Noodlers you see nowadays wear gloves and noodle in shallow water. Noodling used to be much more hazardous.
My uncle and his two sons and I noodled in the Guyandotte River between Gilbert and Man West Virginia. We did not noodle in water less than 10 feet deep like some of the modern noodlers do. And we called it "Stumping" back then since the turtles or catfish were usually in stumps. When some stumpers started to losing hands or arms up to the elbow, we felt the "stumping" moniker was well chosen and stuck with it (some stumpers who lost a hand would get a captain "hook" attachment and continue stumping, but we called that hooking and felt it to be cheating and frowned on it). Ethical stumpers would stump left handed because we needed our right hands for signing the disability checks.
If the water was clear and the bottom smooth, we would tie a rope around the stumper so that we could pull him and the catfish or turtle up. Stumpers had to hold their breath for up to a minute without talking. There were no FEMALE stumpers. If the water was filled with rocks or logs, we could not afford to take a chance on losing the rope so a stumper was on his own and was unattached.
And there was a pecking order to the stumping. It was based on size. The little stumper would go in first. He would bring up a catfish or turtle most of the time. When that happenned, we would pat him on the head, give him a little kiss, and then put him in the livewell. Sometimes little stumper would put his hand into the stump and feel a snapping turtle. If the turtle had entered head first in the log there was no problem other than a smiling turtle. But if the snapper had entered tail first in the stump, the little stumper would sometimes lose a finger. Bigger catfish could also take a finger or two. When little stumper came up missing fingers, we would look at the wound to determine whether a catfish or a turtle was to blame. We did not want to send in the Big Stumper if there was a turtle in the stump. At that point, little stumper would be done unless he could dive down and retrieve some of the missing fingers to be used as chum later on. Enter the Big Stumper.
Big Stumper (BS) always got the catfish and the women and his picture in the papers because editors like pics of giant catfish but don't pay for pictures of fellows with bloody or missing fingers.