was granted autocephalic independence by its Mother organization, the Russian Orthodox Church. Headquartered today in Syosset, New York, membership in this religious body currently numbers approximately one million.

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In 1932,German president Paul Von Hindenburg was re-elected in a runoff,with Adolf Hitler coming in second.

In 1957,Egypt reopened the Suez Canal to all shipping traffic.(The canal had been closed due to wreakage resulting from the Suez Crisis.)

In 1957,John Osborne's play "The Entertainer," starring Laurence Olivier, opened in London.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1506 The foundation stone of the new St. Peter's Basilica was laid under the patronage of Julius II. (The church was not completed, however, until 1626.)
1834 Birth of Marcus Dods, Scottish clergyman and biblical scholar. His published works in New Testament studies helped popularize modern biblical scholarship in Great Britain.
1836 English philanthropist George Mueller opened his famous orphanage on Wilson Street in Bristol. (By 1875, Mueller's orphanage was providing care for over 2,000 children.)
1941 French-born American Trappist monk Thomas Merton affirmed in his "Secular Journal": 'If we are willing to accept humiliation, tribulation can become, by God's grace, the mild yoke of Christ, His light burden.'
1967 The Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International, formed in Dallas in 1962, changed its name to Christ for the Nations. This charismatic missions agency specializes in fund-raising and support for church construction and Christian literature distribution worldwide.

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In 1689,William III and MaryII were crowned as joint soverigns of Britain.

In 1814,Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated as Emperor of the French and was banished to the Island of Elba.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1204 The armies of the Fourth Crusade captured Constantinople and established the Latin Empire.
1572 French-born Swiss reformer Theodore Beza (John Calvin's successor) wrote in a letter to Scottish reformer John Knox: 'They whose citizenship is in heaven ought to have their whole dependence on heaven.'
1799 The Church Missionary Society was organized in London under the original name of the Society for Missions in Africa and the East. This Anglican missions agency currently works in fields located in Africa, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, Iran, Palestine and the Far East.
1882 The Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany was created by royal decree when the king of Prussia ordered the 124 "reformed" congregations scattered throughout the area to become incorporated as an independent territorial church.
1914 An 11-day constitutional convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas, ended. During its sessions, the Assemblies of God denomination was founded.

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In 1606,England's king James I decreed the design of the original Union Flag,which combined the flags of England and Scotland

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1059 Pope Nicholas II decreed that future popes could be elected by cardinals only.
1598 The Edict of Nantes was promulgated by France's King Henry IV (of Navarre), granting his Huguenot (Protestant) subjects a large measure of religious freedom. (The Edict remained in effect for 87 years.)
1853 Loyola College in Baltimore was chartered under Roman Catholic auspices.
1939 Delegates from independent Baptist churches in Shafter, Oildale, Lamont and Taft organized the first association of Southern Baptists in California.
1948 At the Antioch Baptist Church of Portland, representatives of 15 local congregations organized the Baptist General Convention of Oregon-Washington, the first organization of its kind in the Pacific Northwest.

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In 1912,the British liner Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic and began sinking.

In 1931,King Alfonso XIII of Spain went into exile,and the second Spanish Republic was proclaimed.

In 1939,the John Steinbeck novel "The Grapes of Wrath" was first published.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1521 German reformer Martin Luther, 34, arrived at the Diet of Worms, where he afterward defended his "Ninety-Five Theses," first advanced in 1517. At the Diet, Luther refused to recant his ideas 'unless overcome by Scripture.'
1772 Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'I think there is a scriptural distinction between faith and feeling, grace and comfort.... The degree of the one is not often the just measure of the other.'
1829 Death of Carl G. Glaser, 45, German choral master and composer of the hymn tune AZMON, to which we today sing, "O For a Thousand Tongues."
1904 Birth of Merrill C. Tenney, American N.T. scholar. In addition to his many scholarly writings, Tenney was dean of the Wheaton College Graduate School in Illinois from 1947-71.
1948 Christians in Action was incorporated in Compton, CA. Founded by Rev. Lee Shelley, this interdenominational overseas mission helps establish national churches in nearly two dozen overseas countries

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1640 Reorus Torkillus, 41, from Sweden, landed at Fort Christie in Delaware, making him the first Lutheran pastor to arrive in North America.
1776 English founder of Methodism John Wesley wrote in a letter: 'You have now such faith as is necessary for your living unto God. As yet you are not called to die. When you are, you shall have faith for this also.'
1833 English historian and statesman Thomas B. Macaulay declared: 'The whole history of Christianity proves that she has little indeed to fear from persecution as a foe, but much to fear from persecution as an ally.'
1920 Birth of Robert G. Bratcher, principal translator of the American Bible Society's 1966-1976 "Good News Bible" (also known as "Today's English Version").
1960 Swedish statesman and Secretary General of the U.N. Dag Hammarskjld noted in his journal "Markings": 'Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality because he who forgives you -- out of love - - takes upon himself the consequences of what you have done. Forgiveness, therefore, always entails a sacrifice.'

