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Post by noreply66 »

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson was appointed America's first secretary of state.

In 1892, John Philip Sousa and his newly formed band performed publicly for the first time,at the Stillman Music Hall in Plainfield N.J.

In 1914, the Federal Trade Commission was established.

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In 1779,John Adams was named to negotiate the Revolutionary War's peace terms with Britain.

In 1942,Glenn Miller and his Orchestra performed together for the last time,at the Central Theater in Passaic,N.J., prior to Miller's entry into the Army

In 1954,"Tonight !" Hosted by Steve Allen,made its network debut on NBC-TV

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1704 A statute was enacted by the colony of Maryland, giving ministers the right to impose divorce on "unholy couples."
1774 Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'We are always equally in danger in ourselves and always equally safe under the shadow of His wings.'
1808 Andover Theological Seminary first opened in Massachusetts, under sponsorship of the Congregational Church.
1895 At a convention in Atlanta, three Baptist groups merged to form the National Baptist Convention. It is today the largest African-American denomination in America and the world.
1934 The first issue of "The Sword of the Lord" was published. Founded by Baptist evangelist John R. Rice, 39, it became the largest independent Christian weekly for years, and was recognized by liberals as the "voice of fundamentalism."

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In 1781, American forces in the Revolutionary War,backed by a French fleet,began their siege of Yorktown,Virginia.

In 1787, Congress voted to send the just completed Constitution of the United States to state legislatures for their approval.

In 1850, flogging was abolished as a form of punishment in the U.S. Navy.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1907, New York's Plaza opened to the public.

In 1908,henry Ford introduced the Model T automoble to the market.

In 1957,the motto "In God We Trust" began appearing on U.S. paper currency.

In 1961,Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run to set a new record for homers in a season.

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In 1780, British spy John Andre was hanged in Tappan, N.Y.

In 1835, the first battle of the Texas Revolution took place as American settlers defeated a Mexican cavalry near the Guadalupe River.

In 1919, President Wilson suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed.

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In 1829, the 21st president of the United States,Chester Alan Arthur,was born in Fairfield,Vt. (Some sources list 1830)

In 1982, the Dalton Gang,notorious for its train robberies,was practically wiped out while attempting to rob a pair of banks in Coffeyville,Kansas.

In 1921, the World Series was broadcast on radio for the first time. (By series' end, the New York Giants had beaten the New York Yankees 5 games to 3 in the best-of-nine contest.)

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 08:
1869 Franklin Pierce 14th president of US, dies in Concord, NH
1944 Wendell Lewis Willkie Republican politician, dies
1964 Dr Charles Hodge NYU professor (Answers for Americans), dies at 69
1969 Eduardo Ciannelli actor (Waldo-Johnny Staccato), dies at 81
1978 Karl Swenson actor (Lara-Little House on the Prairie), dies at 70
1982 Fernando Lamas actor/director, dies at 67 of cancer
1983 Joan Hackett actress, dies of cancer at 49
1984 Frederick Brisson producer, dies at 71 after a stroke
1985 Leon Klinghoffer hijackers of Achille Lauro, throw him off the boat

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on October 09:
1547 Miguel de Cervantes novelist (Don Quixote)
1757 Charles X reactionary king of France (1824-30); deposed
1782 Lewis Cass (Gov-Mich)
1835 Camille Saint-Sa‰ns Paris France, composer (Ode Sainte C‚cile)
1863 Alexander Siloti Kharkov Russia, pianist/prof (Moscow Cons 1888-91)
1884 Martin Elmer Johnson explorer/photographer
1888 Hank Patterson Alabama, actor (Gunsmoke, Fred Ziffel-Green Acres)
1890 Aimee Semple McPherson Pentecostal evangelist/radio preacher
1899 Bruce Catton civil war historian
19-- Brooke St James Staten Island NY, rocker (Tyketto-Wings)
19-- Ellen Wheeler actress (Karen-All My Children)
19-- Geoff Grayson rocker (RU Ready)
19-- Jason Wingreen Brooklyn NY, actor (Harry-All in the Family)
19-- John O'Hurley actor (Jim-Young & Restless)
19-- John Schubert rocker (Electric Angels-I Believe, Whiplash)
1900 Alastair Sims actor (Christmas Carol, Stage Fright)
1903 Walter O'Malley owner (Dodgers)
1904 Wally Brown Malden Mass, actor (Jed Fame-Cimarron City)
1906 L‚opold Senghor poet/president of Senegal (1960-80)
1907 Klaes Karppinen Findland, 4 X 10K relay (Olympic-gold-1936)
1908 Jacques Tati Pecq France, director (Traffic, Playtime, My Uncle)
1908 James E Folsom (Alabama-Gov, 1947-51, 1955-59)
1910 Phil Hanna River Forest Ill, singer (Once Upon a Tune)

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In 1701, the Collegiate School of Connecticut--later Yale University--was chartered.

In 1776, a group of Spanish missionaries settled in present-day San Francisco.

