Poll Watch
Just 19.6% of Americans say they believe "all or most of what they see and read in the national news media,down from 27.4% in 2003. By a 3-to-1 margin, Americans see journalist and broadcasters as "mostly" or "somewhat" liberal, as opposed to mostly or somewhat conservative.
Sacred Heart University Poll
Sacred Heart University Poll
GO LOGAN..The anti-Christ is among us
Judging their generally positive views of the current crop of Republican and Democratic candidates, it would appear that American voters are not clamoring for a third party canidate. 84% say one of the current canidates would make a good president. 72% say the candidates are talking about issues that they really care about.
Gallup Poll
Gallup Poll
Comparing President Bush with the past several presidents,28% of Americans rate him as "one of the very best" or "better than most. 29% consider Bush "not as good as most." while 41% rate him "definitely worse than most." Asked to rate former President Bill Clinton as either a good or bad president, 71% said good and 24% said bad.
USA Today/Gallup Poll
USA Today/Gallup Poll
Re: Poll Watch
55% of Americans believe there's intellibent life in outer space. 37% think there isn't.
ABC News
ABC News
Re: Poll Watch
Just 68% of people raised Catholic still identify with their childhood religion, compared with 80% of Protestants and 76% Jews.
Re: Poll Watch
16% of Americans describe themselves as "unaffiliated," a group that includes both atheists and believes without a denomination.
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Re: Poll Watch
67% of Americans say "traditional journalism, "including newspapers and TV, is "out of touch" with what they want from the news.
Re: Poll Watch
48% of Americans say the internet is now their primary source of news and information, up from 40% a year ago.
Re: Poll Watch
29% of Americans say they get most of their information from TV,11% from radio, and 10% list newspapers as their main information source.
Re: Poll Watch
29% of Americans haven't filled a prescription in the past two years due to the cost.
Re: Poll Watch
23% of Americans have skipped doses or cut pills in half to make their medication last longer.
USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard Poll
USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard Poll
Re: Poll Watch
Americans are growing less aware of the number of U.S. fatalities in Iraq. Only 28% know that 4,000 American soldiers have died in the war; in a similar poll last August, 54% knew that the fatality level at that time was nearly 3,500. In the new poll,46% underestimated the number of war deaths, while 23% overestimated it.
Re: Poll Watch
74% Of Americans say the economy has entered a recession, up from 66% who held that view last month. 42% say the economy is the biggest issue on their minds, double the number who list the war in Iraq as the top issue.
Cnn/Opinion Research Corp.
Cnn/Opinion Research Corp.