Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by madpolecat »

It does me no good to post on here because somebody will just start crying and things will get deleted, even if they are legitimate art.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by friday_nite_fan »

I don't see any problem with a caption stating that a high school kid missed a layup... Good grief people, even teenagers need to realize that life isn't going to be easy and people won't catch you making mistakes!! If society keeps softening up teens throughout high school and college like nowadays, guess what. Whenever they get out into the REAL world, it's going to give them a kick in the @ss. I'm sure all of the adults on here are aware that sometime in our lives we are going to fail. Why is it so bad that teens are aware they will eventually fail in something also????????????

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

boogerred wrote:I seriously doubt that whoever was responsible for the pic and caption wanted to point out and try to embarass the kid who missed the layup.

Whoever was responsible was probably just trying to have some art with the story and that pic may have been the only pic that turned out well. It was an oversight!
People are talking about wanting to give kids a break; how about giving whoever was responsible a break? Do you all want an apology? Will that apology magically erase that pic from all of the papers? It cannot be taken back, but I bet that person would take it back if he/she could.

yabbadabbadoo wrote:You two clowns condoning stuff like this crap put out by the times is the reason why I cancelled my subscription to that joke of a paper. How about print something positive from the game?

If the Times keeps it up they will be out of business in a few years.

I retroactively influenced you into cancelling your subscription to a newspaper with a post I made yesterday? I must be some sort of genius. I must have an IQ of 160. I am going to be a general some day ( 50,000 points for a paraphased Forrest Gump reference) How about learning how to communicate coherently?

and the line about printing something positive... Let me guess, if a kid fails every subject in school, you want the teachers all to write something positive on his report card - something to the tone of " Johnny really, really tries hard and does his best". What a load of crap! I believe Sean Connery said it best in The Rock: "Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f *** the prom queen" ( 1,000,000 points for a Sean Connery quote)


Ok, some art with the story and then maybe that was the only picture that turned out????? Ok, what, did they just take 2 pictures? If that was the case then maybe I might believe you on the that was the only picture that turned out.

No, you yourself didn't convince me to cancel my subscription, but the lack of coverage and the just overall BS that was on the front page caused me to cancel my subscription. If the kid failed every subject in school then someone isn't reaching out to him and yes, maybe he needs someone to be positive towards him in his life. Is there something wrong with that? Evidently you think there is. If he isn't getting it at home, Lord help us if he gets it at school.

friday_nite_fan wrote:I don't see any problem with a caption stating that a high school kid missed a layup... Good grief people, even teenagers need to realize that life isn't going to be easy and people won't catch you making mistakes!! If society keeps softening up teens throughout high school and college like nowadays, guess what. Whenever they get out into the REAL world, it's going to give them a kick in the @ss. I'm sure all of the adults on here are aware that sometime in our lives we are going to fail. Why is it so bad that teens are aware they will eventually fail in something also????????????

That's what the problem is. Everytime you open up the paper all you read is all the negativity in the world. 7 more soldiers killed in Iraq. 4 arrested for operating a meth lab. 3 found dead in a murder-suicide and then you get to the sports section hoping to find something uplifting and we get this,
"Porstmouth's Anthony Williams misses a lay-up
. Yeah, to me that is just more negativity. I'm sure the kid took alot of razzing over that picture and caption and even though he will blow it off if his friends are onto him about it, it still hurts a little bit inside. That is just human nature to be hurt if something negative is said about you, especially when it is in print.

One day maybe we'll wake up and realize that if we keep printing negativity, things are never going to get better. Maybe one day, probably not in my lifetime, but maybe one day, things will change.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by ManitouDan »

FWIW -- Not at all happy to pickup todays paper to read " SORRY early deadlines caused us to not report from any games last night " quite frankly that is sorry --thats why I bought the paper , to read about last nights east -ND game . Oh well MD

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by kahn »

Sorry if there was any confusion about Monday night games. The switch to this early deadline started a month ago. Every Monday we have run at least one ad or info box explaining the change.

Our website will have all the games that were called in published at 11 a.m. and the scores and writeups will run in Wednesday's edition just as we've been doing for a month now.

Again, sorry if there was any confusion.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by ManitouDan »

So it's a delay on mondays only ? Thanks John ---MD

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by boogerred »

ignert1 wrote:Sorry, you just don't get it. BTW, this is an internet chat room, so don't try to act smart by pointing out question marks left off sentences. Most people don't have a problem understanding what a question is, of course they also don't struggle with realizing that yabbadabbodo was talking about the past.

So am I supposed to know what he was meaning to say or what he actually said? I can only go by what is written (typed in this case) If you can read what he typed, then I am correct in every thing I have typed. You do know how to read, don't you, you ignorant f***. (Great balls of fire 75,000 points for an Andy Dufresne quote) :mrgreen:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by kahn »

MD, correct. It's a one day delay on Monday's only. Also remember, there is no delay for our web site so we publish Monday games on Tuesday morning just like always. The delay is just for print.


