Poll Watch
48% of Americans say U.S. troops should be brought home from Iraq as soon as possible, while 46% say they should stay until the situation has stabilized. 74% say President Bush doesn't have a clear plan for Iraq,and 65% say congressional Democratic leaders don't have a clear plan.
Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center
Well. atleast there are double digits.
I hope people actully watch and pay attention to the President tonight. Give the guy a break and a chance to atleast try to put his policy into action.
It is almost impossible for a president to work his war time policy when so many American people have lost their will and their passion for what we are fighting for. We are living in a country full of defeatists and morally bankrupt cowards. I have to put it on the American people. We are going to abandon the Iraqi people because we are afraid of sticking with it. We just dont have the will. We are a weak country. I never thought id ever say that about the United States of America.
I hope people actully watch and pay attention to the President tonight. Give the guy a break and a chance to atleast try to put his policy into action.
It is almost impossible for a president to work his war time policy when so many American people have lost their will and their passion for what we are fighting for. We are living in a country full of defeatists and morally bankrupt cowards. I have to put it on the American people. We are going to abandon the Iraqi people because we are afraid of sticking with it. We just dont have the will. We are a weak country. I never thought id ever say that about the United States of America.
61%, of us think America is on the wrong track,and 64% expect things to be the same or worse in five years.86% are concerded about the nation's moral condition,and 60% say the "state of honesty in America"is poor. 56% of 8 to 12-year-olds expect to have a great life
Ap/Ispos/CBS/New york Times/the Barney group
How are we feeling about the country
Ap/Ispos/CBS/New york Times/the Barney group
How are we feeling about the country
Whom do we blame
Politicians are a popular target.Only 24% of us think President Bush is trustworthy and just 3% say they trust Congress.The media doesn't get off the hook,though.Most of us agree that the press is biased,but 38% say it's too liberal,while 25% say it's too conservative.We're not crazy about business ,either.Only 5% say corporations are fair to consumers,and just 7% consider corporate leaders to be trustworthy.But we do think well of someone: 97% judge themselves to be quite trustworthy.
Lithtman/Zogby Interactive-Harris Interactive-
Politicians are a popular target.Only 24% of us think President Bush is trustworthy and just 3% say they trust Congress.The media doesn't get off the hook,though.Most of us agree that the press is biased,but 38% say it's too liberal,while 25% say it's too conservative.We're not crazy about business ,either.Only 5% say corporations are fair to consumers,and just 7% consider corporate leaders to be trustworthy.But we do think well of someone: 97% judge themselves to be quite trustworthy.
Lithtman/Zogby Interactive-Harris Interactive-
Why are we so upset
Mostly because of the war.While 80% of Americans say it's important to win the war in Irag,only 16% think that we are ,in fact, winning.And 62% say the war has not been worth the loss of American lives (USA Today/Gallup). Wharever happens in Iraq,52% expect another major U.S. war in the next 10 years,while 49% expect another large-scale terrorist attack on U.S. soil (Harris Poll).
Mostly because of the war.While 80% of Americans say it's important to win the war in Irag,only 16% think that we are ,in fact, winning.And 62% say the war has not been worth the loss of American lives (USA Today/Gallup). Wharever happens in Iraq,52% expect another major U.S. war in the next 10 years,while 49% expect another large-scale terrorist attack on U.S. soil (Harris Poll).
What else bothers us
Plenty,Only 3% of us say we have no stress in our lives. 56% are stressed from having too many things to do and 33% from having too much information--(Harris Poll)---53% have trouble sleeping.77% of us are annoyed by spam (Pew Internet & American Life Project).86% of adults are very scared of something,mostly snakes and heights (Harris Interactive).
Plenty,Only 3% of us say we have no stress in our lives. 56% are stressed from having too many things to do and 33% from having too much information--(Harris Poll)---53% have trouble sleeping.77% of us are annoyed by spam (Pew Internet & American Life Project).86% of adults are very scared of something,mostly snakes and heights (Harris Interactive).
Are we worried about money
Less than might be expected.Only 3% of us say making money is our top priority (the Barna Group). 63% of women and 55% of men say they'd rather be poor and thin than rich and fat (USA Today/Fitness magizine). We'll take money if it falls into our laps---25% say winning the lottery is the "most practical" way to accumulate $200,000 (Opinion Research). But we're under no illusions that we deserve it. Only 56% of us describe our fellow Americans as hardworkers,while 78% say Mexican immigrants are (Zogby Poll).
Less than might be expected.Only 3% of us say making money is our top priority (the Barna Group). 63% of women and 55% of men say they'd rather be poor and thin than rich and fat (USA Today/Fitness magizine). We'll take money if it falls into our laps---25% say winning the lottery is the "most practical" way to accumulate $200,000 (Opinion Research). But we're under no illusions that we deserve it. Only 56% of us describe our fellow Americans as hardworkers,while 78% say Mexican immigrants are (Zogby Poll).