Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
- Varsity
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Warren doesn't have school Monday....more snow expected on Mon night.
God I hope this game happens
God I hope this game happens
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Warrior C C wrote:Bankshot>>>>>>>>>>>Its not all negative response...I am the first one to praise anyone that takes a stepup to play the game...Ellenwood, Venham, Fivecoait, have all received praise from my posts. Its just dumb to act blind and be afraid to say anything. Thats what this site is for. Unforunately I have seen alot of basketball' and im sure its alot more than you , unless you are 80years old. Ive seen what it takes to win and the Warriors have the capability to do just that..................If somethings are addressed. I want nothing more than to see our kids enjoy success, but with success comes criticism.. being able to see the truth and being able to take criticism. The kids arent in peewee league and should expect to hear some negativity. If people are afraid that there little johnny might get there feelings hurt, then maybe you should sign them up for boyscouts and not let them play. So Go Warriors and Come out to play as a Team and we can stop this sun comes out tomorrow.
If this is how you feel why don't you have a response to my basic questions or are you afraid. Some more questions, how much ball do you watch and is it just the warriors.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
so is the game on ? BTW where has the warnwarrior fan been? You always seem to take the very level headed approach. I kinda miss it. Warrior C C, AKA "Truth Hurts", hang in there buddy, I see your point at times, I guess its all in the mind set.
My favorite game this year was Maysville, there was a cartain "harmony". I'd like to see a few more games like that one, hard to be negative after games like that. Hope that's not the only game where everything clicks. Everybody likes positive, and it's there, some games you just have to look harder than others.
Warrior Mom, glad to see you are having those hart to harts, I hear others are doing the same with theirs. It's gonna be OK.
Diehard Fan is gonna put down those "sour grapes" and get over his "Warrior Tummy Ache"
My favorite game this year was Maysville, there was a cartain "harmony". I'd like to see a few more games like that one, hard to be negative after games like that. Hope that's not the only game where everything clicks. Everybody likes positive, and it's there, some games you just have to look harder than others.
Warrior Mom, glad to see you are having those hart to harts, I hear others are doing the same with theirs. It's gonna be OK.
Diehard Fan is gonna put down those "sour grapes" and get over his "Warrior Tummy Ache"
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Chillicothe is coming off a dr. Jekell mr hyde type of week. They go to Portsmouth and get a very tough win over a tough opponent then go to Pickerington and was outhustled in every aspect of the game. This game on Tuesday is very important to the Cavs if they even have a chance of getting back on top of the SEOAL. Chillicothe up to the game in Picktown was one of the best defensive teams in SE-Ohio for some reason Picktown had an easy time getting through it during the second half of the game. I expect to see the Cavs to get back on track Tuesday night against a tuff Warren team.
- warrnwarriorfan
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
It's time for one of my periodic disclaimers . . . my name is Dave Ellenwood, father of Clay, booster president, blah, blah, blah.
Let's acknowledge this for what it is. It's a public forum where people "say" a bunch of stuff that they would never "say" if they weren't anonymous. Even with the anonymity, you really do have to read between the lines. Many of the posts are crafted with the false hope that posting on a BBS is an effective way to "grind your axe." The posts are designed to support or criticize one player over another, uphold the honor of a past team's heroics that might accidently get overshadowed by the current team, or plain ol' just be mean and nasty in a way that seems safe to the anonymous author. Even the few seemingly "positive" posts on here often are written to try and "make a point" in some back-handed way. So, SEOPS and other sites like them tend to tilt towards that negative (at least for Warren). It's a shame that many of the players, coaches and parents do read this stuff, and that they are hurt by the things that are written. My advice is to not participate in the dialogue if you are looking for a pick me up.
