symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

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symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by 5HDbOy »

i keep hearing that SV is moving to soc ll and i wanted to know if it was true so if anyone has any info on it will you let me know.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I can't see that happening.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Matt52 »

couldn't see it happining they couldn't compete

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Hoggy »

^^^ Just like the little SOC I school from Beaver couldn't compete against the SOC II school located in Minford this year?

What exactly does couldn't compete mean? Granted, it would take a school a couple of years to adjust to change, but this isn't football and I could actually see a couple of the SOC I schools being able to have some success in the SOC II. If I am not mistaken, they already schedule a few of the teams almost yearly.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Slickrick301 »

Yes I believe they would Deff Compeat if they played in the S.O.C 2 this year they would win the tittle they have a very talented team this year with all there starter's back I believe. So i agree with Hoggy On this one...

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Slickrick301 wrote:Yes I believe they would Deff Compeat if they played in the S.O.C 2 this year they would win the tittle they have a very talented team this year with all there starter's back I believe. So i agree with Hoggy On this one...

Just because you have all your starters back doesn't mean you will win your league or that many games. The Burg has all of their starters back as well this season and are now 2-3 on the season and 1-1 in the SOC II. I just can't see Symmes Valley being able to compete with the Burg, Waverly, Minford, and Valley. They might beat Northwest, but even that's not a given.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Hoggy »

Team Chemistry is very important and things do change from year to year, but the level of play from the SOC I to the SOC II is not that much different.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Hoggy wrote:Team Chemistry is very important and things do change from year to year, but the level of play from the SOC I to the SOC II is not that much different.

Try telling that to Valley who dominated the SOC I for years and are now a middle of the road team in the SOC II.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by farmer »

There is no reason for SV to move to SOC II. It is not like they have dominated in basketball or in fact any sport year after year. When Valley moved up they already played in SOC II in some sports. If they moved up in football the down years may stay down longer much like Northwest. They are fine where they are in SOC I.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Hoggy »

Middle of the pack and not competing is a big difference! I can assure you that if you took the past 20 years in consideration and analyzed how Eastern has competed against SOC II teams, you would clearly see that I have a valid point.

I never once stated that Eastern or Symmes Valley would dominate, but did in fact state that it would probably take a few years to adjust to the different style of play. I just don't buy in to opinion that they couldn't compete.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by burgtown2008 »

I think they should trade places with the Burg.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Hoggy »

^^ This year the Burg probably wishes they were in the SOC I and then do you think they would compete any better? Looks like it might be a rough year for the Pirates unless they can find a way to get jelling. I honestly thought they would be the lead dogs in the conference after last year.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by cbaseball33 »

I think they should trade with West!

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by claypantherfan »

I couldnt see this happening due to the fact that would throw off the balance of the conferences

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by #1_fan »

This would be a huge mistake for SV to move. Given that they have a pretty good ball team this year, this will not, and has not been a consistent thing whatsoever, in any sport. And even now with the best ball team they've seen in quite awhile, I wouldn't see them beating Waverly, Minford, Burg, Valley, OR Northwest. And that isn't a slam against the Vikes, but they just haven't played at that level of ball. And lord forbid what would happen on a football field...

Stay in the SOC I Vikes, keep growing. Then if things keep going up, look for this change in 2-3yrs.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by ManitouDan »

I can think of about exactly ZERO good reasons for such a consideration

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by flash »

Valley was in SOC I only in football.
Symmes Valley will never move to
SOC II as along as their D-4 in Basketball
and D-6 in Football.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by my2cents »

It is a numbers game and SV only has 108 boys, While that puts them on the top end of the SOC I schools, it puts them way down on the bottom with the SOCII schools. Burg has 150, Valley 152, West 180, South Webster 116, Waverly 253, Northwest 192, Minford 169. SV might have a good team this year but the odds are against you being able to consistently produce a competetive team with only 100 boys against schools who have 150 to 200 boys to choose from.

here is the link the OHSAA site with the enrollment totals for every Ohio School.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by mattash »

These are only rumors someone made up. They would never move to the SOC 2.

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Re: symmes valley moving to soc ll ?

Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »

cbaseball33 wrote:I think they should trade with West!

Are you dumb?

Jus because we havn't been good at basketball the last few years doesn't mean we should switch. Enrollment would be way off also.

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