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Birthdates which occurred on December 13:
1521 Sixtus V [Felice Peretti/"Montalto"] bishop of Fermo/Pope (1585-90)
1533 Erik XIV Wasa king of Sweden (1560-69)
1553 Henry IV 1st Bourbon-king of Navarre/France (1572/89-1610)
1724 Aepinus [Franz Hoch] German physician/physicist
1732 Jean-Claude Trial composer
1740 Franz Xaver Schnitzer composer
1770 John Clarke-Whitfeld composer
1797 Heinrich Heine Germany, poet/lyricist (Schubert, Liszt)
1810 Clark Mills US, sculptor (Freedom, Armed Liberty)
1816 Clement Claiborne Clay MC (Confederacy), died in 1882
1816 E Werner von Siemens German artillery officer/inventor
1818 Mary Todd Lincoln 1st lady (1861-65)
1819 Edwin George Monk composer
1835 Phillips Brooks Episcopal bishop/composer (Little Town of Bethlehem)
1838 Marie-Alexis Castillon de Saint-Victor composer
1843 George Stephanescu composer
1850 G F Grace cricketer (brother of W G )
1850 Iver Paul Fredrik Holter composer
1853 Joseph Sickman Corsen Curaçao, musician/composer/screenwriter
1858 Jakab Gyula Major composer
1860 Lucien G Guitry French actor/theatre director (l'Odéon)
1863 Johannes Weiss German New Testament scholar
1865 Gustav Luders composer
1871 Russell W Porter Vermont, explorer (Alaska)
1871 Herman T Colenbrander Dutch historian
1874 Ludwig Curtius German archaeologist (Die antike Kunst)
1877 Mykola Dmytrovich Leontovych composer
1886 Lambertus J van Apeldoorn lawyer (martial law)
1889 Clarence Loomis composer
1890 Marc Connelly McKeesport PA, playwright (One Minute Please)
1892 Brand Dirck Ochse filmer/co-founder (Polygoon)
1893 Curt Jurgens Munich Germany, actor (Enemy Below, Longest Day)
1897 Drew Pearson Evanston IL, newscaster (Drew Pearson)
1898 Daniel Lazarus composer
1899 Harold Guinzburg publisher (founder of Literary Guild)
1899 Yusef Greiss composer
19-- Bill Morey Framingham MA, actor (Thorn Birds, Tucker's Witch)
19-- Lenny Schultz Bronx NY, comedian (Ball Four, Laugh-in Revival)
1900 Jonel Perlea composer
1900 Norman Foster Richmond IN, actor (Skyscraper Souls)
1901 Georg M Rimski-Korssakov Russian musicologist/theory
1901 John Wijga painter/illustrator
1902 Paul Kurzbach composer
1902 Talcott Parsons US sociologist
1903 Carlos Montoya Madrid Spain, guitarist (Suite Flamenco 1966)
1903 Jewgeni Petrow writer

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Religious History
1204 Death of Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 69, medieval Jewish scholar and author. His greatest writing, "Guide of the Perplexed" (1190) attempted to harmonize Aristotelian philosophy with rabbinic Judaism.
1823 Birth of William W. How, Anglican clergyman. Shunning the glory of higher ecclesiastical positions, How was known for his work among the poor in East London. He also wrote 50 hymns, of which "We Give Thee But Thine Own" and "For All the Saints" remain two of his most popular.
1835 Birth of Phillips Brooks, American Episcopal clergyman. Though he produced ten volumes of sermons, he is better remembered today as author of the Christmas carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," written in 1868 for the children of his Sunday School.
1851 Birth of E.O. Excell, American sacred chorister. Excell published 50 gospel songbooks and wrote and composed 2,000 hymns, including "Since I Have Been Redeemed, "Count Your Blessings" and "I'll Be a Sunbeam for Jesus."
1950 American missionary martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'I think God is to be glorified by asking the impossible of Him.'

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1769, Dartsmouth College, in New Hampshire, received its charter.

In 1835, Phillips Brooks, the American Episcopal bishop who wrote the words to "O Little Town of Bethleham," was born in Boston.

In 1918, President Wilson arrived in France, becoming the first chief executive to visit Europe while in office.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on December 14:
0872 Adrian II Italian Pope (867-72)/last married pope, dies at about 80
1077 Agnes of Poitou German empress/wife of emperor Henry III, dies
1136 Harald IV "Gylle Krist", king of Norway, murdered
1417 John Oldcastle Lord Cobham, English nobleman, hanged & burned
1542 James king of Scotland (1513-42), dies at 30
1591 Juan de la Cruz [de Yepes] Spanish Carmelet/poet/saint, dies
1732 Johann Philipp Fortsch composer, dies at 80
1734 Noel-Nicolas Coypel French painter/cartoonist, dies at 44
1754 Mahmud I sultan of Turkey, dies at 58
1760 Kacic Miosic Croatian poet (Razgovar Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga), dies
1788 Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach German composer, dies at 74
1788 Carlos III King of Naples/Spain (1759-88), dies at 72
1799 George Washington 1st President USA (1789-97), dies at Mount Vernon VA, at 67
1823 Vincenzo Cuoco Italian historian (Naple revolution 1799), dies at 53
1829 Luigi Marchesi composer, dies at 74
1849 Conradin Kreutzer composer, dies at 69
1861 Albert prince consort of England & husband of Queen Victoria, dies at 42
1861 George HG earl of Aberdeen English Minister of Foreign affairs, dies at 76
1861 Heinrich August Marschner composer, dies at 66
1862 George Dashiell Bayard Union Brigadier-General, dies at 27
1873 J Louis R Agassiz Swiss geologist/paleo-biologist), dies
1886 Antoni Wincenty Rutkowski composer, dies at 27
1893 Karolina Pawlowa writer, dies at 86
1900 Jean B A Kessler director of oil on Dutch Indies, dies at 46
1903 William Ennis first cop to die in the electric chair
1906 John A C Oudemans Dutch geographer/astronomer, dies at 78
1909 Leopold II king of Belgium, dies
1914 Giovanni Sgambati composer, dies at 73
1918 Sidonio Pais prince of Portugal, murdered
1923 Giuseppi Gallignani composer, dies at 72
1926 Theo van Rysselberghe Belgian painter (pointillism), dies at 64
1928 Theodore Roberts actor (Roaring Road, 10 Commandments), dies at 77
1935 Stanley G Weinbaum US, sci-fi writer (Martian Odyssey), dies
1938 Marie Emmanuel French composer/musicologist (Salamine), dies at 76
1939 Helene Kröller-Müller Dutch museum founder, dies at 70
1942 Eduard C "Edo" Fimmen Dutch trade union leader, dies at 61
1945 Josef Kramer known as "beast of Belsen", & 10 others hanged for crimes committed at the Belsen and Oswiecim Nazi concentration camps
1945 Constantino Gaito composer, dies at 67
1945 Forrester Harvey actor (Tarzan & Mate, Chump at Oxford), dies at 61
1945 Henry van Goudoever Dutch lawyer/judge, dies on his 69th birthday
1947 Franz Zorell German Roman Catholic lexicographer, dies at 84
1947 Stanley Baldwin English premier (1923, 24-29, 35-37), dies at 80
1948 Reginald Owen Morris composer, dies at 62
1950 Albrecht Schaeffer German writer (Heroische Fahrt), dies at 65
1952 Olav Fartein VÃ¥len Norwegian composer, dies at 65
1959 Maria EG "Lizzy" Ansingh Dutch painter (Cast Off), dies at 84
1960 Gregory Ratoff actor (Skyscraper Souls), dies of leukemia at 63
1963 Dinah Washington singer, dies of sleeping pill overdose at 39
1963 Erich Ollenhauer German politician (SPD), dies at 62
1964 William Bendix actor