In 1888, the public was first admitted to the Washington Monument.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on October 10:
1731 Henry Cavendish England, physicist/chemist (discovered hydrogen)
1738 Benjamin West painter (Death of General Wolfe)
1813 Giuseppe Verdi Italy, composed operas (Rigoletto, Aida, Otello)
1825 Paulus Kruger Pres of South African Republic (1883), Boer leader
1830 Queen Isabella II Queen of Spain (1833-68)
1834 Aleksis Kivi Finland, playwright (Kullervo, Seitsem„n Veljest„)
1861 Fridtjof Nansen Norweg Arctic explorer/humanitarian (Nobel 1922)
1892 Ivo Andric Yugoslavia, novelist (Bridge on the Drina, Nobel '61)
1895 Lin Y

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1521 Leo X conferred the title "Fidei Defensor" (Defender of the Faith) upon England's Henry VIII. Three popes and 13 years later, Henry severed all ties with Rome to establish the Church of England.
1551 The 13th Session of the Council of Trent opened, during which major decisions were reached regarding the Catholic doctrine of the Eucharist.
1895 Birth of Avis B. Christiansen, devotional author. One of the most prolific hymnwriters of the 20th century, two of her most enduring hymns today are "Up Calvary's Mountain" and "Precious Hiding Place."
1914 During World War I, the Cathedral of Notre Dame suffered minor damage during an air raid on Paris. (Notre Dame, the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages, is distinguished for both its size and antiquity.)
1954 Presbyterian apologist Francis Schaeffer wrote in a letter: 'Doctrinal rightness and rightness of ecclesiastical position are important, but only as a starting point to go on into a living relationship -- and not as ends in themselves.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1779,Polish nobleman Casimir Pulaski, fighting for American Independence,died two days after being mortally wounded during the Revolutionary War Battle of Savannah,Georgia.

In 1890, the Daughters of the American Revolution was founded in Washingto, D.C.

In 1932 the first American political telecast took place as the Democratic National Committee sponsored a program from a CBS television studio in New York.

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In 1870, Gen. Robert E. Lee died in Lexington,Va., at age 63.

In 1933, bank robber John Dillinger escaped from a jail in Allen County,Ohio,with the help of his gang,who killed the sheriff,Jess Sarber.

In 1942,President Franklin Roosevelt delivered one of his "fireside chats" in which he recommended the drafting of 18-and 19-year-old men.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1890,Dwight D. Eisenhower,34th president of the United States,was born in Denison,Texas.

In 1912,Theodore Roosevelt, campaigning for the presidency was shot in the chest in Milwaukee. Despite the wounds,he went ahead with a scheduled speech.

In 1960,the idea of a Peace Corps was first suggested by Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy to an audience of students at the University of Michigan.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1311 The Council of Vienne was convened, called by Clement V. During its three sessions, the council suppressed the Knights Templars (the principal military-religious order of the Middle Ages).
1649 The American colony of Maine passed legislation granting religious freedom to all its citizens, on condition that those of contrary religious persuasions behave acceptably.
1752 Birth of Johann G. Eichhorn, German Old Testament scholar. Eichhorn was a pioneer in "higher criticism," which evaluated Scripture through literary analysis and historical evidence, rather than by the unquestioned authority of systematized religious tradition.
1789 In Philadelphia, as the second general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church closed, a church constitution had been adopted. Canons of the new denomination were ratified and a revised version of the "Book of Common Prayer" was authorized.
1812 Death of Henry Martyn, Anglican missionary to Persia. During his short life of 31 years, he translated the New Testament into Hindustani, later into Arabic and Persian. He died at sea, while returning to England.

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a group of about 20 men in a failed raid on Harper's Ferry.

In 1916, Margret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic, in Brooklyn, N.Y.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on your SELECTED date of October 17:
1711 Jupiter Hammon 1st American black to publish poetry (Complete Works)
1817 Samuel Ringgold Ward Maryland, minister/abolitionist/author
1835 Alexandrine-Pieternella-Fran‡oise Tinn‚ explored the White Nile
1848 William "Candy" Cummings created the curve ball
1859 William "Buck" Ewing hall of fame catcher (NY Giants, Cin Reds)
1864 Elinor Glyn British novelist (3 Weeks)
1886 Spring Byington Colo Springs, actress (Lily Ruskin-December Bride)
19-- Zulu [Gilbert Kauhi], Hilo Hawaii, actor (Det Kono-Hawaii 5-0)
1903 Irene Ryan El Paso Texas, actress (Granny-Beverly Hillbillies)
1903 Jerry Colonna Boston Mass, comedian (Jerry Colonna Show)
1903 Nathanael West American novelist (Day of the Locusts)
1905 Jean Arthur NYC, actress (Shane, Mr Smith Goes to Washington)
1912 John Paul I 263rd Roman Catholic pope (1978)
1915 Arthur Miller playwright (Death of a Salesman, The Crucible)
1917 Marsha Hunt Chicago Ill, actress (Jennifer-Peck's Bad Girl, Jigsaw)
1919 Rita Hayworth NY (Alzheimer victim), actress (Gilda, Pal Joey)
1920 Montgomery Clift actor (From Here to Eternity)

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1931,mobster Al Capone was convicted of income tax evasion. (Sentenced to 11 years in prison,Capone was released in 1939.)

In 1933, Albert Einstein arrived in the United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on October 18:
1676 Nathaniel Bacon rallied against Virginian govt, killed at 29
1862 James Creighton dies of ruptured bladder hitting HR on Oct 14th
1876 Francis Preston Blair newspaper editor (Washington Globe), dies at 85
1931 Thomas Alva Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84
1965 Henry Travers actor (Bells of St Mary, High Sierra), dies at 91
1973 Frank Knight TV announcer (Chronoscope), dies at 79
1982 Bess Truman former 1st lady, dies in Independence, Mo at 97
1984 Florence Rinard TV panelist (20 Questions), dies at 82
1984 Jon-Erik Hexum actor, dies at 26 by a gun loaded with blanks
1987 Theodore Brameld author (Use of Explosive Ideas), dies at 83

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