Fed hock at trimble

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by TOMCAT_FAN »

I think you are right that the CATS only scored 6 or 8 in the 3rd. Outlasted is a good way of putting it.

Thanks for the positive spin on the game.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by buddyholly »

Well, it's 1:52 p.m. and I was hoping for 93Bulldog's comment on the game.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by 93Bulldog »

lol ... Well Nelsonville T.V cable was playing the Trimble-Southern game from whenever ... I thought it was the FH game ... they have been runing old girls games and stuff all day ... its ridiculus .. Ive been wanting to watch the Athens/Belpre game and the FH game ... but all Ive seen is Nelsonville-York girls versus Crooksville; Trimble girls versus somebody and now Trimble Vs Southern.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by theassassin »

thanks king of kings

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Lungbuster »

No one on here said it was due to "excessive celebration". Again, it was due to celebrating to early and running on the court with time left on the clock

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by hardwoodheroes »

Our reporters broke down the wild finish to the FH/Trimble game...the video will be up in under an hour!

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by hardwoodheroes »

In the boys show, our reporters broke down the FH/THS thriller and you can see exactly what happened at the end of regulation and into overtime.

http://woub.org/tv/index.php?section=5&page=712 ...shows page

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by g w mclintock »

I have watched the HH video several times. Here are my observations:

1.. I think the official could have easily called a technical on Trimble before Thompson shot the 1st fould shot. Watch the video and the official is following the Trimble players, asking for the ball back.
2. The FH bench did not rush the floor. It appears that 1 player went onto the floor but quickly retreated to the bench. Another player started to the floor but was pulled back. Note: the ball/inbounds play was on the opposite side of the floor from the bench. As stated in an earlier post, it did not affect the play but he was on the floor.
3. The FH coaching staff is not on the floor. Coach Murray is obviously not "out to the volleyball line".
4. It seems odd that the officials switched positions between the 1st & 2nd foul shots. On the video, Official R is standing near the Trimble coach for the 1st short but Official H is in that position for the 2nd shot and inbounds play.
5. The T must have been called after the long pass was thrown. You can see Official H, then Official R are following the ball and have not signaled anything. If a call was made during the play, it had to be by the trailing official but I don't know- he was not in the camera shot.
6. Notice at least 2 Trimble coaches on the floor (directly behind Official H) during the desperation pass.
6. If Thompson had missed the 2nd shot, he should have gotten another attempt. Lane violation on Trimble. Not allowed to waive and taunt shooter.

I know this group of officials and I would not question their integrity. They work hard and try to call a good game. I'm just pointing out some things I noticed on the video.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble


What a big surprise GW ON YOUR TAKE!!!

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by abbysphotos »

Fed Hock rushed to the floor after foul shot was made time clock still had 1 sec. left, tech foul called sent Trimble to the foul line with 2 shots.....They made one, game went into overtime. Check out photos of the game at:http://www.shutterfly.com/pro/AbbysPhotos/BoysBasketball

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by athens78 »

I just watched it and there was 1 kid from the bench of Fed that ran out almost to the white center circle then tried to dive back off the floor towards the scorers table. So it was a T

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Foxworthy »

Thanks to Hardwood Heroes for making this video available.GW makes some very important observations. I was at the game so know what went on in the “fill in” that had a huge impact on the end of the game. These shots are not available on the HH video.

1) The first foul shot of Thompson was made under the status that the game clock had ran out, no time left on the clock and thus no Trimble players at the foul line. If this game wasn’t over then this is a lane violation.
2) Trimble called a time-out after the first foul shot. The officials then put time back on the clock indicating the game was not over. Can you use a time out if a game is officially over?
3) During the time out the entire FH bench was absorbed in a huddle, obviously unaware of what was going on at the scorer’s table. The conference to re-establish time appeared to take place between the Trimble coaches and the officials. Saying “appeared” because there was so much commotion it was hard to tell. My observatioin.
4) Trimble players committed a lane violation on Thompson’s second foul shot that was not addressed by the officials. Why not?
5) FH bench players did come out on the floor after Thompson’s foul shot was made because they thought the game was over but quickly retreated and I agree with GW, had nothing to do with the final outcome of the last play.
6) There are also Trimble coaches on the floor at the same time as the FH Players are trying to retreat.

