Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8
The poor spelling on this thread is quite embarrassing as a Warren alum. Goodness sakes.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8
If thats the case Johnny Quest, Then are you saying that this team isnt playing as a team? From what I have seen, it doesnt look like that Coach Maddox has brought these boys along in the same manner he did back then? It doesnt seem like they are UNITED AS ONE? Just from the games I have attended, it seems like there is anomosity between the older kids and some of the younger group of players? Never see these kids congratulating each other as a team. You have a few that are very team oriented but several who seem not to be? Until this problem is addressed, not sure that they will be successful.(again-my opinion). It doesnt take great players to win, just a solid group of non-selfish players that treat each other like a brother. If Coach Maddox could get these players to do just that, and treat each person as equal, then Warriors would def be a contender. Its still early, but with the way these posts are getting, It better be soon. It just feels like the pressure is really getting built up and they are trying to hard to find the solution....TEAM BASKETBALL IS A WIN-WIN ORDEAL! SO IF ANY WARRIOR PLAYERS ARE READING THIS...UNITE TOGETHER...SHUT-UP THE CRITICS...ITS NOT TO LATE!
- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8
339 my post was in reference to Jottings question. My opinion about the 04-05 team pertains to that team only. I have not seen this years squad. GO BLUE!!
- Varsity
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
bottle of Malox for Diehard fan, Spell Checker for Swamisez, and a Game sometime soon REAL - SOON
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
sounds to me like some of the posters on here shoud fill out an application for the job next year...the coach has to be renewed every year so there is a chance you all can go in and fill out your application...maybe that could be the "Solution"...its pretty funny that there is about 600 coaches that don't get paid and only show up one or two nights a week during the season...oh yeah yeah that would probably be too much work to have to try to build a program 8 or 9 months out of the year and put in all the hours in watching film and scouting and being away from your family all that about being a little more appreciative for the dedication and all the effort coach maddox has put in this program to get it to where it is now...not only from the parents but from the kids as well...watched the ironton film and when we were making our comeback there was only one kid that was clapping and cheering on the bench..(thanks austin henthorn)...every player on the team has a role and they should be well aware by now what it is...there has to be leaders on the bench as well as on the floor...don't complain about not getting on the floor find a way to make ur team better whether it be cheering on the bench or making your starters work harder in practice...should be both...your team is only going to be as good as the people that support it...and yes i did a lot of cheering from the bench
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
That is one of the best posts i have seen so far maybe the fans and players will take some of this advice. Everyone should know their role. Everyone come out Tuesday and cheer on your Warriors to a victory!!
That is one of the best posts i have seen so far maybe the fans and players will take some of this advice. Everyone should know their role. Everyone come out Tuesday and cheer on your Warriors to a victory!!
- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
In my opinion, Blaine Maddox and Mark Duckworth have been the best thing to happen to WARRIOR basketball . From his first days at Warren Elementary to present , Coach Maddox has gotten the most out of his players. I have seen many changes in the past 35 years at Warren Local , but I hope our coaching staff at Warren does not change. Good Luck to all WARRIOR NATION !!!!
- Warrior Mom
- Waterboy
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
I have sat back and now it is time to voice my opinion,I don't know how you expect theses teenage boys to step up and be leaders,with the "FINE" example you are setting,MR .C.C.
You claim you are old enough to be a grandparent,and say you have spent the last 8 years of sitting on hard bleachers,wasting you time and watch a few certain lazy,selfish,mediocre players run the Warrior program in the ditch,and I ask myself why,when you say you have no dog in the fight.You said and I quote,"They have alot of great athletes not in the picture when get to their senior year."Maybe it is because they had JV players step up and take their spot,as you suggested in an earlier post.Maybe the "TRUE" talent simply rose above them.
It really dosen't seem to matter to you if they win or lose...If it is a non-league win..You say,"Oh well maybe it will keep building the confidence of the kids." And you never fail to mention the 5 starters,which 2-3 who lack leadership,who could give the bench great depth...and you hope to be proved wrong on that theory.Please do us all a favor,and try to be informed instead of just opinionated.
You talk in your post about people being fed up and want something done.Well I doubt getting on a forum,hiding behind a user name,spouting off about'Standing up for what is right and fair" makes your opinion of any worth.From my view,you are one in the same,talking your "sh**" just to get under someone skin.You say the truth hurts,how would you know?
Another one of your quotes,"So lets sit back and see what the rest of the year has in store for us...hope the choice is made and we go along way...Let's support whatever we are handed." But you seem to struggle with your own GREAT advice,here.
And your "SO CALLED MOTIVATION" to get "LITTLE JOHNNY" to step it up,so that he might be worthy of alittle recognition from you.....LOL...Save it for a rainy day,because the sun just might not make it out tomorrow.
