Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by pmow3 »

I Don't think Waverly is pathetic! I think they play a great schedule and am so glad they beat Chili. I'm tired of arguing this anyway. Good luck to the Tigers and the Cavs the rest of the way. By the way, Oak Hill would beat Wav. anytime anywhere! ;-) Just giving you a hard time Huddle. :lol:

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by toast »

Loved the choice of music that was played as both teams walked onto the court to begin the game. Does anyone know who chose the music and the name of the song? Talk about a great atmosphere............. :-D

And then Jake drills the three............awesome! :-D

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by mkhhg20 »

pmow3....are you serious about the possibility of Oak Hill beating Chilli? I guess we will never know. I would like to see Oak Hill and Chillicothe play in the future, maybe in the next few seasons. pmow3..... you are a devoted follower of Oak Hill and I like that. Every school needs more fans like you. It's natural to think that the Oaks would beat the Cavs, because the Oaks beat Waverly twice this season but very unlikely. Now, if Waverly beat Chilli twice this season and Waverly still got beat by Oak Hill twice, then I'd give the Oaks a good chance.

What's Oak Hill's losses this year?

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by smurray »

Don't know what the music was, toast, but it was cool. Music was supposed to play during the introduction of the Tigers, I don't know what happened to it.

Oak Hill lost to Minford and Valley, as stated before. Waverly beat both of those teams handily at home but lost in close games on the road.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Hitchbone64 »

Not sure why we are talking about Oak Hill on a Chilly vs Waverly thread. Lets keep it real and discuss this game and the two programs listed.

After reviewing the official Chilly stats this morning and digesting the game with my good friends from Pike County, I have come to the following conclusions:

1) From an emotional standpoint Waverly wanted this game more then the Cavs. That does not mean the Cavs did not want to win, but the mental and emotional approach did not reach the levels we are accustomed to. We are typically business like, but a perfect example is one of our kids usually gets a few fouls early playing on emotion and trying to make things happen. Last night he had none until late in game. Our kids also had the look of exhaustion at a few points in the game. I chalk some of that from the emotional and physcial battle endured Sat night against an extremely tough Reynoldsburg squad.

2) To attempt to quote the great Dan Ramey (Voice of the Cavs), Chilly played almost into a perfect storm. The Tigers did everything right from getting out early and surviving Chilly's 1st quarter bunch, to knocking down 23 big free throws, to getting in the right defense to guard the Cavs last night, to the crowd (from many Waverly fans perspective) being as vocal as any had heard in a long while. Through in the 6 games in 11 days (I know Waverly played alot as well, but not to that extent) and the Cavs were walking into a storm.

3) Harrison Martin controlled the paint on offense. The Cavs usually hit a high percentage of our points in the paint. Last night that did not happen and the inside game had to favor the Tigers. It also got the Tigers some trips to the free throw line. Even the misses that Harrison had rolled off the rim, so we were not able to get out and just push the ball down the Tigers throat. In other words our ability to push the ball was hindered by Waverly hitting 18-40 shots and many of the misses did not create fast break opportunities.

4) Cavs made way to many mental mistakes. Much more then normal. I don't believe in calling out kids so I leave names out. a) Foul a kid that is a non-shooter for the Tigers on a shot out of his range. b) Through inbound passes away without anyone deflecting it. c) Defense lapses by both our bigs and guards in some situations that led to some easy buckets and fouls.

5) Ryan Robertson - I understand he has scored more points in a game then the seven (7) I believe he had, but I would wager that none of them were as big as the seven (7) he scored last night. He played big with the minutes he got. That football toughness showed itself. I hear many Tiger fans saying the team is better right now with the "Big" lineup in. Robertson for Remy/Kelly.

6) I won't predict what would happen if these teams played 10 games, but I would love to have a rematch somewhere in the tourney. However, if the Cavs don't rebound from this, we could end up with a short tourney ride. As I posted last night, it makes me go to the Warren game and then two years ago to see a game we played that bad.

7) Hats off to Waverly. They did what they needed to. They took what we gave them. They took advantage of what was given to them and the got the big "W".

I will be pulling for the Tigers until hopefully we meet again.


