Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.

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Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Someone decided they needed my Moultrie M80 game camera more than I did. I hunted Friday, didn't hunt Saturday and went out to find this this morning. I guess a "security box" is only made to keep honest people honest lol, nothing will stop a thief. I guess they destroyed the box before they decided to get something to cut the lock off or it would have been alot easier to have cut the viper cable lock off and take the whole box and all.


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Re: Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.


that's a sick, and demoralizing feeling to be stolen from. i have had it happen myself.
prayers to you, and i hope you find the person/person's responsible.

Bleeding Red
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Re: Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.

Post by Bleeding Red »

I use the Moultrie M80s too. I also use the same security boxes. Hopefully mine dont end up looking like that!

I have a very nice piece of hunting property I bought a few years back. First year of bowseason on it I had a hang on stand, sticks and 1 camera come up missing. I know about who did it and one threat to him and nothing else has grown legs and walked off.....

I have been thinking about going to the Buckeye Cam. Instant pictures sent to email or I phone. If someone decides to take it, I have their picture sent to me. They are a bit pricey, but it also would keep my presence out of the woods unless to hunt since I wouldnt have to go in every 4-5 days to swap SD cards in my Moultries. A friend of mine dropped a couple grand on the Buckeye Cam with a couple different cameras and bells and whistles. The equals alot of Moultrie M80s!

I am going to see how well he likes the new system and I might have to splurge and buy one for next year.

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Re: Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

the Buckeye cam would be the way to go for sure, getting Instant pictures sent to you and not having to go into the woods to get them would be awesome. I wonder how the batteries do in them?

Bleeding Red
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Re: Game Camera stolen 10/14 here's whats left.

Post by Bleeding Red »

ohbuckeye2 wrote:the Buckeye cam would be the way to go for sure, getting Instant pictures sent to you and not having to go into the woods to get them would be awesome. I wonder how the batteries do in them?
I am not sure. My buddy has been using them now for about a month. I will find out, but I think they have a good battery life.

I run all 8 AA batteries in my Moultrie M80s and if I use good Duracell batteries I dont have to change them that often. Maybe once a month depending on where I have the camera set up, temperatures and total pictures taken. I normally get 100+ pictures a day and switch cards every 5-6 days. I have one camera set up over a corn pile and they knock out 50lbs of corn every 3-4 days anyway so I still have to go in the woods to drop more corn!

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