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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

boogerred wrote:
ignert1 wrote:Sorry, you just don't get it. BTW, this is an internet chat room, so don't try to act smart by pointing out question marks left off sentences. Most people don't have a problem understanding what a question is, of course they also don't struggle with realizing that yabbadabbodo was talking about the past.

So am I supposed to know what he was meaning to say or what he actually said? I can only go by what is written (typed in this case) If you can read what he typed, then I am correct in every thing I have typed. You do know how to read, don't you, you ignorant f***. (Great balls of fire 75,000 points for an Andy Dufresne quote) :mrgreen:

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Negative 2,000,000 points for having the name Boogerred and a picture with your finger up your nose. So that puts you 424,500 points in the hole. :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by Can See All »

ignert1 wrote:FYI, I did get a response from the PDT saying they were wrong and would avoid negative captions in the future. That is why I brought it up to bring attention to it and get opinion on it. If you feel the person would take it back if they could, then you must be saying that they knew it was wrong, which doesn't make sense, since you have said just the opposite in your post. You might have your finger a bit too far up your nose.

I'm not taking any sides here but just saying the person responsible may have not thought it was wrong AT THE TIME, but later realizing that it was a bad idea. I'm sure you've done plenty of things that seemed harmless at first and then later realized that it wasn't such a good idea. :122245

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by callingtheshots »

If everyone is so worried about this kids feelings, then stop and think about how he would feel if got on here and read that people are still talking about his "missed shot" 6 days later. If you have a problem with PDT then just say so. I am not holding up for them at all, cause I don't think they give all the schools the same coverage, but I still buy their paper on Weds, and Sat just because there may be that one chance. But leave that kid out of your complaints.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by Neutron Man »

Well in response to all the PDT BULLSH*T in here. I will say this.
Does the paper suck? Yes, Do they forget and mess up stuff? Yes.
BUt guess what they are hurting for people there. I know this first hand!
People are being put in areas to write about topics they have no clue about.
Which makes it VERY difficult to please all of the cry baby HS parents who didnt get there kids write up in the paper.
GET OVER IT!! If you don't like it. You go write it. Let's place you in an area at your jobsite that you are entirely unfamiliar with and see how well you do. I know its not only not getting a write up, but constant errors. So yes the paper sucks and its easy to complain about things you have no clue about, but I think you need to know whats really going on there before you complain. The ONLY ppl I blame is the ppl running the show there. They are the ones messing it up not the writers/editors etc. Don't slam the guy writing/editing the stuff, cause its like LOWE'S, He was in paints/wallpaper yesterday.

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by boogerred »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
boogerred wrote:
ignert1 wrote:Sorry, you just don't get it. BTW, this is an internet chat room, so don't try to act smart by pointing out question marks left off sentences. Most people don't have a problem understanding what a question is, of course they also don't struggle with realizing that yabbadabbodo was talking about the past.

So am I supposed to know what he was meaning to say or what he actually said? I can only go by what is written (typed in this case) If you can read what he typed, then I am correct in every thing I have typed. You do know how to read, don't you, you ignorant f***. (Great balls of fire 75,000 points for an Andy Dufresne quote) :mrgreen:

Total points to date 1,575,500

Negative 2,000,000 points for having the name Boogerred and a picture with your finger up your nose. So that puts you 424,500 points in the hole. :lol:

Having a call sign of Boogerred and an avatar of a guy picking his nose is just hilarious.
I may have an avatar of me picking my nose, but who is the bright one with a sword in his mouth? Are you used to having swords in your mouth?

ignert1 wrote:Boogered, you seem to just get on here and try to make a DlCK out of yourself, and so far you have been batting .1000. Keep it up and you'll soon have that crease down the front of your forehead.

Believe me, I don't have to try. As for the batting .100, I believe you may have put your decimal point in the wrong place there. Every time I type something, it offends someone. Ask anyone who knows me, I am a DICK. But those who know me well think that I am hilarious.

But, hey! People are allowed to think of me whatever they want. I am not going to lose any sleep of it!

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by madpolecat »

ignert1 once again lives up to his callsign with the following post where he says that boogerred is...

batting .1000.

As you have written it, he is only succeeding one time out of ten. He's much better than that, at least Mendoza ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by madpolecat »

ignert1 wrote:

Boogered, you seem to just get on here and try to make a DlCK out of yourself

Well, duh!!!

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Re: Portsmouth Daily Times strikes again!

Post by friday_nite_fan »

KarlAgathon wrote:ignert1 once again lives up to his callsign with the following post where he says that boogerred is...

batting .1000.

As you have written it, he is only succeeding one time out of ten. He's much better than that, at least Mendoza ...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

One of the top 3 funniest SEOPS posts of all time!!!! Congrats Karl!!!! Hilarious... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :lol: :-D :122245

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