Lake Guntersville Warning

Bleeding Red
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Re: Lake Guntersville Warning

Post by Bleeding Red »

kantuckyII wrote:DO you know who I'm talking about Bleeding Red?

The thing is though, I believe the locals are raping that lake too. You can only harvest so many bass, even in a lake like that, before you begin to really impact it. It's a shame that Kentuckians are getting the blame only when I am quite sure the local boys are taking a lot and those from Tennessee and Ohio as well. I know if a guy who put the knife to an 8 lb bass down there about 10 or so years ago. Some of the locals came to talk to him about it a couple days later but he was already back in Ohio.

One thing though...if out of state people do stop going down there to fish, can you imagine the impact it would have on their local economy? Hotels, campgrounds, groceries, gasoline, fishing license etc etc it would all add up

I dont know who that guy is.

The locals can get mad , but until the Alabama Fish and Game changes the bag limits and put a slot limit on those fish that are being taken out, the people taking the fish are not breaking the law. The people messing up their vehicles are!

I am not for taking any fish, but they need to make that place catch and release only for the next couple years and then watch the numbers take off.

And yeah, when those same locals messing up peoples property started losing their businesses and jobs because the out of towners stop coming to fish, they will wake up.

Bleeding Red
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Re: Lake Guntersville Warning

Post by Bleeding Red »

I will also tell you this:

When I was down there 2 weeks ago, a Alabama game warden pulled up to my boat (he was in a boat also) and was a super nice guy. He told me that he just needed to see our fishing license and how many fish we had in the boat.

We gladly showed him our license and I told him that we didnt have ANY fish in the boat. This was around 6:30pm. We had been fishing all day. He told us that we were one of the very few non residents that didnt have fish in the livewells or cooler. He really perked up when I told him that we only catch and release.

So I think they are going in the right direction to at least check boats and make sure fisherman are following the bag limits.

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Re: Lake Guntersville Warning

Post by kantuckyII »

I think I would have fallen over backwards into my boat if I had a game warden ask to see or know if I had any fish in my possession. I'll be 57 next month, have been fishing since I was too young to remember and I have never ever never ever been asked to see my fish or how many I had. I think that a nuclear device could easily enter into the country by simply being placed in someone's livewell

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