As for the topic at hand, I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I just don't feel the same way about athletics as a lot of other folks apparently do. First, I don't understand how perfection can be the only acceptable standard for teams, coaches and individual athletes. The level of criticism that consistently flows in the direction of high-school athletes and coaches is, in my opinion, ridiculous. The basketball team is 5-2, yet the tone of the Warren threads has been, for the most part, critical and divisive. I really don't get it. Considering the team's record this would be ridiculous if all of us did know exactly what's going on with every kid, what's happening during every practice, what the coaches are saying to the kids, etc. The fact that most of us don't know what is really going on with the team makes all the criticism even more unbelievable. I think we've just lost our minds when it comes to sports.
You all know I am a parent and, other than my own son, I know very little about what is happening with the players on the team. I'll guarantee you that none of you know what is going on with my kid. You don't know how he feels emotionally or physically, whether he's frustrated, injured, confident, tired . . . whatever. Folks are more than willing to be critical, or single a couple players out for praise and say nothing about the other contributing players (you know that you are doing that to make a point), or even pronounce that a player is finally "playing to his potential" when they really don't know anything other than what they see during a game, which isn't very much at all.
As a parent my goal is for my son to enjoy himself so that he can look back on high school basketball (this is his final season playing organized high-school athletics) and feel good about the effort he put forth. On the other hand, my son is playing for no other reason than to support his teammates. That's it. He doesn't need to be a superstar, he doesn't need to hear the roar of the crowd, he doesn't read SEOPS, he doesn't pay attention to the paper or television. He long ago realized playing football and basketball that the approval of the fickle fans wasn't based on much more than how he played in the last game, and many times just how he played in the last few minutes of the last game. He had a good game against Logan, so right now you love him. If he plays poorly (according to your standards) in the next game, you'll be omitting his name from the list of "good" players and start suggesting that another player start in his place. That's the way it works.
So, in my opinion it would be great if "little Johnny" did get to feel good about his participation. It would be great if communities acknowledged the effort of our own athletes with at least a degree of SINCERE unconditional support (after all, they are our kids). But, I guess that's just for sissies.
So, have at it! Throw all the criticism you want at little Johnny and his friends. After all, it's "for their own good." But, remember, Little Johnny wisely stopped caring about what you had to say a long time ago.
Tuh, duh . . . begin feeding frenzy.
Let's acknowledge this for what it is. It's a public forum where people "say" a bunch of stuff that they would never "say" if they weren't anonymous. Even with the anonymity, you really do have to read between the lines. Many of the posts are crafted with the false hope that posting on a BBS is an effective way to "grind your axe." The posts are designed to support or criticize one player over another, uphold the honor of a past team's heroics that might accidently get overshadowed by the current team, or plain ol' just be mean and nasty in a way that seems safe to the anonymous author. Even the few seemingly "positive" posts on here often are written to try and "make a point" in some back-handed way. So, SEOPS and other sites like them tend to tilt towards that negative (at least for Warren). It's a shame that many of the players, coaches and parents do read this stuff, and that they are hurt by the things that are written. My advice is to not participate in the dialogue if you are looking for a pick me up.
As for the topic at hand, I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I just don't feel the same way about athletics as a lot of other folks apparently do. First, I don't understand how perfection can be the only acceptable standard for teams, coaches and individual athletes. The level of criticism that consistently flows in the direction of high-school athletes and coaches is, in my opinion, ridiculous. The basketball team is 5-2, yet the tone of the Warren threads has been, for the most part, critical and divisive. I really don't get it. Considering the team's record this would be ridiculous if all of us did know exactly what's going on with every kid, what's happening during every practice, what the coaches are saying to the kids, etc. The fact that most of us don't know what is really going on with the team makes all the criticism even more unbelievable. I think we've just lost our minds when it comes to sports.
You all know I am a parent and, other than my own son, I know very little about what is happening with the players on the team. I'll guarantee you that none of you know what is going on with my kid. You don't know how he feels emotionally or physically, whether he's frustrated, injured, confident, tired . . . whatever. Folks are more than willing to be critical, or single a couple players out for praise and say nothing about the other contributing players (you know that you are doing that to make a point), or even pronounce that a player is finally "playing to his potential" when they really don't know anything other than what they see during a game, which isn't very much at all.
