Coaches Salaries

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by jchitwood »

Coaches kiss their husbands or wives goodbye in November and sometimes don't see them until August. :)

I also think teachers are underpaid.

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Re: Coaches Salaries


Tobias-yes for 30 years and 19 years as head football coach. But of course some will tell you that I do not have a clue about what I am doing, oh well.

By the way, if the economy does not get any better in this state by the time the cuts happen this topic will be irrelevant because sports as we know them will change big time. Could end up with club sports instead of what we have now.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by JohnKnight »

First year I taught was 1984, I made $9000. Yeah I make 50K+ now but for a long time I was paid very little for the time and effort I put in and the level of education. If all teachers started out at 45k and went up to 70k I would agree that teachers had great paying jobs. Not the way it is though.

the hit king
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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by the hit king »

i teach school and coach but i thought we worked 9 months out of the year instead of 6. let's see aug,sept,oct,nov,dec,jan,feb,mar,april,may june. take off spring break and christmas break and just working the last 2 weeks of aug and a week in june, i think that equals 9 months which i believe is 3/4 of a yr not 1/2 of a yr. that's not counting what you do in your coaching season and when you are coaching not in season. lol lol lol

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by lostgeneral »

When I started in 1979 I made 78 or 7900.00 as a teacher. Had my brother on me one day not too long ago about how much time we had off. I told him we have to go 184 days in the year. No paid vacations or holidays or time in half for overtime or holidays. He looked at me and says I only have to work 170 days of course they were 10 hr. days, but got 5 weeks paid vacation and the extra for holidays. Don't take this wrong I chose teaching he chose the factory. I paid off loans for college he went to work right away. He still makes more in a year than I do with the extra education I have taken to further my degrees again out of my pocket. The factory pays for his trips if he has to travel. In our district you might get lucky to have mileage covered. He really hasn't gotten on me much since he looked at what he gets and does compared to me. Again I'm happy I've gotten to coach and teach,hopefully helped change some childrens out look on life.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by Jumpshot »

Coaches and teachers work 9 months or more a year in their buildings. They also work 3+ hours after school at home or in a gym on weeknights. (Others go home and are done with work.) They grade papers a few hours or even sometimes 10-12 hours per weekend and must plan for course work for 180 students per day. They are REQUIRED to get a masters degree in Ohio, one which they must pay for themselves in addition to paying off the college loans they took out to get certified after what now amounts to about five years to get a bachelor's degree. Successful coaches now hold summer sessions, open gyms, take teams to camps, and supervise weight sessions. Salaries range from starting around 23,000 and maybe heading up to near the 60,000 after 25 years and a master's degree.
Anyone who thinks teachers are overpaid is obviously ignorant of relevant facts about the profession and relevant comparable information about professional careers. It is a solid middle class living with perks beyond belief. But, nobody every does it to achieve upper-class economic status. It isn't possible.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by wipala »

Just this past year I started a part time job in a local school. I was one of those who thought teachers had it pretty good with all the time off....let me tell you IMHO teachers DO NOT GET enough time off!! When breaks come you are ready,,,,As far as pay, it is like any other job,,,take what you can get and run with it...

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by sparky »

many teachers and coaches have second jobs in the summer, plus they have to continue taking classes and very few if any schools pay for these classes. some coaches spend a lot of time in the off season still working on their program, open gyms, weight lifting, 10 days of organized games or practices(and some cheat and do more than 10 days). most don't complain about the pay because they knew what they were getting into when they sign on and others see the light and move on.

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by gametime »

Their arent many good paying jobs to begin with and some dont have time for second jobs,working everyday on first job. but teachers and coaches earn their money like everyone thats holds a job

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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by pfloyd »

... Gilbert Arenas gets paid $167,000 PER BASKETBALL GAME ... a teacher on average with 25 years experience makes approximately $45,000 PER YEAR ... yeh teachers are paid too much for what they do (he says sarcastically) ... when I think of what WE as teachers do during the school day, the school year, what WE do to continue to be THE BEST at what WE do , throw in the time, the teaching/coaching WE do as coaches during the season, during the off season AND I read a post that reads :

Under paid please.....

Where else can you work half a year and make 40k, 50k and 60k? Now lets say your a coach, so lets add another 3k. dont forget about the money that is made at the football and basketball camps during the off season. Under paid, really?
:mad: :aaaaa35 :aaaaa17

... I have been a teacher, and a coach for 27 years AND work a second job during the summer on top of doing off season work with my athletes ALL summer... ON TOP OF doing summer coursework STILL - wouldn't change anything ... to read such a post that questions whether I/WE as teachers/coaches are paid too much for the jobs we do as teachers/coaches ?????????????????? I suppose the least offensive statement that I can make is to agree with other who are in the same boat ... "clueless" works for me ... now IF the poster had commented on a Gilbert Arenas being OVERPAID for what HE DOES for a living /along with the pro athlete in general THEN I MIGHT give it read BUT ................ no ...


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Re: Coaches Salaries

Post by hook em horns »

I wish all professions had the same unselfish attitude and true love for what they do as teachers and coaches do. Greed, politics, the bottom line, etc. cause so many in other professions to be so miserable they get no satisfaction out of what they do for a living which may be what stimulated dave's comments.

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