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Bleeding Red
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Post by Bleeding Red »

Has anyone from our area been down yet this spring?

I know several people from the area going down later this week and I am going next week.

Fishing reports on the websites look decent, doesnt look like the bass have fully started staging up to move to spawning grounds. They currently have Flood Warnings around the area and are expecting rain the next 3 days.

Just checking to see if anyone has had luck there yet this spring.

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Re: Guntersville


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Re: Guntersville

Post by kantuckyII »

I hope you're taking that serious Oz. As I said, it's getting bad there..I fully look for someone to die down there.

The guys I know that were there a couple weeks ago said it was crazy where to even park their trucks after launching their boats hardly

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Re: Guntersville

Post by Bleeding Red »

kantuckyII wrote:I hope you're taking that serious Oz. As I said, it's getting bad there..I fully look for someone to die down there.

The guys I know that were there a couple weeks ago said it was crazy where to even park their trucks after launching their boats hardly

We stay up toward Scottsboro. Hopefully all of the problems are south toward the actual town of Guntersville.

At the place we stay, we have our own boat slips so we only have to launch and load on time. Our vehicles are kept where we stay, and they have people who keep an eye on things. The boat slips are within 50 yards of the place we stay, literally right off the back porch.

Last year we caught hundreds of fish each day per boat. We catch and release. Didnt keep one. If I were lucky enough to catch a pig (8-10lbs), I would just take a bunch of pics and measurements and have a replica made. They last longer and look better, and someone else has a chance to catch that trophy again.

But close to where we stayed last year they put the knife to all kinds of bass. I dont agree with it, but people have that right as long as it is not a catch and release lake and their fish are over the minimums and they dont exceed the bag limits. I dont agree with it, but not much we can do about it.

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Re: Guntersville


we were down there a couple years ago , first week of june. we stayed at jackson county park, in a single wide mobile home. most of the places down there were old fema homes. it was really nice. very nice people there. but we brought in the boat every night, never had anything bothered.

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Re: Guntersville

Post by Bleeding Red »

You're Tiger Bait wrote:we were down there a couple years ago , first week of june. we stayed at jackson county park, in a single wide mobile home. most of the places down there were old fema homes. it was really nice. very nice people there. but we brought in the boat every night, never had anything bothered.

Jackson County Park........that is where we fish. And if they have moved up in there, we never leave that place the entire week!

Was the grass getting really think back in the coves when you were there in June?

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Re: Guntersville

Post by kantuckyII »

I've stayed at Jackson County Park before. I'm not crazy about that particular creek though myself. It seems to be good really early though. Mud Creek is one of those creeks I'm talking about..Goose Pond seems to be the worst from what I've gathered.

I have my name on a waiting list to get a place at Jackson County Park, that has a yearly rental fee to it. I thought if I could get one, I'd just store my boat there in the spring and fall and then just make the trips down to there and take it out when I get there.

I do know of a guy from Ironton, who put a knife to an eight pound bass, that's been ten years ago. The guy who told me about it said the next day several boys showed up to talk to him about it. They said they were going to whip him (who would blame them? haha!)

Anyway, I think you'll be just fine there in Scottsboro, staying on Jackson County Park area together. My nephew has started telling me the last couple days he wants to go there the first week of May. I don't know though, I really like fishing by myself and traveling by myself.

I was at Grayson yesterday (and yeah, I about froze) and shot this video on my phone

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Re: Guntersville

Post by kantuckyII »

I've got the money and stuff to take a trip but can't decide where I want to go yet. It's really dependent on gasoline prices as to how far I go. Heck, it takes me about 13 bucks just to go to Grayson. That's getting crazy!

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Bleeding Red
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Re: Guntersville

Post by Bleeding Red »

kantuckyII wrote:I've got the money and stuff to take a trip but can't decide where I want to go yet. It's really dependent on gasoline prices as to how far I go. Heck, it takes me about 13 bucks just to go to Grayson. That's getting crazy!
I have never been there, but I have been told that Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia is one heck of a bass lake.

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Re: Guntersville


I hope you're taking that serious Oz. As I said, it's getting bad there..I fully look for someone to die down there.

The guys I know that were there a couple weeks ago said it was crazy where to even park their trucks after launching their boats hardly
Thats why I posted the link.

I want to try Stonewall Jackson. Catch and release only this year

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Re: Guntersville

Post by sportsmr »

We have been going to Watts Bar Lake in Tn last couple years. It's never crowded, fishing is always good and its only 5 1/2 hours. We stay in Spring City.

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Re: Guntersville

Post by kantuckyII »

I've fished Watt's Bar before. It's a very pretty lake. When I was there, there were warnings out to not eat the fish as they were radioactive or something like that. Perhaps that would be a good place for Big Orange One to go? ;-)

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Re: Guntersville

Post by BigOrangeOne »

We were down at Watts Barr last year and unfortunately missed the warnings. We cooked all our evening meals in the cabin and by the third day we didn't even have to use lanterns for night fishing.

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Re: Guntersville

Post by kantuckyII »

Watts Bar Lake: Catfish, striped bass, and hybrid striped bass should not be eaten. Precautionary advisory for white bass, sauger, carp, smallmouth buffalo, and largemouth bass.*

*Precautionary Advisory - Children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should not consume the fish species named. All other persons should
limit consumption of the named species to one meal per month

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