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Birthdates which occurred on December 15:
0037 Nero Claudius Augustus Germanicus 5th emperor of Rome (54-68)
1534 Lucas Osiander composer
1567 Christoph Demantius composer
1574 Samuel Besler composer
1610 David Teniers II Flemish courtpainter (Theatrum Pictorium)
1648 Gregory King English statistician (Natural & Political Observations)
1657 Michel-Richard Delalande composer
1667 Ludwig Ernst composer
1720 J F Beck writer
1735 Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana Italian lawyer
1765 Philippe-Jacques Pfeffinger composer
1778 Godert AGP baron van der Capellen Dutch Governor-General (Dutch-Indies)
1787 Charles Cowden Clarke English editor/Shakespearean critic
1793 Henry Charles Carey Philadelphia PA, economist (Principles of Poli Economy)
1802 János Bolyai Romania, mathematician (non-Euclidean geometry)
1803 August Freyer composer
1812 Isidor Dannstrom composer
1821 Auguste Emmanuel Vaucorbeil composer
1822 Edward Stephen composer
1823 Friedrich Gottlieb Schwencke composer
1830 Francesco D'Arcais composer
1832 Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel French engineer (Eiffel tower)
1836 Edmond Picard French/Belgian lawyer/writer (La forge Roussel)
1842 Henry Gadsby composer
1848 Edwin Howland Blashfield decorated the dome of Library of Congress
1852 Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity (Nobel 1903)
1852 Tewfik Pasja khedive (viceroy) of Egypt
1853 Jean B A Kessler director of oil on Dutch Indies
1857 Eugeniusz Pankiewicz composer
1859 Ludwik L Zamenhof Russia/Poland, physician/linguist (Esperanto)
1860 Niels Ryberg Finsen Denmark, physician/phototherapist (Nobel 1903)
1861 Charles Edgar Duryea inventor (1st auto built & operated in US)
1863 Arthur D Little US, chemist (patented rayon)
1863 Paul [Prudent] Painlevé French mathematician/minister/premier
1870 Josef Hoffmann Austrian architect
1873 Pongrac Kacsoh composer
1875 Friedrich Niggli composer
1876 Ferdinand Hardekopf writer
1878 Hans Carossa writer
1879 Hugo W C Bordewijk Dutch lawyer
1879 Rudolf von Laban Czechoslovakian/German choreographer (modern dance)
1881 James Schneider New York, actor (Keystone Kops)
1882 Helena Rubinstein US cosmetic manufacturer
1887 Pieter C A Geyl historian (History of the Dutch Tribe)
1888 Maxwell Anderson US, dramatist (Winter Set, High Tor)
1888 Artturi A Leinonen Finnish journalist/writer (Kati)/politician
1888 Jan Greshoff Dutch poet/author/journalist (Bric à Brac)
1892 J Paul Getty Minneapolis MN, oil magnate (Getty Oil)
1892 David Guion composer
1892 Jose Maria Castro composer

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Deaths which occurred on December 16:
0714 Pippin II of Héristal, Duke/prince of France, dies
0875 Ado of Vienne French archbishop of Vienne, dies at about 75
0882 John VIII Italian Pope (872-82), dies
0999 Adelheid the Saint German empress of Otto I/saint, dies at about 68
1404 Albrecht of Bavaria duke of Bavaria, dies at about 74
1670 Dorothy 1st English marquis of Halifax, dies
1672 John II Casimir Vasa cardinal/king of Poland (1648-68), dies at 63
1673 Juan de Padilla composer, dies at 68
1719 Adrian "Aart" van Wijck Dutch theologist (anti-jansenism), dies at 78
1774 François Quesnay French personal physician of Louis XIV, dies at 80
1781 Georg Simon Lohlein composer, dies at 56
1783 Johann Adolf Hasse Dutch operatic composer (Sesostrate), dies at 84
1790 Ludwig August Lebrun composer, dies at 38
1816 Vincenzo Galeotti [Tomazelli] Italian dancer/choreographer, dies at 73
1821 Claire countess the Rémusat/Vergennes/author (Salon), dies at 41
1833 Friedrich August Kanne composer, dies at 55
1852 Andries H Potgieter South African/Transvaal explorer, dies at 59
1852 Henri-Jean Rigel composer, dies at 80
1858 Richard Bright British Dr (Bright's disease/nephritis), dies at 69
1859 Wilhelm Grimm writer (Grimm's Fairy Tales), dies at 73
1861 Karol Joseph Lipinski composer, dies at 71
1870 Stanislaw Duniecki composer, dies at 31
1871 Willibald Alexis German writer (Schloss Avalon), dies at 73
1874 Abraham Capadose physician/missionary, dies at 79
1897 Alphonse Daudet French writer (Tartarin sur les Alpes), dies at 57
1914 Ivan Zajc composer, dies at 82
1916 Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin a powerful Russian monk is murdered at 45
1920 Ma Mua-Ming-Hsin the Benovelent, Chinese muslim rebel (holy war), dies
1921 Charles Camille Saint-Saens French composer (Carnival of the Animals), dies at 86
1922 Eliezer Ben-Yehuda [Perelmann] Latvia/Palestinian writer, dies at 67
1922 Gabriel Narutowicz 1st President of Poland (December 7-16, 1922), assassinated
1923 Pongrac Kacsoh composer, dies at 50
1927 Hugh Archibald Clarke composer, dies at 88
1931 Gustave J Waffelaert Flemish theologist/bishop of Bruges, dies at 82
1935 Thelma Todd actress (Horse Feathers, Bohemian Girl), dies of 30
1940 M Eugène F T Dubois geologist/paleontologist (Wadjakmens), dies
1940 William Wallace composer, dies at 80
1944 Glenn Miller US jazz composer/orchestra leader (Danny boy), dies at 40
1945 Fumimaro Konu Japanese prince/PM (1937-39, 40-41), commits harakiri
1949 Traitsjo Kostov Bulgarian communist vice-premier, executed
1950 Otto Vrieslander composer, dies at 70
1960 Anna Luther silent screen actress (Sinners in Silk), dies at 63
1961 Boris Semyonovich Shekhter composer, dies at 61
1961 Cato Engelen-Sewing Dutch soprano singer/primadonna, dies at 93
1965 William Somerset Maugham English author (Razor's Edge, Of Human Bondage), dies at 91
1973 Syd Barnes cricketer (13 Tests for Australia 1938-48), dies
1974 Kostas Varnalis writer, dies
1976 George a goose that lived to 49 years 8 months, dies
1978 Blanche Calloway US singer/dancer/radio hostess, dies at 76
1980 Harland "Colonel" Sanders founder Kentucky Fried Chicken, dies at 90
1982 Anthony C B Chapman England, formula 1 racer, dies at 54
1983 Kusan Sunim found Milae Sa temple/Bulsung Sa Zen in Korea, dies at 74
1985 Dick Pollard cricketer (England fast-medium bowler 1946-48), dies
1985 Merv Waite cricketer (2 Tests for Australia 1938, 1 wicket average 190), dies
1985 Paul Castellano Organized-crime chief, shot dead

