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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 5

In 1892,the Dalton gang,notorious for its train robberies,was practically wiped out while attempting to rob a pair of banks in Coffeyville,Kan.

In 1921,the World Series was broadcast on radio for the first time.(By series' end,the New York Giants had beaten the New York Yankees five games to three in the best-of-nine contest.)

In 1937,President Roosevelt called for a "quarantine" of aggressor nations.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 6th

In 1884,the Naval War College was established in Newport,R.I.

In 1949,President Truman signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Act,totaling $1.3 billion in military aid to NATO countries.

In 1973,war erupted in the Middle East as Egypt and Syria attacked Israel during the Yom Kippur holiday.

In 1976,in his second debate with Jimmy Carter,President Ford asserted there was "no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe." (Ford later conceded he'd misspoken.)

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 9th 83 days left in 2006

In 1635.religious dissident Roger Williams was ordered banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

In 1701.the Collegiate School of Connecticut --later Yale University--was chartered.

In 1776,a group of Spanish missionaries settled in present-day San Francisco.

In 1930,Laura Ingalls became the first woman to fly across the United States as she completed a nine-stop journey from Roosevelt Field,N.Y., to Glendale Calif.

In 1936,the first generator at Boulder (later Hoover) Dam began transmitting electricity to los Angeles.

In 1958,Pope Pius XII died.(He was suceeded by Pope John XXII.)

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 10th 82 days left in 2006

In 1956,the New York Yankees won the World series,defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers,9--0 in Game 7 at Ebbets Field.

In 1964,the 18th Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo

In 1973,Vice President Spiro T. Agnew,accused of accepting bribes,pleaded no contest,and resigned his office.

In 1981,funeral services were held in Caito for Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat,who had been assassinated by Muslim extremists.

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Oct. 11th 81 days left in 2006

In 1890,the Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in Washington.

In 1906,the San Francisco Board of Education ordered the city's Asian students segregated in a purely "Oriental" school.(The order was later rescinded at the behest of President Theodore Roosevelt,who promised to curb future Japanese immigration to the United States.)

In 1975,"NBC Saturday Night"(later "Saturday Night Live") made its debut with guest host George Carlin.

In 1984,space shuttle Challenger astronaut Kathy Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space.

In 1991,comedian Redd Foxx died in Los Angeles at age 68.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 12 80 days left in 2006

In 1870,Gen. Robert E. Lee died in Lexington,Va. at age 63.

In 1933, bank robber John Dillinger escaped from a jail in Allen County,Ohio,with the help of his gang,who killed the sheriff,Jesse Sarber.

In 1942, President Roosevelt delivered one of his so-called "fireside chats" in which he recommended the drafting of 18-and 19-year-old men.

In 2000,17 sailors were killed in a suicide bomb attack on the U.S. destroyer Cole in Yeman.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct.13 79 days left in 2006

In 1775,the United Sates Navy had it's origins as the Continental Congress ordered the construction of a navel fleet.

In 1843,the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith was founded in New York City.

In 1845,Texas voters ratified a state constitution.

In 1944,American troops entered Aachen,Germany.

In 1962,"Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?" by Edward Albee opened on Broadway.

In 1974, longtime television host Ed Sullivan died in New York City at age 72.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 16 76 days left in 2006

In 1859,abolitionist John Brown led a group of about 20 men in a raid on Harper's Ferry,Va.

In 1916,Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic,in New York City.(The clinic ended up being raided by police and Sanger was arrested.)

In 1987, a 58 1/2 hour drama in Midland,Texas,ended happily as rescuers freed Jessica McClure,an 18-month-old girl trapped in an abandoned well.

In 1991,a deadly shooting rampage took place in Killeen,Texas,as George Hennard crashed his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafetria and opened fire,killing 23 people before takking his own life.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 17 75 days left in 2006

In 1919,the Radio Corporation of America was chartered.

In 1931,mobster Al Capone was convicted of income tax evation(sentenced to 11 years in prison,Capone was released in 1939.)

In 1979,Mother Terwsa of India was awarded the Nobel Pease Prize.

In 1989,an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale struck northern California,Killing 67 people and causing $7 billion in danages.

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Oct. 18-74 days left in 2006

In 1648,Boston shoemakers were authorized to form a guild tp protect their interest;it's the first American labor organization on record.

In 1867,the United States took formal possession of Alaska from Russia.

In 1892,the first long-distance telephone line between New York and Chicago was officially opened (it could handle one call at a time).

In 1931, inventor Thomas Alva Edison died in West Orange,N.J. at age 84.

In 1968,the U.S. Olympic Committee suspended Tommie Smith and John Carlos for giving a "black power" salute as a protest during a victory ceremony in Mexico City.

In 1969,the federal government banned artificial sweeteners know as Cyclamates because of evidence they caused cancer in laboratory rats.

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Oct. 19-73 days left in 2006

In 1765,the Stamp Act Congress,meeting in New York,drew up a declaration of rights and liberties.

In 1864,Confederate Gen. Judal A. Early attacked Union Forces at Cedar Creek,Va.; the Union troops were able to rally and defeat the Confederates.

In 1953,singer Julius LaRosa,a regular on the CBS television program "Arthur Godfrey Time" was fired on the air by Godfrey,who accused him of lacking humility.

In 1960,President Eisenhower imposed an embargo on exports to Cuba covering all commodities except medical supplies and certain food products.

In 1987,the stock market crashed as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508 points,or 22.6 percent in value.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 20-72 days left in 2006

In 1803,the U.S. Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase.