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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Hitchbone64 »

Dr. Chipinski wrote:To quote Hitchbone, "I spoke to two of the three refs and both of them threatened (one with the look and the others with words) to toss me."

I spoke with one of the officials that did the game last night, and here's a question for you hitch...what were you doing on the floor talking to the officials? If you would have stayed in the bleaches where you belong, I doubt that they would have threatened you unless you were being extremely loud which you have been known to be. Let's keep it real wouldn't like someone coming to your place of business telling you how to do your job, so let them do the job they were hired to do, whether you like it or not. If they don't do the job right, then they won't be assigned games. A loss is a loss, once again, Chilly take a loss well...

Congrats to Waverly on a hard fought victory, and good luck to both teams on their tourney runs.

dr. chip,

I don't believe you know me that well. I always keep it real. In fact, I might be one of the most down to earth and real posters on this or any other forum. I can also tell you this. My customers can come to my place of business anytime they want and tell me how to do my job. And guess what they will get what they are asking for. Since you asked, let me answer the rest of your questions.

1) I was not on the floor talking to one of the officals at first. Since you know me, you should have seen that I was only having one conversion with one official prior to the overtime session. The first offical heard my voice (yes, you and your boys have rabbit ears and I am ok with that). He looked me up and down and I did the same. This is also after I was told that he dropped the "F" bomb in the direction of the Chilly cheerleaders and some of our young people. I am glad I did not see or hear it. My understanding is our Cheerleading advisor did and was going to report the official. But back to me, we had a good stare down and he got his point across and so did I. My point, call the game consistent. If you read my post last night, I said I saw bad calls both ways. I just like consistency. I was told yesterday morning that the Tigers were going to shot a bunch of free throws (and I told people that). This came from another official. Guess what I was right. Did they earn most of them...Yes...Would some of those calls or in fact calls against Waverly been called in the SEOAL (probably not). Would they have been called in the OCC (definitely not). The kids have to learn to play through it, but please be consistent.

2) I left my seat because the students were all standing. The Waverly AD (who does not know me) was right beside me when I spoke to the official. Very casual conversation that left me again asking for consistency on both ends. He let me know that they were not going to bail a kid out and make a call at the end of the game when Knights was tripped. I said fine, but don't bail out Kretzer when VanVolkinburg barely blew on him and went to the line with a chance to win the game (only to hit one). But what happens, Roback is bailed out later as he splits the double team (sound familar) and falls to the ground (sound familiar) and ends up with two shots.

3) These guys are all right officials in my book, they are just not my favorite crew in terms of consistency. Individually one of them makes a lot more calls then the others. I would love to see the tape. One makes litterally no calls. The other is in and out. They did not win or lose the game for either team and as long as I don't disrespect them, I paid my $5.00 and can speak what is on my mind.

Since you do know me so well, send me a PM and we can discuss further. I felt I needed to defend myself, since you wanted some answers.


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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Bronc21 »

you have a message hitch

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Crazy Legs »

Was this the state championship for Waverly? Nice win give them a boost heading towards the tourney. Move on!!!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by soccerfix »

Sounds like the Cavs just lost the state championship. No one from Waverly is whining.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by soccerfix »

I can't believe that all the basketball geniuses think that Waverly should "scrap" the 1-3-1 zone. If they had been at VC they would have realized the 1-3-1 killed VC and let Waverly's defense win the game.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by magic man »

Well i just love how waverly thinks there on top of the world now. Im not dising the team, just think the fans are takinging it to far. you got your win, get over it hopefully we play you in the tourny and kill you

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Ace »

Waverly fans probably are on top of the world right now. They just beat the defending state champions. Chillicothe beat Waverly by 30 points last season. Not too many people gave them a chance to win this game. It is a big deal for this program. Waverly fans are allowed to enjoy the moment. If you don't like it, don't get on here and read it.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Dshanton3 »

I'm not sure if i was officially calling kids out because i said Ron has had 2 subpar games back to back and that Caleb struggles to finish around the rim, but i wasn't intending to pin a loss on either guy. I was looking at the loss and naming things that i think could have turned it around and who needs to play better for this to be corrected. I support the kids win or loss, but when they win, i'm gonna shout out praise to the guys who were the difference makers, whether they had 30 points or rebounded well and played great defense the entire game. When the team loses, i say so and so was good and so and so was not good. I guess i should leave the names out when its a loss b/c i definitely don't want to come across as attacking a kid on an opinion forum. I'm the same guy that comes home after an ohio state game and when somone asks me why they lost i say "for starters Evan Turner had 8 turnovers". i'm just blunt. so i apologize.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by coop »