IMO, and it’s only IMO, there were many mistakes made by the officials in how they handled the end of this game and by coaches and players alike. IF, the officials had reset the clock before Thompsons’ first foul shot and not in between the two, the ability to have effective communication with both benches would not have been an issue. IF the officials would have T’d up the Trimble players for holding onto the ball at the end of regulation and committing an obvious lane violation on Thompson’s 2nd shot it would never have gotten to the final scenario.

So if you are going to call the floor violation how can you not call the other violations? In the best interest of HS basketball, the officials should have restored order, gave the ball back to Trimble and replayed the last final second of regulation. Treat it like all the other “no calls” that should have been some kind of call at the close of this game. These officials IMO cannot justify the decisions they made down the stretch.

If you weren’t at the game, you can’t understand the commotion and lack of order that was going on at the scorer’s table and sidelines in the last few minutes. It was difficult for anyone to hear. This game got completely out of control and then we blame the kids for an adult mistake. What was Trimble’s hurry to be so hasty in getting their hands on the ball for the final second? Perhaps they knew mayhem was ruling and a technicality could change the end of the game? It is not easy to be an official but this is an important element of the game and requires composure and credibility in decision making, both of which was lacking in the final seconds of this game. No one is perfect but acknowledging a mistake can go a long way in correcting a situation. The FH players paid dearly for their mistake but everyone else walked away without any accountability. Scenario’s like this is what gives officiating in the TVC a bad image.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Heavy D »

I was at the game, and watched the video and I will tell you that both coaches were on the court numerous times during the game. As with most gyms in this area, it is almost impossible for a coach to not be on the court when he stands up with what little room there is on the sideline. As for the lane violation, it would be hard to call a tech when the refs told all the players to move to half court for the first shot. As for the clock, they did get it wrong twice. When the foul was called there was actually 2 seconds but the clock was allowed to run out. They should have put 2 secs back up instead of just 1. THe player did run onto the court when the Trimble player was inbounding the ball, making 6 players on the court. That is a tech in any case, no matter the time on the clock. For Fed not knowing there was time put back on the clock, I would think when the Trimble players aligned at the key for the rebound it would have tipped them off. Plus their players started to go to the lane, but he coach told them to stay back.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by amazinghocks »

It is a lane violation by Trimble for not being in the lane on the first shot then occupying the lane the second time. Fed should have been awarded 2 free throws, the rest is history.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Heavy D »

Like I said, the officials told them to go to half court. Would be hard to t them for doing what they were told.

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Heavy D »

Since we are rehashing would shoulda coulda's the Fed coach should have been t'd in hte first half when he ran to base line and screamed at the ref while he followed him from the baseline clear across half court. Trimble would have made at least one, then no overtime and the rest would have been history. :lol:

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Baldeagle »

Heavy D wrote:Since we are rehashing would shoulda coulda's the Fed coach should have been t'd in hte first half when he ran to base line and screamed at the ref while he followed him from the baseline clear across half court. Trimble would have made at least one, then no overtime and the rest would have been history. :lol:

Did the coach in question use the stomp or stare? I heard howzee had a clinic on these techniques this past summer and I wondered if the fed hock coach was a graduate of the program....

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Re: Fed hock at trimble

Post by Binary »

Jim Ryan wrote:Motivator and Binary you are the biggest HYPOCRITES in the TVC. You run your mouths about officials at other schools, where are you now? Sounds like your school is the one that needs a league assigner, no wonder you voted against a league assigner. I can't beleive you lost any games with Willy Homer doing the games. :lol: :lol:

First of all I am not from Trimble, though bad officiating is not only found at Trimble as evidenced by what many have said about heading to Southern. Secondly, until your AD has the nads to agree to having an assigner you should not criticize any other school for officiating or the lack of an assigner. :lol:

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