And I noticed your status to be"Running in the wind",I would like to close with a quote by Channing Pollack. 'A CRITIC IS A LEGLESS MAN WHO TEACHES RUNNING."
You claim you are old enough to be a grandparent,and say you have spent the last 8 years of sitting on hard bleachers,wasting you time and watch a few certain lazy,selfish,mediocre players run the Warrior program in the ditch,and I ask myself why,when you say you have no dog in the fight.You said and I quote,"They have alot of great athletes not in the picture when get to their senior year."Maybe it is because they had JV players step up and take their spot,as you suggested in an earlier post.Maybe the "TRUE" talent simply rose above them.
It really dosen't seem to matter to you if they win or lose...If it is a non-league win..You say,"Oh well maybe it will keep building the confidence of the kids." And you never fail to mention the 5 starters,which 2-3 who lack leadership,who could give the bench great depth...and you hope to be proved wrong on that theory.Please do us all a favor,and try to be informed instead of just opinionated.
You talk in your post about people being fed up and want something done.Well I doubt getting on a forum,hiding behind a user name,spouting off about'Standing up for what is right and fair" makes your opinion of any worth.From my view,you are one in the same,talking your "sh**" just to get under someone skin.You say the truth hurts,how would you know?
Another one of your quotes,"So lets sit back and see what the rest of the year has in store for us...hope the choice is made and we go along way...Let's support whatever we are handed." But you seem to struggle with your own GREAT advice,here.
And your "SO CALLED MOTIVATION" to get "LITTLE JOHNNY" to step it up,so that he might be worthy of alittle recognition from you.....LOL...Save it for a rainy day,because the sun just might not make it out tomorrow.
And I noticed your status to be"Running in the wind",I would like to close with a quote by Channing Pollack. 'A CRITIC IS A LEGLESS MAN WHO TEACHES RUNNING."

- JV Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
That just may be the best quote I have ever heard.
I know you guys over at Warren are snowed in and dissapointed but you do not need to turn on each other. It only creates a negative atmosphere around the whole program. We at Chillicothe just went through a football season that had all of the same stuff going on and it is a cancer to the program. I am not saying that, had our fans stayed positive, we would have won more games but it couldn't have hurt. The kids read this and subconsciously are affected. Point out strengths and weaknesses. Give honest assessments of a player's development. Don't throw a "blanket" criticism on a team and say they have no heart. Trust me. I just went through it. Support your kids. Good luck to you guys throughout the rest of the season.
I know you guys over at Warren are snowed in and dissapointed but you do not need to turn on each other. It only creates a negative atmosphere around the whole program. We at Chillicothe just went through a football season that had all of the same stuff going on and it is a cancer to the program. I am not saying that, had our fans stayed positive, we would have won more games but it couldn't have hurt. The kids read this and subconsciously are affected. Point out strengths and weaknesses. Give honest assessments of a player's development. Don't throw a "blanket" criticism on a team and say they have no heart. Trust me. I just went through it. Support your kids. Good luck to you guys throughout the rest of the season.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
I know a young man who played for Coach Maddox a few years back.
To this day, when he talks about his time as a Warrior basketball player it is always positive. Did things always go HIS way?-No. Did he enjoy the experience?-Yes. COACH is how he refers to Coach Maddox. When I hear this I know who he is referring to. No last name needs to be attached to the title. It is clear.
We can sit back and make judgements on coaches (not all are perfect), players (many different temperaments), and parents (all who want the same thing for their sons) but this is not constructive and doesn't do anybody any good.
Everyone, please help make this a positive experience for the players. Their time in basketball (for most) will last only a few years. The memories last a lifetime. Help make these memories good.
A lot of season left guys-HAVE A GOOD TIME AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!
To this day, when he talks about his time as a Warrior basketball player it is always positive. Did things always go HIS way?-No. Did he enjoy the experience?-Yes. COACH is how he refers to Coach Maddox. When I hear this I know who he is referring to. No last name needs to be attached to the title. It is clear.
We can sit back and make judgements on coaches (not all are perfect), players (many different temperaments), and parents (all who want the same thing for their sons) but this is not constructive and doesn't do anybody any good.
Everyone, please help make this a positive experience for the players. Their time in basketball (for most) will last only a few years. The memories last a lifetime. Help make these memories good.
A lot of season left guys-HAVE A GOOD TIME AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Standfirm i think the alumni day coach maddox has during christmas week shows how much respect ,his ex-players and players that didn't play for him but have been around him enough to know him, have for coach maddox...this year there was right around 30-35 ex-players that showed up to challenge the jv and varsity teams...high school sports is not all about winnning or losing its about the memories and the lessons learned that matter most...since i played for coach maddox and had so much respect for him (even though i watched a lot of games from sitting right beside i hope that when my children get old enough to play hs bball that he will still be a part of the program...character is not built during the game..its everything you do off court and to prepare for the game...
- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
WELL HELLO EVERYONE...SEEMS LIKE YOU ALL HAVE MISSED ME...LOL..Sorry for the delay in posts, but I had a minor surgery over the last week and YES IM FINE! Thanks for the thoughts? Give me a day to get some reading in and I will be back as strong as ever....Especially after the Chilli game....ha, hope it goes well.
The sun comes out tmrw!

Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Read where Chillicothe went down to one of the Pickerington teams Saturday
- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Is Coach maddox not coming back or is his job in jeopardy? Why all of the tearful posts about how good he has been for the program? Ive posted several times about what Ive seen over the years and mostly its been just what has happened lately? Never about termination. Coach Maddox and Duckworth have been a positive influence for the kids, but unlike recent years it seems like they both are approaching this group with a much softer heart and afraid to speak to certain players as in the past? I speak for just what ive seen that never have I saw the disrespect from players that when he is telling them and trying to coach, that they look away or ignore him? He would have never let this happen in the past and I am not sure why he is letting this happen now? Not going to mention names but it just seems like if it was about teaching kids whats right, that nomatter if your superstar or any other player did this, then they would be sat out and taught that they are not invincible and this is a Team sport. I think that this is what is frustrating to watch, compared to any of the teams in the past. Just sitting in the crowd and watching this go on and thinking that its hurting the Team concept is my thoughts. Getting soft or whatever the reason, these young adults need the discipline and if it takes getting in someones face or setting an example, then do it.. If Mr Padgitt can do it at the jr high level, im quite sure that these kids can handle it now. Show these guys that you are true to treating everyone as one, and it just might get this team to where it needs to be? So when you are my age, watching just not the game but the reactions and small items like above are what I see as the whole picture, And why so many people dont understand why I say some of the things I do...Its just like reading the fine print of anything. Good to be back..
The sun comes out tmrw...

- Warrior Mom
- Waterboy
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Warrior C.C...If I am not are the one on here saying "everyone" wants something done,we need a change of staff,etc. So now you wonder way people are on the defense.I don't want to banter back and forth,because it is simply a waste of time,and I want to agree with you on the disrespect of players in the huddle at times.If it gives you any satisfaction please know that I had a heart to heart with my "SUPERSTAR" about it.I can assure you it won't happen again. If it sheds any light on things,speaking for the Varsity boys,they are all good kids,not out getting into trouble,and honor roll holders.Please don't judge them by a moment of frustration,in the heat of a game, they were trying to win.All I ask is please try to be more subtle with your "opinions".It would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
C C i think i finally found the "solution" to the problem....if you don't like what u see and all your going to do is put down the staff and the kids....STAY HOME!!!...maybe you can find someone else to watch and put down...pretty sure noone drags you out of your house and forces you to watch this cluster...stay home and watch the sunset
- Warrior Mom
- Waterboy
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren 1/8
Diehard Fan wrote:You people at Warren make me sick, it all starts from the Principle to the coaches to the parents and poor sport fans they have. When you people learn to get a life and finally figure out that until you get a Lebron James or Evan Turner or a Beanie Wells you will not be able to compete in the state of Ohio. Warren has had some great athletes in the last 9 or 10 years in basketball but the coaches fail to bring them together as a team year in and year out. Last years team and this years team does not have nearly the talent nor the ability that the past Warren teams have had in previous years and the competition is alot weaker to. SEOAL is way down from previous years and Warren should be able to compete but are not. Its sad to go to a Warren game and watch all these boys work there butts off every year and have to be embarrassed by there principle and coaches and fans. SAD, time for a change at Warren ..........
Blowhard...I mean Diehard I really doubt it is the Warriors making you woozy...It is probably the Swine Flu if I had to guess. Why don't you mind your own business and worry about your home team....that the Warriors wooped by the way.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Bankshot>>>>>>>>>>>Its not all negative response...I am the first one to praise anyone that takes a stepup to play the game...Ellenwood, Venham, Fivecoait, have all received praise from my posts. Its just dumb to act blind and be afraid to say anything. Thats what this site is for. Unforunately I have seen alot of basketball' and im sure its alot more than you , unless you are 80years old. Ive seen what it takes to win and the Warriors have the capability to do just that..................If somethings are addressed. I want nothing more than to see our kids enjoy success, but with success comes criticism.. being able to see the truth and being able to take criticism. The kids arent in peewee league and should expect to hear some negativity. If people are afraid that there little johnny might get there feelings hurt, then maybe you should sign them up for boyscouts and not let them play. So Go Warriors and Come out to play as a Team and we can stop this
The sun comes out tomorrow.

- Warrior Mom
- Waterboy
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
i HAVE ONE LAST QUESTION C.C.....After sitting in the those hard bleachers for the past 8 years...why now all the sudden do you have all the answers,and want to share all your wisdom?Just wondering!