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Post by fuzzhead »

noreply66 wrote:Two-thirds of American Catholics who are familiar with the story line of "The Da Vinci Code do not believe church leaders are suppressing the truth about Jesus.12% say they believe the book over their church leaders.21% say they are unsure.

Le Moyne College/Zogby International/Contemporary Catholic Trends

If you believe a book more than church leaders, you're not a real catholic

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43% of Americans say Babe Ruth is the greatest home run hitter in the history of baseball.26% say Hank Aaron is the greatest,while only 3% call Barry Bonds the best.Before the recent steroid revelations,13% said Bonds was the greatest home run hitter.

USA Today/Gallup Poll

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If a hypothetical 2008 presidential election were held today,John McCain would beat Hillary Clinton,49% to 38%,with 13% unsure.McCain currently alao beats Al Gore,51% to 33%.If Hillary Clinton were running against Jeb Bush,though,she'd win 51% to 35%.

Fox/News/Opinion Dynamics

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60% of Americans say they can't wait more than 15 minutes in a line before losing their patience.When put on hold on the phone,54% say they can wait no more than five minutes.

Associated Press/Ipsos

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Post by bulldog21 »

noreply66 wrote:60% of Americans say they can't wait more than 15 minutes in a line before losing their patience.When put on hold on the phone,54% say they can wait no more than five minutes.

Associated Press/Ipsos

Haha, that's funny because I make 5 minutes my limit.

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42% of Americans say the U.S. Constitution should be amended to bar homosexual couples from getting married anywhere in the country.51% say it should be left up to the states to make their own laws on homosexual marriages.58% say gay marriage should be illegal,compared to 36% who say it should be legal.

ABC NEWS Poll/TNS Intersearch

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Only 11% of Americans say they plan on watching any World Cup soccer games on teleision.Of those who say they will watch,56% didn't know the games were being played in Germany.

The Baltimore Sun/Global Market Insite

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In the wake of the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,64% of American says it is either "very likely' or somewhat likely "that the U.S. will capture or kill Osama bin Laden.

USA Today/Gallup Poll

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73% of Americans say burning the American flag should be illegal. 21% say it should be legal.

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics

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57% of Americans support holding suspected terrorists without trial at the Guantanamo military prison,while 37% oppose it .However,only 25% believe these prisoners should be held indefinitrly without charges.71% say they should be given POW status or charged with a crime.

The Washington Post/ABC NEWS

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48% of Americans say President Bush's policies have hurt the country's economy.19% say he's helped the economy,while 27% don't think Bush has made much difference.

Los Angeles Times/bloomberg

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50% of Americans want a third political party to form over the next year and run candidates for the presidency,Congress,and state offices.37% say that's a bad idea.

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics

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Although 52% of Americans say lying is never justified, 40% say it's acceptable to exaggerate a story to make it more interesting.33% say it's okay to lie about age,and 33% say it's also okay to lie about being sick to take a day off of work.

Associated Press/lpsos Poll

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Democrats are far more likely to believe in global warming than Republicans.81% of Democrats say there is solid evidence that temperatures are rising,compared to 58% of Republicans.54% of Democrats and 24% of Republicans say human activity is the root cause.

Pew Research Center

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57% of Americans say their sympathies are more with Israel than with Hezbollah.4% say their sympathies are more with Hezbollah,and 20% say with neither.

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation

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Republican control of Congress may be in jeopardy this November.52% of registered voters say they would support the Democrat in their congressional districk if the election were held today,compared to 39% who say they would vote for the Republican.53% of those surveyed called themseves "anti-incumbent." In 1994,when Democrats lost both houses of Congress in a Republican sweep 54% of voters polled before the election described themselves as "anti-incumbent."

ABC NEWS/Washington Post poll

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80% of Americans say Mel Gibson's recent anti-Semitic rant will not dissuade them from seeing his movies.10% say they probably won't go to any more of his movies,while 6% say they definitely won't go.

Foxnews.com/Opinion Dynamics

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41% of Americans say Cuba is a "hamless opponent,while 28% consider it a dangerous enemy. 16% consider it neutral. 11% think Fidel Castro is already dead and the Cuban government is keeping it a secret.

Foxnews/opinion Dynamics

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34% of Americans say that they would vote for a Muslim candidate for president,while 53% say they would not.65% say they would vote for an evangelical Christian candidate,while 22% wouldn't.

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Only 16% of people in the Gulf Coast region hit by Hurricane Katrina a year ago say their lives are back to normal.

USA Today/Gallup Poll

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