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In 1524,Giovanni da Verrazano reached present-day New York harbor

In 1969,Czechoslovak Communist party chairman Alexander Dubcek was deposed.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1521 German reformer Martin Luther, at the Diet of Worms, proclaimed that a biblical foundation supported the theological position of his "Ninety-Five Theses." Luther ended his defense with the famous words: 'Here I stand! I can do nothing else! God help me! Amen.'
1606 In Rome, Julius II laid the foundation stone of the second building of St. Peter's Basilica. Completed 20 years later by Urban VIII, St. Peter's today is the largest church in Christendom, with an overall length of 619 feet.
1874 In England, the remains of Scottish missionary David Livingstone (who had died the previous year in Africa at age 60) were interred in London's Westminster Abbey.
1882 Birth of George S. Schuler, American music educator. Affiliated with Moody Bible Institute for 40 years, Schuler is remembered today for composing the melody to the hymn, "Make Me a Blessing."
1930 American pioneer linguist Frank C. Laubach, while serving as a missionary in the Philippines, wrote in a letter: 'After an hour of close friendship with God, my soul feels clean as new fallen snow.'

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1649 The Toleration Act was passed by the Maryland Assembly. It protected Roman Catholics within the American colony against Protestant harassment, which had been rising as Oliver Cromwell's power in England increased.
1783 Birth of English churchman and hymnwriter Reginald Heber. Heber published his first hymn at 28, and among his best remembered today are: "Holy, Holy, Holy," "The Son of God Goes Forth to War" and "From Greenland's Icy Mountains."
1828 English churchman John Henry Newman wrote in a letter to his sister: 'May I be patient! It is so difficult to make real what one believes, and to make these trials, as they are intended, real blessings.'
1878 Leo XIII published the encyclical, "Inscrutabili dei consilio." It outlined a program of reconciling the Catholic Church with modern civilization, many of its details reversing policies of his predecessor, Pius IX.
1897 Birth of A. W. Tozer, one of the most popular and influential pastors to come out of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. Tozer was also a prolific writer, and his best- known publications include "The Pursuit of God" (1948) and "The Root of Righteousness" (1955

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
33 Christian tradition says the Jesus Christ, crucified three days earlier, was raised from the dead -- marking this date as the very first Easter. (The next time Easter falls on April 23rd will be in the year 2000.)
1586 Birth of Martin Rinkart, German clergyman and Latin scholar. Rinkart, a prolific writer, penned the German hymn which begins: "Nun danket alle Gott..." ("Now Thank We All Our God").
1779 Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: '"What Thou wilt, when Thou wilt, how Thou wilt." I had rather speak these three sentences from my heart in my mother tongue than be master of all the languages in Europe.'
1789 What is believed to have been the first Catholic newspaper in America, "The Courier de Boston" published its first issue. (The periodical lasted only until October 15th of this same year.)
1968 In Dallas, the 10.3 million-member Methodist and the 750 thousand-member Evangelical United Brethren churches joined together to form the United Methodist Church. The merger made this the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States (after the Southern Baptists).

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on April 24:
1538 Gugliemo Gonzaga composer
1576 San Vicente de Paúl
1594 Benedikt Lechler composer
1620 John Graunt statistician, founder of science of demography
1660 Cornelis Dusart Dutch painter/engraver
1670 Christian Ludwig Boxberg composer
1706 Giovanni Battista Martini composer
1721 Johann Philipp Kirnberger German composer, baptised
1742 Roman Hoffstetter composer
1743 Edmund Cartwright England, cleric, inventor (power loom)
1750 Simon-Antoine-Jean Lhuillier Swiss mathematician
1766 Robert Bailey Thomas founded Farmer's Almanac
1769 Arthur Wellesley General/Duke of Wellington
1773 Harman W Muntinghe lawyer/Dutch colonial director
1791 Nikolaj A Bestuzhev Russia, writer/painter (Account about Holland)
1796 K L Immermann writer
1804 Thomas Oliver Selfridge Commander (Union Navy)
1807 Charles Ferguson Smith Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1862
1814 Angela Burdett-Coutts philanthropist extrordinaire
1814 Vincente F López Argentina historian (La Novia del Hereje)
1815 Anthony Trollope England, novelist/poet (Barchester Towers)
1815 James Edward Harrison Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1875
1822 Erastus Barnard Tyler Brevet Major General (Union volunteers)
1824 Fournier Swiss/French postage stamp forger
1828 Robert Brank Vance Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1899
1829 George Peabody Estey Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1881
1836 Jeltje de Bosch Kemper Dutch feminist
1837 Friedrich von Holstein German diplomat (die graue Eminenz)
1845 Carl Spitteler Switzerland, poet (Prometheus & Epimetheus/Nobel 1919)
1849 Joseph S Galliéni General (Battle of Marne)/military governor (Paris)
1851 Eduardo Acevedo Díaz Uruguaian writer (Ismael, Grito de Gloria)
1856 Henri POBJ Pétain French marshal (Verdun/Vichy regime)
1864 George Alting van Geusau Director-General (PTT)/Dutch Minister of War (1918-20)
1867 Fannie Thomas became oldest known American (113 y 273 d at death)
1873 Theodor Körner von Siegringen Austrian General/President
1874 John Russell Pope US, architect (Jefferson Memorial)
1874 Willem E Roelofs Dutch painter/cartoonist
1875 Jeno Huszka composer

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