indiangirl wrote:While it's great to see students supporting their team, when it becomes rude and disrespectful, someone needs to take charge. I had no problem with either student section for most of the game; they added a lot of noise and energy to the game. And Ironton's is actually pretty entertaining. But at the end, when they shout "winners over here, and losers over there" and point to a group of kids who have just had their hearts broken, it just takes it too far. It's supposed to be "fun and games" and it was, until that ridiculous chant. Although most of the crowd had cleared, and you had to be still standing there before the awards were given out to hear it, it was still uncalled for.
So I guess it was ok when the Peebles fans were chanting "the best team's in white" when they thought they had won the game? They were chanting "winning team" and "losing team" not winners and losers. Is it really rude and disrespectful to say what actually happened? If so, let me be rude and disrespectful and say congrats to Ironton for being the winning team and it was a valiant effort for the losing team Peebles.
shljunkie wrote:what an ignorent post fanosports. Maybe you didn't notice but 3/4 of that convo was packed with Peebles fans.....a community that truly gets behind their team and supports them. I for one....was extremely proud of our crowd. I won't even justify your women comment with a response....I'll let your ignorence speak for itself.
It's ignorant and ignorance, but I'm sure you were purposely doing that to drive home your point

FeetballRef wrote:The official/unofficial term that is used for this situation is a BLARGE (block/charge). If you GOOGLE the term, there are some very interesting descriptions of it's definition especially on the Urban Dictionary.
Actually the official/unofficial term that is used for this situation is SCREW UP! They blew this call badly...a block, no a charge, no both but count the basket, but no free throw, a jump ball too for S's and G's. A double foul is the chicken's way out of having to make a decision!