All this talk about should have known I'd show up :lol:

I dont know where everyone is gathering that Valley is not a good team? Last time I checked 15-4 was pretty solid, especially playing in the SOC2. It seems that Waverly played "great" against Chillicothe, and thats good. Great win for them and the SOC2!! I would hope that Waverly would have gave the defending D-2 CHAMPION the best shot they had!

I have seen 2010, fix, and other say "Waverly beat Valley handily at home, but lost a close game on the road" but I watched the Waverly @ Valley game and it was really not close til 3:00 to go in the game. And yes, I know you play til the buzzer sounds, but after the 22-2 run (aided by the officials and bad lighting) Waverly never took the lead, nor got within 2 possessions the rest of the game. True, or not?

Various teams just match up differently with one another, and thats why you see different results....I am not speaking for Minford, because I've only seen them play one time, but when Valley is shooting well and playing good defense, they are tough to beat. They run all over the floor and get after it.

Now, in reference to Oak Hill playing Waverly and Chillicothe: Waverly has had 2 chances to beat Oak Hill (home and away for those whom are challenged) and they did not do it. I read where people said that "If Waverly plays like they did against Chilly they would be undefeated" so, you would think they would have remembered the first Oak Hill game, and thought "Hey, they're pretty good, we should play hard" or maybe they did and Oak Hill was that much better? Who knows, but neither side can sit and say "Oak Hill couldnt play with Chilly" because I'm sure they could. But the two will never play obviously.

Good Luck to Waverly in the tourney, represent the SOC2 well!!!
Last edited by coop on Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by 72Xcurl »

magic man wrote:Well i just love how waverly thinks there on top of the world now. Im not dising the team, just think the fans are takinging it to far. you got your win, get over it hopefully we play you in the tourny and kill you

You might want to reference the one armed Chilly fan that is walking around before you make a statement that you are going to "kill" someone on the basketball court :lol: .

This was a big victory for my TIGERS. We are going to talk about it, not just this week, but for many more weeks to come. Like Ace said in an earlier post, if you don't like it DON'T read it!!!!!!!

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by bucki4life »

soccerfix, the reason why people don't like the 1-3-1 is simple- we don't rebound well out of it and the back person is having trouble covering the corners- you can say that a lot of people are puzzled why we don't play a quicker person in the back (Roback) but I like the 1-3-1 as long as it used as a change of "D"

I agree with you that this is a major topic in the stands - and when you watch other teams play the 1-3-1 they always, always, always, have a very good defender who is fairly quick in back- I think we used to play Roback in the back but the staff must have seen something that all the coaches in the stands don't see and they made a switch. There have been games when the zone has really looked good!

We will see a "great, great," defense Friday at Burg- this will be a huge test for us- to see if we can attack it and have some kind of movement on "O"

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by Dr. Chipinski »


Thanks for making my doesn't matter whether you paid your $5 or not, you should not have been down on the floor talking to the official. The fact is, you knew the official personally and felt like you could speak to him...the problem is, you should have waited until after the game to do it. What did that say to everyone else in the gym? If you can do it, then everyone else can along with you? Fans should not be talking to officials, players, or coaches during the game, period. If you don't like the way the game was called, fine. Being a fan and having an interest in the outcome of the game you cannot be objective when speaking about it. You say that it was casual conversation, but I bet if you ask the official about the conversation, his perspective would be should not have happened, no matter what the call was or wasn't. Fans should be fans and cheer for their team, and leave it there.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by bucki4life »

Great post Dr. Chipinski- even if no harm was intended by the conversation- it sure didn't look good.

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by magic man »

it's okay i have mad love for my cavs. That just shows why everyone on here is arguing> we love our teams

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Re: Chillicothe @ Waverly on Tuesday 2/17

Post by hbk2016 »

Surely the one armed one will post. Maybe he can't type with the hand that he has left.

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