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On this day...
0882 John VIII ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0882 Marinus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1431 King Henry VI of England crowned king of France
1538 King François I orders renewed pursuit of Protestants
1577 Danzig surrenders to troops of Polish king István Báthory
1617 Spanish viceroy Hernando Arias de Saavedra founds provinces Río de la Plata (Argentina)/Guaira (Paraguay)
1631 Mount Vesuvius, Italy erupts, destroys 6 villages & kills 4,000
1653 Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector of England, Scotland & Ireland
1659 General Monck demands free parliamentary election in Scotland
1689 English Parliament adopts Bill of Rights after Glorious Revolution
1740 Prussian Libya falls to Silezie
1761 Russian army occupies Kolberg
1767 Van Ritter von Glucks opera "Alceste" premieres
1773 Big tea party in Boston harbor-Indians welcome (Boston Tea Party)
1809 Napoleon Bonaparte divorces Empress Josephine by the French Senate
1811 Most violent & prolonged quakes in US begins in Midwest region; 8.0 earthquake shakes New Madrid MO
1817 Leaders of Molukkas uprising hanged in Ambon
1824 Great North Holland Canal opens
1835 Fire consumes over 600 buildings in New York NY
1838 Boers beat Zulu chieftain Dingaan in South Africa
1857 Earthquake in Naples, Italy
1858 Dutch government decides to vacate Schokland Island
1862 Kingdom of Nepal accepts its constitution
1864 Battle of Nashville ends after 4400 casualities
1877 Anton Bruckner's 3rd Symphony in D, premieres
1880 Republic of South-Africa forms
1884 Great Britain recognizes King Leopold II's Congo Free State
1886 Rift at Dutch Reformed Church over "Doleantie"
1890 Negro Methodist Episcopal Church founded in Jackson TN
1892 Commencement of 1st Sheffield Shield cricket game, South Africa vs New South Wales
1893 Anton Dvorak's "New World Symphony" premieres
1897 1st submarine with an internal combustion engine demonstrated
1900 Boer army under General Kritzinger take Cape colony
1903 Majestic Theater, New York NY, becomes 1st in US to employ women ushers
1905 "Variety", covering all phases of show business, 1st published
1907 Great White Fleet sails from Hampton Downs on its World Cruise
1907 Eugene H Farrar is 1st to sing on radio (Brooklyn Navy Yard NY)
1908 1st credit union in US forms (Manchester NH)
1909 US pressure forces Nicaraguan President José Santos Zelaya from office
1912 1st US postage stamp picturing an airplane, 20¢ parcel post, issued
1912 Austria-Hungary engage in conflict with Serbia
1913 Charlie Chaplin began his film career at Keystone for $150 a week
1914 French offensive in Artois (Pétain)
1915 Albert Einstein publishes his "General Theory of Relativity"
1918 Jack Dempsey KOs Carl Morris in 14 seconds
1920 Over 180,000 die when 8.6 earthquake destroys 15,000² miles (Kansu China)
1922 Mutual Association of Eastern Colored Baseball Clubs formally organizes
1922 New South Wales all out for 786 against South Australia Cricket
1924 Noel Coward's "Vortex" premieres in London
1926 WOW-AM in Omaha NE begins radio transmissions
1926 Darius Milhaud's opera "Le Pauvre Matelot" premieres in Paris
1926 Kenesaw Mountain Landis renewed 7-years as baseball commissioner
1927 Cricket 1st-class debut of Don Bradman

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In 1807,American Quaker poet and abolitionist John Greenleaf Whittier was born in Haverhill, Mass.

