Chucky Taylor wrote:All I'm sayin is the boys from the 80 and/or 82 teams would NEVER have lost a game to North Adams. Isnt this the school that just started a basketball program last week? We have to do something to get these guys playing like the good ole days.
Fan-o-Southern wrote:I imagine Southern was worn down by last night's cross-county rivalry game.
jchitwood wrote:NA lost a lot of talent last year, but they are improving. They also have one of the best coaches in southern Ohio.
TribeManiac10 wrote:Southern was one of the most overrated teams in SEO coming into this game. Yes they were undefeated but they have played some horrible compitition.
Farmer Yoder wrote:jchitwood wrote:NA lost a lot of talent last year, but they are improving. They also have one of the best coaches in southern Ohio.
Howie Jr is one of the top coaches around SEO as well. Sounds to me like things were a little homeriffic in the Peake. Just wait till the Adams Family comes to Racine and me and Scotty dale are working the game. They wont shoot one free throw....
M0TIVAT0R wrote:An assigner would be great. However, Southern, Eastern, Meigs and one other school won't allow it. Now that Athens, and Wahama are in maybe we can overide those 4 votes and get on in place. That would be great.
Jim Ryan wrote:M0TIVAT0R wrote:An assigner would be great. However, Southern, Eastern, Meigs and one other school won't allow it. Now that Athens, and Wahama are in maybe we can overide those 4 votes and get on in place. That would be great.
If the tvc would have wanted an assigner they would of had one before the Meigs County teams came in 1994 or did they vote when they were not in the tvc. Even if there were assigners you would still get on here and blame someone for something.
celticpride wrote:To anyone who actually reads this trying to find info. about the game and couldn't make the long trip from both schools, North Adams outplayed Southern when it counted, the 4th quarter. Southern has a good team who is struggling a bit right now, case in point, their close win over River Valley last night. I know North Adams had lost several close games to quality opponents and did beat a good Manchester team, so this was not a shocking result. There are several people who have usernames that make them sound like Southern supporters, who are actually just trying to make Southern look bad. I don't think the Southern team or real supporters would be making any excuses for this loss. They know they have a team that needs to just play hard and get better. North Adams is well coached and deserved the victory and Southern will rebound. I hope everyone knows these are not fans of Southern that are making the silly comments just to get a reaction.
Heavy D wrote:I can say that the whole time I was in high school we had the same crew of refs every time we went to Southern. At Eastern it was that way in baseball, and we had maybe two different crews in basketball. In football it was the same crew every year at Southern, and they called more penalties on both teams than in any other games I ever played in. In basketball at both places it was the same, foul the big guy from the visiting team out strategy, each year.
I get a good laugh every time I read one of you Southern people on here denying that someone else on here is from Southern. The ones you think make you look bad. Funniest thing is they tell it more like reality than you people that say their not from there. It is also funny cause your own group of high school kids have been nailed on here acting like they are from Eastern, Trimble, Fed Hock and Meigs. Those are just the places I have noticed, prolly more than that in reality. I mean come on Kid green, koondogger, whompasscat, ultimate lancer, and the imposters hardhitter, geck0 and orestes'...? You really expect people to think those are not the same kids using those names? Then they forget which name they are posting under and respond under one of the Calvins or another Southern name, making it obvious who they are. Funny stuff for sure. So just accept the fact that you are the school that has people on here trying to act like they are from other schools. Quite frankly, who in their right mind would want to act like they are from Southern anyway?