boogerred wrote:I seriously doubt that whoever was responsible for the pic and caption wanted to point out and try to embarass the kid who missed the layup.
Whoever was responsible was probably just trying to have some art with the story and that pic may have been the only pic that turned out well. It was an oversight! People are talking about wanting to give kids a break; how about giving whoever was responsible a break? Do you all want an apology? Will that apology magically erase that pic from all of the papers? It cannot be taken back, but I bet that person would take it back if he/she could.
yabbadabbadoo wrote:You two clowns condoning stuff like this crap put out by the times is the reason why I cancelled my subscription to that joke of a paper. How about print something positive from the game?
If the Times keeps it up they will be out of business in a few years.
I retroactively influenced you into cancelling your subscription to a newspaper with a post I made yesterday? I must be some sort of genius. I must have an IQ of 160. I am going to be a general some day ( 50,000 points for a paraphased
Forrest Gump reference) How about learning how to communicate coherently?
and the line about printing something positive...
Let me guess, if a kid fails every subject in school, you want the teachers all to write something positive on his report card - something to the tone of " Johnny really, really tries hard and does his best". What a load of crap! I believe Sean Connery said it best in
The Rock: "Your "best"! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f *** the prom queen" ( 1,000,000 points for a Sean Connery quote)
Ok, some art with the story and then maybe that was the only picture that turned out????? Ok, what, did they just take 2 pictures? If that was the case then maybe I might believe you on the that was the only picture that turned out.
No, you yourself didn't convince me to cancel my subscription, but the lack of coverage and the just overall BS that was on the front page caused me to cancel my subscription. If the kid failed every subject in school then someone isn't reaching out to him and yes, maybe he needs someone to be positive towards him in his life. Is there something wrong with that? Evidently you think there is. If he isn't getting it at home, Lord help us if he gets it at school.
friday_nite_fan wrote:I don't see any problem with a caption stating that a high school kid missed a layup... Good grief people, even teenagers need to realize that life isn't going to be easy and people won't catch you making mistakes!! If society keeps softening up teens throughout high school and college like nowadays, guess what. Whenever they get out into the REAL world, it's going to give them a kick in the @ss. I'm sure all of the adults on here are aware that sometime in our lives we are going to fail. Why is it so bad that teens are aware they will eventually fail in something also????????????
That's what the problem is. Everytime you open up the paper all you read is all the negativity in the world. 7 more soldiers killed in Iraq. 4 arrested for operating a meth lab. 3 found dead in a murder-suicide and then you get to the sports section hoping to find something uplifting and we get this,
"Porstmouth's Anthony Williams misses a lay-up
. Yeah, to me that is just more negativity. I'm sure the kid took alot of razzing over that picture and caption and even though he will blow it off if his friends are onto him about it, it still hurts a little bit inside. That is just human nature to be hurt if something negative is said about you, especially when it is in print.
One day maybe we'll wake up and realize that if we keep printing negativity, things are never going to get better. Maybe one day, probably not in my lifetime, but maybe one day, things will change.