In 1957, the United States successfully testfired the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on December 18:
0468 Huna Mari bar Mar Zutra rabbi, executed in Pumpedita
1290 Magnus I Ladulås [Barn Bolt] king of Sweden (1277-90), dies
1505 John IX van Horne prince-bishop of Lieges, executed
1565 Benedetto Varchi Italian humanist/historian (L'Ercolano), dies at 62
1577 Anna duchess of Saxon/wife of prince Willem of Orange, dies at 32
1597 Barbara Blomberg German mistress of emperor Karel, dies at 67
1633 Theodoor Galle Flemish engraver, buried at 62
1638 Le Père Joseph French mystic, dies
1651 Francisco the Melo Portuguese/Spanish earl of Assumar, dies at 54
1710 Peter Codde apostile vicar (1688-1704), dies at 62
1732 Johann Valentin Eckelt composer, dies at 59
1737 Antonio Stradivari renowned violin-maker, dies in Cremona Italy at 93
1751 Kilian I von Dientzenhofer builder (Nepomukkerk, Prague), dies at 62
1779 Jan Punt engraver/illustrator/actor (Gideonschool), dies at 68
1803 Johann G von Herder German philosopher/theologist/poet, dies at 59
1829 Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck French nature investigator, dies at about 85
1831 Willem Bilderdijk Dutch poet/literary (My Relief), dies at 75
1835 Johann Georg Anton Mederitsch-Gallus composer, dies at 82
1839 Charles-Henri Plantade composer, dies at 75
1841 Felice Blangini composer, dies at 60
1858 Joseph-Henri-Ignace Mees composer, dies at 81
1862 Johnson Kelly Duncan architect/Confederate Brigadier-General, dies at 35
1865 Francisco Manuel da Silva composer, dies at 70
1869 Louis Moreau Gottschalk composer, dies at 40
1892 Richard Owen English zoologist (Dinosaurus), dies at 88
1897 Carlo A Alfieri Italian Member of parliament, dies at 70
1899 John William Glover composer, dies at 84
1911 Alberto Randegger composer, dies at 79
1915 Èdouard Vaillant French socialist politician/communard, dies at 75
1918 Henryk Jarecki composer, dies at 72
1919 Horatio William Parker composer, dies at 56
1919 John Alcock pilot (1st non-stop over Atlantic), dies in crash at 27
1928 Lucien Capet composer, dies at 55
1931 John T "Legs" Diamond US gangster, murdered at 35
1932 Eduard "Ede" Bernstein German marxist/revisionist, dies at 82
1935 Juan V Gómez general/dictator of Venezuela (1908-35), dies
1937 S S Schultz cricketer (one Test England vs Australia 1879), dies
1939 Matthew Brown Journalist, dies at 51
1942 Charlie Walker cricketer (Australian tourist to England 1930, 1938), dies
1948 Janet Fay hammered to death by the Honeymoon Killers
1963 Winifried P I Zillig German composer/conductor (Opfer), dies at 58
1966 Gene Gauntier dies in Cuernavaca México
1971 Aleksandr T Tvardovski Russian editor in chief (Novyj Mir), dies at 61
1971 Bobby Jones Jr PGA golfer (Grand Slam 1930), dies at 69
1971 Diana Lynn actress (Annapolis Story, Easy Come Easy Go), dies at 45
1973 Giulio Cesare Brero composer, dies at 64
1976 George Emmett cricketer (England opener vs Australia Old Trafford 1948), dies
1977 Louis Untermeyer poet/critic/TV panelist (What's My Line), dies at 92
1977 Cyril Ritchard actor (Peter Pan), dies at 80
1980 Alexei N Kosygin Soviet PM (1964-80), suffers a fatal heart attack at 76
1981 Mehmet Shehu PM Albania (1954-81)/"US-Russian spy", commits suicide
1982 Raymond Emery cricketer (2 Tests New Zealand vs West Indies 1952, 46 runs, 2 wickets), dies
1982 Tibor de Machula Hungary/Netherlands cellist, dies at 70
1986 Mamo Clark actor (1 Million

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

On this day...
1118 Alfonso van Aragón occupies Saragossa on Almoraviden
1352 Etienne Aubert elected as Pope Innocentius VI
1406 Anton van Bourgondies becomes duke of Brabant
1603 Admiral Steven van der Haghens fleet departs to East-Indies
1621 English parliament accept unanimously, Protestation
1719 Thomas Fleet publishes "Mother Goose's Melodies For Children"
1774 Jews expelled from Prague, Bohemia & Moravia by Empress Maria Theresa
1777 1st national Thanksgiving Day, commemorating Burgoyne's surrender
1783 English king George III fires government of Portland
1787 New Jersey becomes 3rd state to ratify constitution
1796 1st US newspaper to appear on Sunday (Baltimore Monitor)
1799 George Washington's body interred at Mount Vernon
1813 British take Fort Niagara in the War of 1812
1832 Charles Darwin visits Vurland
1839 1st celestial photograph (the moon) made in US, John Draper, New York NY
1849 William Bond obtains 1st photograph of Moon through a telescope
1858 Passy, at Paris: 1st "Samedi soir" i/d villa of lovers Rossini
1859 South Carolina declared an "independent commonwealth"
1862 Battle at Lexington TN (Forrest's Second Raid)
1865 1st US cattle importation law passed
1869 Canada's Hamilton Foot Ball Club plays its 1st game
1878 French SS Byzantin sinks after collision in Dardanellen, 210 killed
1890 Lugards expedition to Mengo/Kampala, Uganda
1892 Anton Bruckner's 8th Symphony, premieres
1892 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet "Nutcracker Suite" premieres
1894 Cricket day 4 1T Australia vs England England following on 4-268, 7 in front
1898 Automobile speed record set-63 kph (39 mph)
1899 Fieldmarshal Lord Roberts appointed British supreme commander in South Africa
1905 H V Hordern takes 8-81 in 2nd innings of F-C debut (New South Wales vs Queensland)
1915 President Wilson, widowed the year before, marries Edith Bolling Galt
1917 Soviet regiment (Stalin/Lenin) declares Finland Independent
1920 1st US postage stamps printed without the words United States or US
1923 International zone of Tangier set up in Morocco
1930 Bradman scores 258 New South Wales vs South Australia, 289 minutes, 37 fours
1932 Chicago Bears beat Portsmouth Spartans 9-0 in 1st NFL playoff game
1935 Bradman scores 117 in his 1st Shield cricket match for South Australia
1935 Edward Benes becomes President of Czechoslovakia
1936 Queensland cricket all out for 49 vs Victoria, Fleetwood-Smith 7-17
1936 Su-Lin, 1st giant panda to come to US from China, arrives in San Francisco
1939 Finnish army recaptures Agläjärvi
1941 German submarine U-434 sinks
1941 Japanse troops land on Hong Kong
1944 Destroyers "Hull", "Spence" & "Monaghan" sink in typhoon (Philippines)
1944 Nazi occupiers of Amsterdam destroy electricity plants
1945 Uruguay joins the United Nations
1946 TV's 1st network dramatic serial "Faraway Hill" ends 2 month run
1947 Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Optissima Pax
1948 Indonesia begins its 2nd political election
1948 WDSU TV channel 6 in New Orleans LA (NBC) begins broadcasting
1949 Philadelphia Eagles beat Los Angeles Rams 14-0 in NFL championship game
1952 Ellis W Ryan resigns as Cleveland Indians president
1953 KATV TV channel 7 in Little Rock AR (ABC) begins broadcasting
1953 KMID TV channel 2 in Midland & Odessa TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
1956 Japan admitted to the United Nations
1956 "To Tell the Truth" debuts on CBS-TV
1956 Israeli flag hoisted on Mount Sinai
1956 Phil Rizzuto signs as New York Yankee radio-TV announcer
1957 Shippingport Atomic Power Station, 1st nuke plant to generate electricity
1958 1st test project of Signal Communications

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In 1787, New Jersey became the third state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery, was declared in effect.

