The Front porch.

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by noreply66 »

haven't noticed them putting them in the ground. Now the squirrels will.

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Re: The Front porch.


Yeah, they kinda shove them down in the ground with their beak. Then take their head a beak back and forth covering it up with extra grass. Yep, squirrels do that a lot. My mom has tons of squirrels out around her big old hickory nut tree out in the country. Fun to watch them too, I haven't got many squirrels around here no more, they cut the only walnut tree down across the street from me. Haven't seen many after that. The ole Blue Jays had to settle for some bird seed and old bread this morning but they sure was stirring up a ruckus out there wanting them peanuts. Seen two of them tugging and pulling on the bread with each other before I left. Act like they never get no food, I think they do it sometimes just to have something to do because we always have something out there for birds. Got two seed feeders out there and I put some on the cement patio for the finches too. So I know they can't be starving. :D That seed gets expensive though. The birds expect it after you do it for awhile. It's funny, they set out there and wait if there's nothing out there. All kinds of birds. A few pigeons even show up but not as many as I use to have come here. They would get poopy everywhere. :lol: :lol: Had to spray that cement slab off plenty years ago with soap and water.

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Re: The Front porch.


Here's how they hide and bury nuts. They kinda poke it in the ground then cover it up with grass or what ever is available. Here's one courting and hiding peanuts.

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Re: The Front porch.


cbolt wrote:They say that squatch don't mess around up there.He big,strong and physical with an aggressive attitude.He kill man every chance he get,they say.Many people come up missing every year up there with no trace.
I missed this post. You watch that show Bolt? What channel? Big and physical Sasquatch. 8-) :lol: :lol: :lol: I looked for it, I can't find it. Heck I've been so tired the last 3 days I wouldn't know a Sasquatch from a snow Yeti. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Front porch.

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Don't know if it is one of the History Channels or not

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Re: The Front porch.

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Missing in Alaska was the name of it on History,pretty good show and the beginning was really spooky.Some guy was driving down a secluded dirt road way out in the woods and he came upon a car off the side of the road with its lights on,he went up and saw the window broken out with blood everywhere and nobody in the car.He walked up the road a little bit and saw this large figure standing back in the woods and it let out a blood curdling growl so that guy hightailed it out of there as fast as he could and the guy was never found from the car,It sent chills down my spine.eww
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Re: The Front porch.

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There it is trench,big ole strong physical hairy man on the rampage.I think the music is what makes it scary and the narrator is kinda spooky sounding :lol: ... 9oX3b6Fs_F

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Re: The Front porch.


cbolt wrote:There it is trench,big ole strong physical hairy man on the rampage.I think the music is what makes it scary and the narrator is kinda spooky sounding :lol: ... 9oX3b6Fs_F
Ewwwww poopy, that will make ya think. "Big ole strong physical hairy man on the rampage" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Looks like the missing driver had time to mess with and put on his emergency flashers, He must have hit the physical hairy man with his car then stopped. Then the hairy man drug him out of the car into the woods near the road it looks like. The hairy man sure looked awful big over there growling. 9 foot tall and at least 700 pounds, maybe more. :shock:

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by noreply66 »

Sounds like my x mother-in-law out hunting

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by BurgGrad6 »

From the front porch today I have seen 12 squirrel, 3 deer ( I need to move my tree stand) and 1 train and about 1200 different cars! Lol

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Re: The Front porch.


noreply66 wrote:Sounds like my x mother-in-law out hunting
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Front porch.

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It was to cold to do anything on the porch this morning lol
My thermometer said 14

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Re: The Front porch.


Pretty nice evening out on the back porch. Watching my 2 outside cats sleeping in the sun. They are loving it.

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Re: The Front porch.

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built some small straw covered beds for some of the run around cats today. Do a few each year and they love them.

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Re: The Front porch.


noreply66 wrote:built some small straw covered beds for some of the run around cats today. Do a few each year and they love them.
That's nice of ya Noreply, I take a bigger rubber made container cut an entrance in it, take a smaller container put it inside of it after cutting and entrance hole in it, pack straw around it for insulation, then add straw to the inner container. Put both lids on them and they are like a little warm house and water proof. I got two of them out there plus a box with straw in it. I put a few bricks under them to keep them off the ground. They work great. Got two cats of my own out there and 3 that's really not mine that come here, they all get in those and lay together. They loved them last year during that really cold snap. We got all of them spayed except for one, she won't let us catch her, but we are going to plan something this time, if not she will have kittens again this spring. Been lucky so far finding her other litters homes. We still have two left from her litter she had about the end of the summer, they are about 14 weeks old now. You interested? They are very pretty and healthy kittens. Going to be pretty cats when they become adults.

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by cbolt »

So how many felines you got now trench? 2 indoor 5 outdoor? I got two indoor and 3 outdoor up here,our outdoor lay together in cold weather too.

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Re: The Front porch.

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I have two outside and two in along with a small dog.

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Re: The Front porch.


cbolt wrote:So how many felines you got now trench? 2 indoor 5 outdoor? I got two indoor and 3 outdoor up here,our outdoor lay together in cold weather too.
5 indoor now because of MJ, sweet and friendly laid back cats, all are fixed and had their shots, 2 are part Maine coon. Bet the male weighs close to 25 pounds now and they are only a little over a year old. 3 outside that are really mine and 3 poor others that have no other place to go, so I guess I claim them too, but they usually eat and leave till it gets cold. All are fixed except the one female we can't catch. Gotta catch her before spring, that's when she usually comes in heat. She's around 8 years old too. We have been lucky finding all her litters homes. Been having an awful time trying to catch her, she's friendly but don't like being picked up. Throws a fit and ya can't keep ahold of her, wiry! Scratches the poopy out of us.

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by noreply66 »

wouldn't be too bad out there now if it was built in

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Re: The Front porch.

Post by Valenth »

Cool day today... drank some coffee and watched neighbors put up christmas lights.

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