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Gun Range
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:46 pm
by FlyingBuckeye3
Where is the closest gun range (relative to Chesapeake)?
Re: Gun Range
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:43 pm
by ChessyFan09
Beech Fork WV state park has rifle/pistol range out to 100 yd..There's a really nice club type range west of Ashland Ky off I-64 I've never been to that has everything I've heard.Also down I-64 from Ashland there is Ashland Gun Club off the Rt 60 exit at Rush that has trap and skeet for sure and I think a handgun range close by.
Re: Gun Range
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:51 pm
by FlyingBuckeye3
Thanks ChessyFan. I ended up just going out to a friend's place to shoot. I'll definitely look into one of these places, maybe even see if there's some type of gun club in WV. Thanks!
Re: Gun Range
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:27 am
by kantuckyII
I'm a member of the one that Chessyfan is talking about. There's a lot of ranges so you can usually, unless it's right before hunting season begins, get one pretty much to yourself. It wouldn't be too bad to get there from Cheapeake as it's right off the Rt 60 exit off of I64. Maybe a couple miles from the exit ramp
Re: Gun Range
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:40 pm
i've written to the ODNR on occasion complaining that 90% of the deer hunting in Ohio takes place in southern Ohio yet there isn't a single shooting/practice range in this area that i know of. the state has several pretty nice ones in central/northern Ohio but none around here. the only one i know of is in Zaleski State Forest near McArthur and it is only about a 30 yard deal suitable mostly for handguns.
of course i have never gotten a reply from them.
southern ohio gets the shaft again.

Re: Gun Range
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:22 pm
by kantuckyII
I remember the 'good ole' days' when you could drive out to the Strip Mines and shoot all day long. Now, you'll get federal charges lodged against you for doing so. We used to love to go out there and set up cans a couple hundred or so yards away and plunk away till one of us hit it. Loved doing that..
Re: Gun Range
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:44 am
by FatCharlie
Relative to Chesapeake, my trailer park. You can come and we'll shoot all day I gotta Ak that I put the full auto sear in, we'll have some fun