As a parent my goal is for my son to enjoy himself so that he can look back on high school basketball (this is his final season playing organized high-school athletics) and feel good about the effort he put forth. On the other hand, my son is playing for no other reason than to support his teammates. That's it. He doesn't need to be a superstar, he doesn't need to hear the roar of the crowd, he doesn't read SEOPS, he doesn't pay attention to the paper or television. He long ago realized playing football and basketball that the approval of the fickle fans wasn't based on much more than how he played in the last game, and many times just how he played in the last few minutes of the last game. He had a good game against Logan, so right now you love him. If he plays poorly (according to your standards) in the next game, you'll be omitting his name from the list of "good" players and start suggesting that another player start in his place. That's the way it works.
So, in my opinion it would be great if "little Johnny" did get to feel good about his participation. It would be great if communities acknowledged the effort of our own athletes with at least a degree of SINCERE unconditional support (after all, they are our kids). But, I guess that's just for sissies.
So, have at it! Throw all the criticism you want at little Johnny and his friends. After all, it's "for their own good." But, remember, Little Johnny wisely stopped caring about what you had to say a long time ago.
Tuh, duh . . . begin feeding frenzy.
- Warrior Mom
- Waterboy
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12

Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
great post fan...coming from a very respected man in the community who probably has put more time and effort into this school in the last 10 years than anyone maybe just maybe things can calm down a little bit...there is only one player on the team i can criticize day in and day out because that is what brothers are supposed to do...i just want him and all the other kids to mkae sure they put in the effort day in and day out because if they don't maybe someday they will regret it...(coming from experience) matter what you say or do kids are going to be kids and do what they want...the coach for the east team in the army high school bowl said "they are high school boys...they care about 5 things 1. Girls 2. Girls 3. Girls 4. Girls 5. then MAYBE sports...let them big kids they won't ever be able to go back to high school...let them enjoy it
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
There it is! Just what the doctor ordered... Man I missed you
looks like another date with the snow shovel (I know there is hardwood somewhere under all that snow)

- Freshman Team
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Up here in Chilly the school is only on a two hour delay....I'm thinking the game is still a go unless Warren got alot.
- Varsity
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Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
We're off school and have between a half-inch and an inch on the roads. The main roads should easily be cleared by midday, the problem is whether or not the admin feels it safe for the athletes to travel to WHS, as most of the backroads are iced over and havent been plowed or treated in days.
- warrnwarriorfan
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- Varsity
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- Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:55 pm
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Well said good sir, well said!
To the Warren players, best of luck tonight.
Well said good sir, well said!
To the Warren players, best of luck tonight.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Cavs march into the Warrior Dome and make it Hatton Memorial south winning 63-52. Way to go Cavs! Micheal Turner led the Cavs in scoring,scoring 27. Next stop Jackson on Friday.
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
Very good outing by "little Johnny"...venham did pretty much whatever he wanted when he got the ball...his shot was a little off tonight but you are going to have that....excellent defense by ellenwood and knost on the big man...if that kid ever stepped in the weight room and put on some lbs. he would be a force to be reckoned with...i don't think he got a feild goal until late in the 4th quarter...warren did everything to win except stop #21....he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted...i thought the warriors looked pretty good considering they haven't played in 2 weeks...would definitly like to see some more second chance opportunities on the offensive side and give up fewer on the defensive side....the only big negative i saw was the fact that we were only down 6 with 1:45 to go and we bring in a player off the bech to try to start shooting 3's...i don't care how good of shooter u are when you sit the whole game its hard to come in and just make them...thought we should have tried to get it inside and get some quick buckets or set something up to get little johnny a good shot since he made them the rest of the game...still looking for that one person to step up and be a true leader...and not just in the stats column...good outing by the snowed in warriors
Re: Chillicothe @ Warren Make Up is Jan 12
bvmv4life wrote:Cavs march into the Warrior Dome and make it Hatton Memorial south winning 63-52. Way to go Cavs! Micheal Turner led the Cavs in scoring,scoring 27. Next stop Jackson on Friday.
YES!! way to go Cavs