I don't think anyone on this board knows I make turkey calls but if you want a good call let me know. I have calls in 14 states so far and have been compared to the best callmakers in the country. That is a GREAT honor for me. I just do the best I can do and hope you like the call and if you don't like the call I will make it right. I have a LIFETIME guarantee on them also unless you try to use them as a clay pigeon

I CAN"T guarantee they won't go bad but IF they do I WILL fix it or replace it. I make pot calls and just started on box calls a few months ago. My pot calls are the good ones. I make them from a wide range of woods from all around the world. You wouldn't believe some of the different colored woods. Black,purple,red,yellow etc. Most of the really good woods come from Africa and South America.
For pot call surfaces I have glass,crystal,slate,plain aluminum and anodized aluminum. Still working on copper. It gives me fits. Single sided OR double sided. If you want a personal picture in it I can do that.
For box calls I use poplar,cedar,cherry,black walnut and mahogany. I can put checkering on the box calls also. Makes them look really good but as they say purdy don't kill