SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by athens78 »

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by crazymidgets »

Chillicothe only played 6 in their state title run, at this point with the days off you have it doesnt matter how deep your bench is.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Warrior C C »

Big difference in using only 7 if they are Elite 7?
Warriors are alot stronger when they sub alot and keep everyone fresh.
This year is one of the years where they need to sub because of the stronger players are just a few!
We arent 7 STRONG in talent! We are however 10 strong in Team play! :| The sun comes out tmrw!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by BLUEMOON »

Why just 10? Will this number get the person you want to get some PT? After the first 7 the other 8 are good players, they just aren't quite ready for the primetime, they will be in due time! So can you explain how you the god almighty of Warren basketball knowledge came up with 10? It really sounds as if your depends didn't arrive in time as you are always pi$$ing and moaning about the playing time, maybe you need to just sit back and read a book (basketball for idiots in your case would be a good selection). I really don't know how you even know if the sun comes out, because you really need to get your head out of your A$$ to be able to see. :122245

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by rickoshay »

Ouch, hammer down, now the balls in your court Warrior CC......

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by mhs95_06 »

I think 7 is a nice number for the rotation in the game, and I don't think with that at this time of the season that the team gets overly tired from playing to much. And the 7 get confortable with each other and should be the best 7 so performance drops when you go beyond that. The key is managing fouls, and not having injuries. I think you are better off bringing in someone cold if you need to and take your chances that he'll "step up" when in need, rather than try to have ten used to playing that puts the 8,9,10 on the floor too much and waters down the play of the team, and besides that, the 8,9,10 may try to do too much naturally trying to work their way up in the rotation, so much so that they hurt the team!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by dimedrop4 »

Good luck to both teams!!!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by 1fish2fishbluefish »

The Warriors due have a good sophomore class but the experience may not yet be there. They have multiple guys on the floor that have played quality minutes in tournament play. Cunningham is a very talented scorer and can also make some very key passes while staying under control, Venham gives a good inside pressence and has amazing athletic ability and can beat defenders off the dribble if needed and is tough and strong on the boards, Ellenwood has a soft touch from mid-range and can get hot and hit a couple in a row and is long on the defensive end, Lang plays very hard and can extend the defense along with Cunningham, Hastie will also add another shooter to the floor when needed, Knost plays very hard tough scorer and scrappy with the boards; he just gets after it. Mr. Fivecoait, along with the rest of team, has been playing very well from what I have heard. Fivecoait may not be the number one scoring threat on the team but he brings a lot to the table and compliments the scoring abilities of Venham and Cunningham. He will crash the boards and play tough D on anyone Coach asks him to guard. I have been there before it's not necessarily keeping everyone fresh it's about who wants to make it happen and fight for the second wind......You can say play the best 7 or best 10 but thats not really what wins it; it's about the team and all 16 guys(i think max dress number) that have worked to get here and pushed's a family it is a TEAM

PLAY HARD and BELIEVE... I have been around all of you and seen you play you have what it takes now get it

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by 1fish2fishbluefish »

*The Warriors do.......
should have seen that one

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by 1fish2fishbluefish »

Whether the best number is 7 or 8 I feel that Coach Maddox will have it down and be ready to go and make the right decisions....


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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by LetsGoPSU »

The Number one team in the country Syracuse plays seven only and it has worked threw out that tough Big East slate. That being said Good luck Warriors from your SEOAL rivals in Portsmouth

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

The speed of the game at this level may be too much for some of the younger players that saw playing time earlier in the season. It is all about possessions now and turnovers will send you home.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Warrior C C »

BLUEMOON....Ur a disgrace to the Vincent people!
Everyone is totally missing the point here........Comparing Syracuse to this is absurd for one thing!
Ive said and I will stick to my guns, that Warriors of this season are a much stronger team if they just rotate some fresh people off the bench for just a few minutes at a time! Venham is good but is alot better when he gets a breather! This will help on his free throws as well! He also needs to get rid of the ball when in to much traffic...seen that 1 game this year when he had prob 3 assists which is huge for him! Cunningham is also better when given just a few minutes here and there! Even Lang plays better when played a little less because he seems hungrier.Not trying to take any minutes from players like Lang, Ellenwood, and Knost but it only makes since to keep everyone fresh and use your bench deeper even witl leff,Cowen,and Ward for a few minutes especially when 3 of the elite 7 are scoring 4 points a game between them? Just would make the team so much deeper and harder to defend!
So not trying to take playing time from your LITTLE JOHNNIES but just in a basketball since, for this group it would benefit everyone!! So Phil and I will sit back and say I told ya so as expected later on!
Good Luck Warriors and hope you tear it up, great time to advance where no other team has gone for a long while due to substandard teams this year! Then again, not saying warriors havent played hard to get here!
;-) The sun comes out tmrw!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by hardrock21 »

Does anyone have a muzzle and shock collar for CC?

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Warrior Mom »

I am still trying to figure out why CC,thinks that anyone would value the opinion of a grumpy ole man,who advertises to the world,he s**ts himself,and can't manage to get his Depends delivered on time,but he has all the answer for the time mangement of the Warrior bench.Now that's funny,I don't care who you are!!!!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Sportsfanallnitelong »

Don't DO IT ! Don't DO IT !! Doooon't DO IT !!! B..L..E..E..P..!!!!
Last edited by Sportsfanallnitelong on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by Auburntgrfan »

Just a guess here but CC sounds more like a High School student than an "ole man". I think it is called "Talkin out your behind, because your mouth knows better. In the grand scheme of things I prefer the words of Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders: JUST WIN BABY. Lets get the "W" then let the rest fall where it may. I really don't care who plays or who dosen't if it is just 5 and that is what is needed then OK, if they have to suit up a couple of cheerleaders who cares. It is playoff time and everybody at this point is 0-0, the new season, has begun. If the Warriors get the win and advance to the next game great. One game at a time, each win gets them further along. I think the fartherest Warren Boys have ever got was Charlie Millers (86?)class that got the the finals of the district. A guess here.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by BLUEMOON »

Ouch that one might leave a mark!! Man i live somewhere other than Vincent, so could you please leave the good people of Vincent out of your comments.

Well since CC is senile and can't seem to control his bladder my suggestion would be to see a doctor about that problem. He might be able to help you with your problem and let you see the sun all in the same visit, as he will have to remove your head to give you a thorough examination.

As for the game the Warriors can win this one and advance to District Finals. They just need to play good team defense and make their free throws. Go with what got you there as I always say.

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by warriorfrosh »

CC you're at it again....we don't need an attempt at controversy just before this this point no one's opinion matters but the Coach...he's pulling the strings and making the decisions....let's get behind him and the boys ALL THE WAY! He's got us this far and we need to support his decisions!!! GO BLUE MEN!!!

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Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

Post by 1fish2fishbluefish »

"I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there; Lord I apologize and be with the starving pygmies in new guinea. Amen.
There is really no such thing as an ELITE 7....Coach will put the guys on the floor he BELIEVES will give him the best chance to win whether that will be the 5 guys that start or its everyone including the 5 th grade ball boy...............and yes there will be a time when a guy in the game is going to need a short breather and get some water....

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