Matt Combs Future???

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Matt Combs Future???

Post by viking4life »

I was at VC 5th and 6th grade tourney today and I heard from not 1 person but 2 that matt was wanting to leave to go to southeastern? Anybody heard anything. Like i said I heard it at VC HS today. Is he?? :122247 :122247

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

Last night on the postgame interview he said he was happy to be in a place where he could do his own thing. The people here have accepted me. This (VC) is just like home. You can either take that one of two ways..Im here for the long haul...or a goodbye type statement.

He has a lot of talent coming up...He could be at VC for the rest of his career if he chose to be. What he has done for boys basketball will never be matched. If he leaves, it would be a shame, but he has earned the right to do whatever he pleases. He is a class guy and I for one hope he is here for a long time to come.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by sparky »

after what southeastern did to jordan why would anyone want to go there? be careful what you wish for.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Cookie »

I would think that he would be leaving for an administrator's position. I believe he has been contacted about a number of these positions throughout the SVC including Southeastern and Piketon.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

VC better do what they can to try and keep him if he has gotten other offers. He is the face of VC sports..and an outstanding coach.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Ty Webb »

Here's an exert from last night's Logan Elm/VC article by sportswriter Paul Boggs, who is the sports editor for The Jackson Times Journal. This might shed light on the question..........

And, next season, the Vikings look for more of the same, as Vinton County has won at least 13 games in each of the past eight winters.

Combs, the all-time winningest mentor in program history, completes a decade as the Vinton County coach on Tuesday.

"I enjoy it here, and I'm thankful for the great support we always receive," he said. "The people here have accepted me for who I am, even though I am a bit nutty and crazy sometimes. It's been an amazing run in the last seven or eight years. We've had great players and good assistant coaches and great fans and administrative support. I enjoy coaching at Vinton County."

I've gotten to know Matt relatively well over the past several years, and I think he is very happy at Vinton County. He thoroughly enjoys his job at the high school and is very passionate about being the head basketball coach at Vinton County for years to come. If he were to leave, I honestly think that it would be for the betterment of his family, and you certainly can't criticize a man for that. Otherwise, he's got a great job and loves what he's doing, has community support that would make most coaches envious, and is compensated well for the great work he does.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

gahs4ever wrote:If a coach is bound for an administration position, then coaching is probably in his/her past.

Also a man doesnt EARN the right to do whatever he pleases; it IS a right (freedom).

What I meant by that mister GAHS was that if he decides to go, VC fans cannot be upset in any way shape or form based on what he has done for our program. He has earned the right to leave without hard feelings from anyone. I know what basic humar rights ae in this please dont render me so ignorant.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Kenny Bixx »

if COmbs leaves, i mite jump off a cliff. he is awwsum.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Bear42 »

What's the likelihood of Combs going to his alma mater, Unioto?
Coach Combs does a great job at Vinton County. He has put together a great program over there and seems to be well respected within the community.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

Bear42 wrote:What's the likelihood of Combs going to his alma mater, Unioto?
Coach Combs does a great job at Vinton County. He has put together a great program over there and seems to be well respected within the community.

I always thought if he were to leave VC, it would be for a small college or Unioto.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I can tell you as a multi-year volunteer and as an "unofficial" member of the Vinton County Basketball Staff and as a close personal friend to Coach Matt Combs I can officially say that Coach Combs is NOT going anywhere. He is saddened by the departure of these five great seniors and their accomplishments; however, he is excited about Vikings Basketball's future. As he has said before; "Graduation is bittersweet. It is sad to see seniors go but it is exciting to form new relationships and to experience the excitement of a new season."

Furthermore, Coach Combs has done a tremendous job in building the program, a program that has been and should be one that Viking fans are proud of; a program that has been an example of hard-nosed defense, competitive offense, and one of class and sportsmanship.