In 1957, the World War II epic "The Bridge on the River Kwai" opened in New York.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on December 19:
1036 Su Tung-p'o China, poet/essayist/painter/calligrapher
1498 Andreas Osiander Germany, Protestant Reformation theologist
1676 Louis-Nicholas Clerambault Paris France, composer/organist
1683 Philip V Versailles France, King of Spain (1700-24, 24-46)
1723 Susanne K von Klettenberg German friend of Goethes mother
1744 Jacobus J Cramer priest of Holland/Zealand/West-Friesland
1753 John Taylor Virginia, philosopher (Jeffersonian Democracy)
1778 Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte daughter of King Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette
1779 Auguste-Gaspard-Louis Desnoyers Paris France, engraver
1783 Charles-Julien Brianchon France, mathematician (Brianchon's theorem)
1790 Sir William Parry England, Arctic explorer
1792 [Andries] Hendrik Potgieter Cape Colony, settled Transvaal
1796 Manuel Breton de los Herreros Quel Spain, poet/comic playwright
1797 Josef Theodor Krov composer
1809 Pierre-Joseph van Beneden Belgium, paleontologist (life cycle of tapeworms)
1813 Thomas Andrews Belfast Ireland, chemist/physicist (ozone)
1814 Edwin M[cMasters] Stanton Ohio, US Secretary of War (1861-65)
1817 James Jay Archer Brigadier-General (Confederate Army) died in 1864
1819 James Clifford Veatch Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1895
1821 Mary Ashton Livermore American reformer/women's suffrage leader
1824 Hercules Robinson Ireland, South Africa Commissioner (1880-89, 1895-97)
1825 George Frederick Bristow composer
1831 Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop Hawaii
1832 John Kirk Barry Scotland, Dr/companion to explorer David Livingstone
1836 Maria L Sanford pioneer educator (PTA)
1837 John Carpenter Carter Brigadier-General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
1849 Henry Clay Frick Pennsylvania, built world's largest coke & steel operation
1852 A[lbert] A Michelson Strelno Prussia, US physicist (Nobel 1907)
1861 Constance [Clara] Garnett Brighton England, Russian-English translator
1861 Italo Svevo Trieste Austria, Italian novelist (La Coscienza di Zeno)
1864 Adolf Sandberger composer
1865 Hermann Hirt Magdeburg Prussia, linguist (Indo-European Grammar)
1865 Minnie Maddern Fiske New Orleans LA, stage actress (Henrik Ibsen's plays)
1865 Tikhon Toropets Pskov Russia, patriarch of Russian Orthodox/saint
1869 Eduard Hermann Coburg Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, German linguist (Homer)
1875 Carter G Woodson New Canton VA, American historian (black studies)
1876 Carlo Gatti composer
1878 Anton Lajovic composer
1879 Beals C Wright tennis champion (US Open-1905)
1879 Otto Emanuel Olsson composer
1880 Nemesio Otano y Eugenio composer
1882 Walter Braunfels composer
1883 [Francis] Barry Byrne Chicago IL, architect
1883 Louis Davids [Simon David] Dutch cabaret performer/chorus performer
1884 Antonín Zápotocky premier/President of Czechoslovakia
1884 Ferdinando Liuzzi composer
1885 F S Flint London England, translator/poet (imagist movement)
1888 Fritz Reiner Budapest Hungary, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony 1938-48)
1890 Klaas Schilder Dutch theologist/vicar (Occupied Territory)
1891 Edward Bernard Andre Maria Raczynski Poland, president-in-exile (1979-86)
1893 Harry Blomberg Swedish author (Mäster Jacob)
1894 Ford C Frick baseball commissioner (1951-65)
1894 Paul Dessau Hamburg Germany, composer/conducter (Berlin, 1925-33)
1894 Yoshida Isoya Tokyo Japan, architect (modern sukiya style)
1895 Ingeborg Refling-Hagen Norwegian author/poet (Loke Saar Havre)
1895 Maurice Roelants Belgian author (Jazz Player)
1896 John Seldon Whale theologian
1897 Louis Darquier de Pellepoix France, anti-Semite/nazi collaborator
19-- Jourdan Fremin New Orleans LA, actress (At Ease)
19-- Klaus Eichstadt rocker (Ugly Kid Joe-Mad Man, Too Bad)
19-- Maria Martha Serra Lima Buenos Aires Argentina, entertainer
1901 Oliver [Hazard Perry] La Farge New York NY, anthropologist/novelist (Laughing Boy)
1901 Vitorino Nemésio Portuguese author (Presença)
1902 Sir Ralph Richardson England, actor (David Copperfield, Dr Zhivago, Anna Karenina)
1902 Leonard Hirsch British violinist/orchestra leader (RAF Symphony Orchestra)
1903 Cyril Dean Darlington England, biologist (hereditary mechanisms)
1903 George Davis Snell Bradford MA, geneticist (H-2 gene)
1903 Theo Harych writer
1905 Charles Robert Owen Medley dancer/choreographer
1906 H Allen Smith Illinois, humorist/author (Armchair Detective, Low Man on the Totem Pole, Rhubarb)
1906 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev Ukraine, 1st Secretary of the Community Party/President of the USSR (1964-82)
1910 Jean Genet Paris France, novelist/dramatist (The Blacks)
1910 Jose Lezama Lima Havana Cuba, poet/novelist
1915 Edith Piaf [E Giovanna Gassion] Paris France, chanteuse (Little Sparrow)
1916 Hal Hastings New York NY, orchestra leader (Chevrolet on Broadway)
1916 Adriaan van der Veen Dutch writer (Sister at Sea)
1916 Mervyn Wallace cricketer (13 Tests for New Zealand, latterly as captain)
1917 Graham Sharp ice skater
1920 David Susskind New York NY, TV host (Open End, David Susskind Show)
1920 Jimmy Dickens Bolt WV, country singer (Grand Ole Opry)
1920 Ragnild Hveger Denmark, 400 meter swimmer (Olympics-silver-1936)
1921 Ludvik Podest composer
1922 Walter Höllerer writer
1923 Luigi Innocenti designer
1924 Edmund Purdom England, actor (Asissi Underground, Pieces)
1924 Peter Prowtiny English real estate developer/multi-millionaire
1925 Tankred Torst writer
1926 Bobby Layne NFL QB (Detroit Lions)
1926 Jeanne Kirkpatrick US ambassador to UN
1928 Galt MacDermot Montréal Canada, composer (Letting Down My Hair)
1928 Michael Hurd composer
1929 Herman T M Lauxtermann Dutch 2nd chamber member (VVD)
1933 Cicely Tyson Harlem NY, actress (Roots, Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman)
1933 James Booth London England, actor/writer (Zulu, Robbery, Revenge)
1934 Al Kaline Baltimore MD, Hall of Fame outfielder (Detroit Tigers/American League bat champion 1955)
1934 Rudi Carrell [Rudolf W Kesselman] Dutch showmaster
1938 Barbara Steele Trenton Wirrall England, actress (Came from Within)
1940 Phil Ochs El Paso TX, anti-war folk singer (Joe Hill, War is Over)
1941 Maurice White Memphis TN, rock vocalist (Earth, Wind & Fire-Spirit)
1942 Jean-Patric Manchette thriller writer
1943 William De Vries Brooklyn NY, surgeon-inventor (Symbion artifical heart)
1944 Tim Reid Norfolk VA, comedian (Venus Flytrap-WKRP, Frank's Place)
1944 Zal Yanovsky rock guitarist (Lovin' Spoonful-Do You Believe in Magic)
1944 Alvin Lee