In 1903,a joint commission ruled in favor of the United States in a boundary dispute between the District of Alaska and Canada.

In 1967,seven men were convicted in Meridian,Miss.,of violating the civil rights of three murdered civil rights workers.

In 1973,in the so-called "Sayurday Night Massacre," special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox was dismissed and Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William B. Ruckelshaus resigned.

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Oct. 21-71 days left in 2006

In 1797, The U.S. Navy frigate Constitution, also known as "Old Ironside," was christened in Boston's harbor.

In 1879, Thomas Edison perfected a workable electric light at his laboratory in Menlo Park.N.J.

In 1959,the Guggenheim Museum in New York opened to the public.

In 1967,tens of thousand of Vietnam War protesters began two days of demonstrations in Washington.

In 1991,American hostage Jesse Turner was freed by his kidnappers in Lebanon after nearly five years in capitvity.

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Oct. 23-69 days left in 2006

In 1864,forces led by Union Gen. Samuel R.Curtis repelled Confederate Gen. Sterling Price's army in the Civil War Battle of Westport,Mo.

In 1915, 25,000 women marched in New York City,demanding the right to vote.

In 1925,talk show host Johnny Carson was born in Corning,Iowa.

In 1946,the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York for the first time,at an auditorium in Flushing Meadow in Queens.

In 1973,President Nixon agreed to turn over White House tape recordings requested by the Watergate speacial prosecutor to Judge John J. Sirica.

In 1983,241 U.S. Marines and Sailors in Lebanon were killed in a suicide truck-bombing at Beirut International Airport;a near-simultaneous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers.

In 1987,the U.S. Senate rejected 58-42 the Supreme Court nomination of Robert H. Bork.

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Oct. 24-68 days left in 2006

In 1861,the first transcontinental telegraph message was sent as Justice Stephen J. Field of California transmitted a telegram to President Lincoln.

In 1901,widow Anna Edson Tayloc became the first person to survive going over Niagera Falls in a barrell.

In 1931,the George Washington Bridge,connecting New York and New Jersey,opened to traffis.

In 1939,nylon stocking were sold publicly for the first time,in Wilmington,Del.

In 1940,the 40-hour work week went into effect under the Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938.

In 1952,Republican presidential canidate Dwight D. Eisenhower declared,I shall go to Korea as he promised to end the conflict.(He made the visit over a month later.)

In 1991,Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry died in Santa Monica,Calif.,at age 70.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 25-67 days left in 2006

In 1951,peace talks aimed at ending the Korean Conflict resumed in Panmunjorm after 63 days.

In 1962,U.S. ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson presented photographic evidence of Soviet missile bases in Cuba to the U.N. Security Council.

In 1983,A U.S.-led force invaded Grenada at the order of President Reagan.

In 1986,in game 6 of the World Series, the Boston Red Sox lost to the New York Mets on a wild pitch and an error in the tenth inning,forcing a seventh game.which the Mets ended up winning.

In 2002,U.S. Sen.Paul Wellstone, D-Minn. was killed in a plane crash in northern Minnesota 11 days before the eletion.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 26

In 1774,the First Continental Congress adjourned in Philidelphia.

In 1825, the Erie Canal opened in upstate New York,connecting Lake Erie and the Hudson River.

In 1958,Pan America Airways flew its first Boeing 707 jetliner from New York to Paris in eight hours and 41 minutes.

In 1972,national security adviser Henry Kissinger declared,"Peace is at hand" in Vietnam.

In 1975,Anwar Sadat became the first Egyptian president to pay an official visit to the United States.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 27

In 1858, the 26th president of the United States,Theodore Roosevelt,was born in New York City.

In 1880,Theodore Roosevelt married Alice Lee.

In 1904,the first rapid transit subway,the IRT,was inaugurated in New York City.

In 1922, the first annual celebration of Navy Day took place.

In 1938,Du Pont announced a name for its new synthetic yarn--Nylon.

In 1967,Expo 67 closed in Montreal.

In 1986,the New York Mets won the World Series,coming from behind to defeat the Boston Red Sox 8--5 in Game 7 played at Shea Stadium.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 30--62 days left in 2006

In 1735,the second president of the United States,John Adams.was born in Braintree,Mass.

In 1945, the U.S. government announced the end of shoe rationing.

In 1953,Gen.George C. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,Dr. Albert Schweitzer received the Peace Prize for 1952.

In 1975,the New York Daily News ran the headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead" a day after President Ford said he would veto any proposed federal bailout of New York City.

In 1979,President Carter announced his choice of federal appeals judge Shirley Hufstedler to head the newly created Department of Education.

In 1985,the launch of the space shuttle Challenger was witnessed by schoolteacher-astronaut Christa McAuiuffe,who died when the spacecraft exploded after liftoff in January 1986.

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Post by noreply66 »

Oct. 31--61 days left in 2006

In 1926,magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix.

In 1941,the U.S. Navy destroyer Reuben James was torpedoed by a German U-Boat off Iceland with the loss of some 100 lives,even though the United States had not yet entered World War II.

In 1956,Navy Rear Adm.George J. Dufek became the first person to land a airplane at the South Pole.

In 1968,President Johnson ordered a halt to all bombing of North Vietam,saying he hoped for fruitful peace negotiations.

In 1994,a Chicago-bound American Eagle ATR-72 crashed in northern Indiana,killing all 68 people aboard.

In 1999,EgyptAir Flight 990,bound from New York to Cairo,crashed off the Massachusetts coast,killing all 217 people aboard.

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