Angus levels so far is good too. Her doc just basically told her it's common sense. Stay away from grease and junky foods. Fish, veggies and some fruit. She can't eat all fruits though. Pasta he told her turns to sugar when the body digests it. Chips and stuff is grease based. Lots of cholesterol in them. Wish I had a bag of Donny dog breath's right now, I could eat a whole bag I bet. Haven't had them forever. Fried chicken is a silent killer as well, but been craving it too.

Starvation around here, Bolt.

I ought to go to SC's and have some tomato soup and grilled cheese. Be better than nothing.

I might stock up on some tomato soup on a grocery trip next time. At least it's good for ya but hungry 15 minutes later.

Not a weight gainer either.