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1777, Gen. George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, Pa., to camp for the winter.

In 1813, British forces captured Fort Niagara during the War of 1812.

In 1907, 239 workers died in a coal mine explosion in Jacobs Creek, Pa.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on December 20:
0069 Aulus Vitellius Roman commandant of Rhine & 7th emperor, murdered
0910 Alfonso III de Great king of Asturias, dies
1073 Domingo Spanish monastery founder/abbot/saint, dies
1355 Stefanus IX Uros IV Dusan king (1331-46)/Serbia (1346-55), dies
1590 Ambroise Paré French surgeon, dies at 80
1632 Nicolas Antoine French cath pastor who converted to Judaism, executed
1676 John Galle Flemish engraver/printer, dies at 76
1679 Johan Maurits count of Nassau-Siegen, dies at 75
1738 Jean-Joseph Mouret composer, dies at 56
1749 Pakubuwono II susuhunan of Mataram Java, dies
1783 Antonio Francisco Jawer Jose Soler Sp composer (Fandango), dies at 54
1793 Joseph Legros composer, dies at 54
1798 Cornelis Ploos van Amstel Dutch engraver/art collector, dies at 72
1799 David Traugott Nicolai composer, dies at 66
1812 Sacagawea Shoshone interpreter for Lewis & Clark, dies
1815 Giovanni Meli Sicilian poet (Buccolica), dies at 75
1819 Louis-Luc Loiseau de Persuis composer, dies at 50
1821 Gian Francesco Fortunati composer, dies at 75
1875 Michail P Pogodin Russian historian/writer (Povesti), dies at 75
1876 Hannah Omish at 12 is youngest ever hanged in US
1903 Gavriil Musicescu composer, dies at 56
1909 Benjamin Ipavec composer, dies at 79
1916 Manuel Giro composer, dies at 68
1916 William Wallace Gilchrist composer, dies at 70
1929 Emile Loubet French premier (1892)/President (1899-1906), dies at 90
1936 Baron De Borchgrave Belgian ambassador, murdered in Madrid
1937 Erich Ludendorff German general (WWI), dies at 72
1939 Hans Langsdorff German captain (Graaf Spee), commits suicide
1942 Jean Gilbert [Max Winterfield] German composer, dies at 63
1944 Abbas Hilmi II viceroy of Egypt (1892-1914), dies at 70
1945 Charles Eady cricketer (Tasmanian player for Australia 1896-1901), dies
1947 St-Georges de Bouchélier French author (Children's Carnival), dies at 71
1948 C Aubrey Smith actor (Prisoner of Zenda), dies at 85
1948 Ladha Ramji cricketer (brother of Amar Singh, Test India 1933-34), dies
1954 Emilis Melngailis composer, dies at 80
1954 James Hilton English author (Lost Horizon), dies at 54
1961 Moss Heart US dramatist (You can't take it with you), dies at 57
1962 Erik William Gustav Leidzen composer, dies at 68
1962 Luis Abraham Delgadillo composer, dies at 75
1963 Paul Constantinescu composer, dies at 54
1965 Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt German anthropologist, dies at 73
1968 Bax Brod composer, dies at 84
1968 John Steinbeck author (Grapes of Wrath, Nobel 1962), dies in New York at 66
1968 Max Brod writer, dies at 84
1971 Roy O Disney Brother of Walt, dies of cerebral hemorrhage at 78
1972 Günter Eich German literary (Botschaften des Regens), dies at 65
1973 Bobby Darin singer (Mack the Knife), dies of heart failure at 37
1973 Luis Carrero Blanco PM of Spain (1973), assassinated by ETA
1974 André Jolivet French composer (L'eunuque), dies at 69
1975 Vincent Lopez orchestra leader (Welcome Aboard), dies at 76
1975 William Lundigan Syracuse NY, actor (Climax), dies at 61
1976 Richard J Daley Chicago mayor dies at 74
1976 Walter Fitzgerald actor (Adventures of Sadie, Fallen Idol), dies at 80
1982 Artur Rubinstein pianist (My Young Years), dies in Geneva Switzerland at 95
1988 Max Robinson 1st black network (ABC) TV anchor, dies of AIDS at 49
1989 Audrey Christie actress (Splendor in the Grass), dies at 77
1991 Andries D Copier Dutch glass designer (Guild glass), dies
1991 Fop[pe] I Brouwer biologist (Everything That Lives & Grows), dies
1991 Helene Heigh actress (Undercover

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1790, the first successful cotton mill in the United States began operating at Pawtucket, R.I.

In 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union.

In 1864, Confederate forces evacuated Savanannah, Ga., as Union Gen. William T. Sherman continued his "March to the Sea."

