This is a female coyote that my dad shot off the tractor the other day by the barn at about 5 pm. It was eating after birth for like 15 minutes. I've been seeing quite a few of them lately but this is the time of year I always see alot.
I had a yote come in Friday morning when I was using my mouth call. He spotted my hen decoy from around 150 yards out and he came right towards it and then dropped out of site in a dip before he came all the way in. He must have winded me or saw something he didn't like
I've never owned a dog that didn't love turkey (domestic but?)...they'd about attack you to get that turkey meat. When I was a kid, we had a cat that never bothered anyone during dinner but when we had turkey, we had to put him outside because he'd try to jump on the table to get that turkey...could that by with the coyote likes it too?