Moreover, to arbitrarily post rumors and innuendos is insulting to the work that has been completed and to the young men who have been a part of the Vikings' Basketball Program. If Coach Combs was ever to leave, his resignation would be done appropriately and with class, but for the foreseeable future there is no sign of any changes in the Vinton County Viking Basketball Coaching Staff.

Now more importantly, the Vikings have one game left. A make-up game with Meigs, at Meigs. This will be a JV and Varsity contest on Tuesday beginning at 6PM. We are extremely hopeful that Viking fans will travel to Pomeroy to give Ethan Allen, Andy Grillo, Dylan Guthrie, Taylor Reed, and Steven Thompson a much deserved and appropriate farewell. The Diaper Dandies will always have a place in my heart and I will be sad to see them go. However, I am too, excited about the future of Vikings' Basketball.

The cupboard is NOT bare.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

Thanks for clearing that up Hawk..I had a feeling you would weigh in on this topic. Coach Combs has brought this program from the dead to elite status. The rumors could be taken as a compliment as there isnt a school out there that wouldnt want a coach of his calibar. Congrats on a great season seniors and good luck against Meigs..sadly I will be at work that night... Hawk..Thanks for all you do during the season as well!

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Competitor »

I think Matt has done a TREMENDOUS job putting VC (my alma mater) on top of the TVC and making them the team with the "bullseye" on their back. But IMHO there are 2 other factors that have helped along the way. the first being the development of the biddy program and all the time and effort (donated I'm sure) to get these kids to the gym. The second, and what I believe to be the MOST important is that the kids that have been playing for the last several years are "Vinton County" kids. Their parents graduated from Vinton County High School, and the younger ones are going to West/South etc Elementary. The days of "Allensville/Hamden/McArthur/Wilkesville/Zaleski" are gone and to me nothing could be more important than "school" unity. You don't hear the complaints "my kid's not even going out because we live in so & so and he'll never get a fair chance" and that is SO vital. Now when you drive across the county line the signs say Welcome to Vinton County, Home of the Vikings, those signs weren't there 15 years ago. I applaud the people of the county for embracing the "US" in the county and success both in sport and levies(what great facilities) are a result of that. Those things couldn't get done 20 years ago because of the split in the county but now the rewards are being reaped for coming together. Back to the subject at hand, Matt's future. I would both hope and assume he has a home and job at VC as long as he wants it (it's been earned), but as we all know, the HARDEST division in the area to get to the Schott is DII. As a pure guess on my part, the only basketball job he would leave for would be at a smaller division school that he can both receive the support he has from top to bottom like VC and that has a feeder program that he could lead to Lane Ave. Congrats Matt, and Congrats VC!!!

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by moonshine »

All I have to say is that Coach Combs would fit in well as the head of Logan's basketball program!

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Dundas »

Very well said competitor.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Jake Roberts »

I heard that if Combs does leave it will be a package deal. Not only will his new school receive the coaching services of Matt Combs, but they will also receive the duties of one TPH. Known of the Director of VC Operations, in many ways he is even more valuable to the program than Combs is.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by g w mclintock »

Jake Roberts wrote:I heard that if Combs does leave it will be a package deal. Not only will his new school receive the coaching services of Matt Combs, but they will also receive the duties of one TPH. Known of the Director of VC Operations, in many ways he is even more valuable to the program than Combs is.

That would be a "big" package... :lol:

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by PerfectionInPurple »

I propose a trade with Logan. Matt for koondogger....thougts? Maybe we could throw in a couple of huntin dogs and a warm case of blatz to seal the deal.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by Space Cowboy »

PerfectionInPurple wrote:I propose a trade with Logan. Matt for koondogger....thougts? Maybe we could throw in a couple of huntin dogs and a warm case of blatz to seal the deal.

:aaaaa46 .....uhhhhhhhhhhh,NO! But we will trade you an old blue tick hound, a bottle of warm ripple, and kenny bixx for the koondogger.

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Re: Matt Combs Future???

Post by bengalfan76 »

Why are you guys talking about Hawkeye's Package?

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