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on December 21:
1117 Thomas Becket archbishop of Canterbury
1518 Mark van Vaernewijck Flemish nobleman/politician
1537 Johan III king of Sweden (1569-92)
1573 Mathurin Régnier French poet (Macette)
1616 Pietro Andrea Ziani composer
1628 Samuel Friedrich Capricornus composer
1639 Jean Racin writer
1728 Hermann Friedrich Raupach composer
1756 Thomas Anton Kunz composer
1800 Barnwell Rhett Robert (Confederacy), died in 1876
1804 Benjamin Disraeli (Tory) British PM (1868, 1874-80)
1810 Ludwig Schuncke composer
1815 Thomas Couture French painter/author
1818 Amalia wife of king Otto of Greece
1818 Lewis H Morgan US, etnologist (Systems of Consanguinity)
1823 Jean Henri Fabre France, entomologist (insects & spiders)
1826 Ernst Pauer composer
1832 John Henry Ketcham Brevet Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1906
1840 Mehmed N Kemal Turkish journalist (Vatan)
1848 Edward Everett Rice composer
1849 James Lane Allen US writer (Kentucky Cardinal)
1850 Zdenek Fibich composer
1853 Isolde Kurz German writer/poetess (Meine Mutter)
1859 Gustave Kahn France, poet (claimed to have invented vers libre)
1860 Henrietta Szold founder (Hadassah)
1867 John Winter Thompson composer
1872 Albert P Terhune US, novelist (Lad, a Dog)
1874 Juan Bautista Sacasa President of Nicaragua (1932-36)
1879 Joseph Stalin [Dzoegashvili] Russian dictator; murdered 11,000,000
1879 Theodore Limperg business economist (substitute value)
1886 George Norman Peterkin composer
1886 Hermann A J Kees German Egyptologist (Problems of Egyptology)
1890 Fred M Vinson US Supreme Court Justice (1946-53)
1891 John W McCormack (D) Speaker of the House (1962-70)
1892 Dame Rebecca West [Cicily I F Andrews] England, journalist/novelist/critic/feminist (Meaning of Treason)
1892 Walter Hagen Rochester NY, PGA golfer (US Open 1914, 1919)
1895 Paul Hoffer composer
1896 Carl Romme Dutch catholic foreman/KVP-Minister of Socialist Business
1896 Constantine Rokossovski Russian marshal/vice-premier of Poland
1896 Leroy Robertson composer
1898 Eugène Dabit French writer/painter (Hôtel du Nord)
1898 Ira S Bowen US physicist/astronomer (Mount Wilson/Palomar)
1899 Guy Wilkerson Texas, actor (Dead or Alive, West of Texas, Shootin' Iron)
19-- Danielle Von Zerneck actress (General Hospital)
19-- Devon Ericson Salt Lake City UT, actress (Studs Lonigan, Chisholms)
19-- Ray Acevedo rocker (Menudo-Cannonball)
1900 Oda Schaefer German author/poet (Die Windharfe, Ladies Only)
1900 Wischnewski writer
1901 Juan A de Zunzunegui y Loredo Spanish writer
1901 Robin Irvine London England, actor (Easy Virtue)
1905 Anthony Powell England, novelist (Infants of the Spring)
1907 Garmt Stuiveling Dutch literary (Poet in Love)
1908 Pat Weaver Los Angeles CA, TV Executive, started Today show
1909 George Ball Iowa, lawyer/UnderSecretary of state
1909 Seichô Matsumoto Dutch Japanese detective/playwright (10 to Sen)
1911 Josh Gibson pro baseball player, "Negro Babe Ruth" (hit 800+ homeruns)
1911 Paul Burkhard composer
1913 Raich Carter soccer star
1916 Eve Perrick journalist
1916 John Boon publisher
1917 Alicia Alonso Havana Cuba, ballerina (American Ballet Theatre)
1917 Andre Eglevsky choreographer (Limelight)
1917 Heinrich Böll Germany, writer (Group Portrait with Lady, Nobel '72)
1918 Donald Regan White House staffer/US Secretary of Treasury (1981-85)
1918 Kurt Waldheim Nazi/4th UN Secretary-General (1972-81)/Austrian President (1986-92)
1919 Gert Fredriksson Sweden, 1K kayak (Olympics-gold-1948, 52, 56)
1921 Alica Alonso Havana, ballerina
1921 James Tye safety

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Religious History
1216 Pope Honorius III officially approved the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), founded in 1216 by St. Dominic. During the Middle Ages, many leaders of European thought were Dominicans; and a good number followed Portuguese and Spanish explorers to the Americas as missionaries.
1770 Birth of Father Demetrius Gallitzin, a Dutch Catholic priest. Arriving in America in 1792, he spent his remaining years as a frontier missionary, building up the Catholic church in parts of PA, MD, VA and WV. Gallitzin became known as the "Apostle to the Alleghenies."
1804 Anglican missionary to Persia Henry Martyn wrote in his journal: 'I look forward to a day of prayer; for my soul hath great need of quickening and restoration, that it may act more in the view of eternity.'
1837 Mercer University was chartered in Penfield, Georgia under Baptist support. In 1871 the college moved its campus to Macon, Georgia.
1921 The first U.S. commercial radio license assigned to a religious broadcaster was awarded to the National Presbyterian Church of Washington, D.C. Within five years, there were over 60 other licensed religious broadcasters, including KJS_Biola (L.A.), KFUO_Concordia Seminary (St. Louis), and WMBI_Moody Bible Institute (Chicago).

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Birthdates which occurred on December 23:
1174 Louis I Duke of Wittelsbach
1544 Anna duchess of Saxson/wife of prince Willem of Orange (1561-71)
1548 Pieter C Bockenberg historian (Annales Hollandiae et Zeelandiae)
1582 Severo Bonini composer
1597 Martin Opitz Germany, poet "Father of Modern German Poetry"
1644 Tomas de Torrejon y Velasco composer
1689 Joseph Bodin de Boismortier composer
1699 Joseph Gibbs composer
1709 Jean-Noel Hamal composer
1714 Johann Siebenkas composer
1716 Johann Heinrich Rolle composer
1732 Sir Richard Arkwright inventor (spinning frame)
1734 Filinto Elísio [Francisco M do Nascimento] Portuguese poet
1749 Johann Lukas Schubaur composer
1750 Frederik Augustus I the Righteous, king of Saxony (1806-27)
1763 John Davy composer
1777 Aleksandr I P Romanov Tsar of Russia (1801-25)
1780 Charles-Louis Panckoucke French publisher
1790 Jean-François Champollion deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics
1795 Philippe Vandermaelen Flemish cartographer (Atlas Universel)
1804 Charles-Augustin de Sainte-Beuve France, critic/writer (deax violes esgales)
1805 Joseph Smith Jr Sharon VT, founder of Mormon church
1808 Thomas Turner Commander (Union Navy), died in 1883
1812 Samuel Smiles Scotland, author (Self-Help, Character, Duty)
1812 William Hauser composer
1815 Henry Highland Garnet Maryland, minister/abolitionist/diplomat
1818 David Addison Weisiger Brigadier-General (Confederate Army), died in 1899
1823 Alexandru Flechtenmacher composer
1827 Wilhelm Freiherr von Tegetthoff Austrian admiral (Helgoland/Lissa)
1828 Mathilde Wesendonk German writer/poet (Tagebuchblatter)
1830 Adam Minchejmer composer
1834 Thomas R Malthus English vicar/economist (moral restraint)
1845 Emmanuel-Persillier Lachapelle doctor (founder of Notre Dame Hospital Montréal)
1845 Gustave Ador union President of Austria (1919)
1853 Giacomo Puccini Italy, composer
1853 Maria Teresa Carreno composer
1855 Alan Gray composer
1858 Vladimir Nemirovitch-Dantshenko playwright (Life in Russian Theater)
1860 Harriet Monroe Chicago IL, poet/editor of Poetry magazine (You & I)
1862 Henri Pirenne Belgian historian (History of Belgium)
1865 Albrecht duke of Württemberg/general-fieldmarshal
1867 Madame C J Walker [Sarah Breedlove] Delta LA, cosmetics mogul
1870 John Marin painter (1948 Fine Arts Medal)
1883 Hubert M E Pierlot Belgian advocate/premier (1939-45)
1886 Albert Ehrenstein Austria writer (Message from the Madhouse)
1887 Eric Blore London England, actor (Great Gatsby, Bowery to Baghdad)
1887 John Cromwell Toledo

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Post by noreply66 »

In 1851, fire devastated the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., destroying about 35,000 volumes.

In 1865, several veterans of the Confederate Army formed a private social club in Pulaski,Tenn., called the Ku Klux Klan.

In 1907, investigative reporter I.F. Stone was born in Philadephia.

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Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Deaths which occurred on December 25:
0795 Adrian I Italian Pope (772-95), dies
0820 Leo V the Armenian, Byzantine general/Emperor (813-20), murdered
1156 Peter Venerabilis French theologist/9th abbot of Cluny, dies at about 61
1249 Peter Nolascus Spanish monastery founder/St, dies
1513 Johannes Amerbach Swiss publisher/printer, dies at about 70
1530 Babur emperor of Delhi, dies
1683 Kara Mustapha Turkish grand-vizier (1676-83), executed
1761 Empress Elizabeth dies
1761 Elisabeth Petrovna tsarina of Russia (1741-62), dies at about 51
1765 Antonio Tonelli composer, dies at 79
1788 John Logan Scottish conductor (Ode to the Cuckoo), dies at about 40
1824 Barbara Krudener mystic visionary who renounced nobility, dies at 60
1842 Bedrich Divis Weber composer, dies at 76
1848 Johann Erik Nordblom composer, dies at 60
1868 Linus Yale developer of cylinder lock, dies
1878 Anna Claypoole Peale US painter of miniatures, dies
1883 Marek Konrad Sokolowski composer, dies at 65
1895 Raul d'Avila Pompeia Brazilian writer (Boarding-school), dies at 32
1899 Raphael Soyer artist (Depression scenes in NYC)
1903 Albert Schäffle German sociologist, dies at 72
1904 Per Jonas Fredrik Vilhelm Svedbom composer, dies at 61
1921 Hans Huber composer, dies at 69
1921 Korolenko writer, dies
1922 Alphonse Goovaerts composer, dies at 75
1925 Sergei Jessenin writer, dies at 30
1926 Yoshihito 123rd Emperor of Japan (1912-26), dies at 47
1927 Sergei D Sazonov Russian Foreign minister (1910-16), dies at 66
1930 Harvey Worthington Loomis composer, dies at 65
1936 Pierre Maurice composer, dies at 68
1938 Karel Capek Czechoslovakian author/antifascist (Bílá Nemoc), dies at 48
1940 Agnes Ayres actress (Johnny Belinda, Sheik), dies at 42
1942 Vojislav Vuckovic composer, dies at 32
1943 Ilona Durigo Hungarian singer, dies at 62
1943 Raymond Huntington Woodman composer, dies at 82
1946 W[illiam] C[laude] Fields writer/comedian/actor (Bank Dick, It's A Gift), dies from pneumonia at 67
1950 Xavier Villaurrutia Mexican poet (Nostalgia de la muerte), dies at 47
1951 Harry T Moore Florida NAACP official, killed by bomb
1954 Johnny Ace ballad singer, dies at 25 in a game of Russian Roulette
1954 Liberty Hyde Bailey US botanist (Plantbreeding), dies at 96
1954 Rosario Scalero composer, dies at 84
1956 Robert Walser writer, dies at 78
1957 Frederick Law Olmsted US architect (Central Park), dies at 87
1961 Dr Rheinhold Rudenberg inventor of the electron microscope dies
1963 Tristan Tzara writer, dies at 67
1964 Cheerio Meredith actress (One Happy Family), dies at 74
1971 Byron Arnold composer, dies at 70
1973 Ismet Inönü [Mustapha Ismet Pasha] Turkish PM (1923..65), dies at 89
1975 Gaston Gallimard French publisher (Library Gallimard), dies at 94
1976 Arthur Mitchell cricketer (batted in 6 Tests for England 1933-36), dies
1976 Frankie Darro actor (Radio Ranch, Valley of Wanted Men), dies at 58
1977 Charlie Chaplin actor (Modern Times), dies in Switzerland at 88
1979 Joan Blondell actress (Real McCoys), dies at 70
1979 Lee Bowman actor (Ellery Queen, Miami Undercover), dies at 64
1980 Fred Emney actor (Adventures of a Private Eye), dies at 80
1980 Louis Neefs Belgian singer, dies at 43
1980 Oscar Romero archbishop of El Salvador, murdered
1983 Joan Miro Spanish surrealist, dies at his home in Majorca at 90
1985 George Rhodes orchestra leader (Sammy Davis Jr Show), dies at 66
1989 Billy Martin New York Yankee manager, killed in a car accident at 61
1989 Barrel Regtien student leader, dies
1989 Elena Ceausescu wife of Romanian dictator

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