Eastern Pike-2010-2011

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Eaglesnest »

Satterfield could participate in conditioning and even practice, but would be inelligible to play for 12 months after enrolling at Eastern without living in the District. I am still shocked the young man would do that and only get to play his senior year at Eastern.

I seen on the school website that the boys schedule is posted. Looks like a very tough non-league schedule with 4 SOC2 schools on the slate (Minford, Valley, Waverly, Northwest, then Wellston and potentially Piketon at the Holiday Classic) Very tough schedule.

Anyone heard anything about scrimmages?

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Primetime »

satterfield is looking into staying with family who lives in the district so he can play this year.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by eagles73Taylor »

That plan doesnt fly anymore! lol

Transfer rules ohsaa

exception #1 – Bona Fide Move of Parentsfrom one public school district to a different public school district.

exception #2 – Change of Legal Custody to an individual who lives in a different public school district from that of the student’s previous legal custodian.
In accordance with the requirements found in Transfer Bylaw 4-7-2, Exception 2 – Change of Legal Custody – a student may regain eligibility when a court of proper jurisdiction or a government agency such as Children’s Services has placed the student into the care of an individual or agency that shall have the care and custody of that child.
Therefore if the student is the ward of a court appointed guardian or custodian and there is a subsequent court ordered legal change in that guardian or custodian that results in the student’s change of school districts, the student may be ruled eligible at either a public school located in the district of residence of the new custodian or any non-public school.
There is no specific form for requesting a ruling under this exception. Instead school or athletic administrators shall submit the following documents when a student transfers into the high school based on the fact that the new legal custodian lives in a different public school district from where the former custodian lived:

exception #3 – Bona Fide Change of Residence of a Parent in a Shared Parenting Plan into different public school district.

exception #4 – School Closes - which was revised for the 2010-11 school year. This exception reads as follows:

Exception 5 - If the bona fide residence of the student’s parents is annexed to a different school district or consolidated within a school district, the student may be ruled eligible upon transfer to a school in the annexed or consolidated district subject to modification by formal action by the Boards of Education concerned. A copy of such action by Boards of Education must be on file in the Association office before the Commissioner’s office can rule the student eligible.

exception #6 – Transfer into a Public High School Located in the Parents’ District of Residence. This exception reads as follows:
the student’s parent residence is located regardless of from where the student is transferring except that such a transfer shall not be permitted if the student has previously utilized the superintendent’s agreement which was previously set forth in exception 6 to transfer from that same public high school. Note 1: The highlighted text will be removed from the Bylaws in 2010-2011. Note 2: Use of this exception requires the submission of the Exception Six Form to document the transfer as set forth in the exception.
Click here to retrieve the Form:

exception #11 – School District Completely Discontinues Sports Programs. This exception reads as follows:

Bylaw 4-7-6 – Intra-District Transfer
The membership approved a revision to the intra district transfer bylaw which now permits a student who attends a high school in one of Ohio’s multiple high school public systems to transfer to another high school within the same school district
if the criteria found in the bylaw have been met. This bylaw reads as follows:
If a student transfers to a high school within the same public school district within which the school from where the student transferred is a part, the student may have his/her eligibility restored by the Commissioner’s office provided the following conditions have been met:
1) The student has been reassigned to the high school by the School District as a result of redistricting or a specific change of program
2) The ; and
transfer takes place prior to the beginning of the school year
3) The District ; and
petitions the Commissioner’s office for the restoration of eligibility for the student
4) The
no later than 15 days after the start of the school year.
student is ruled eligible by the Commissioner’s office

Bylaw 4-7-7 – Intra-System Transfer
If a student transfers to a high school located within the jurisdiction of a non-public multiple high school system (e.g., Catholic Conference of Ohio, Ohio Association of Independent Schools, Association of Christian Schools International or other category as denoted by the State Department of Education) from another high school within that same system, the student may have his/her eligibility restored by the Commissioner’s office provided the following conditions have been met:

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by rockyraccoon »

With the new transfer rules, Eastern would be foolish to ever play anyone who doesn't meet everyone of he qualifiers without a doubt.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by larbo »

Very interesting topic. Not sure why most think that the two boys wouldn't be able to crack the startign line up Waverly. The Tigers do drop off some after the big two so I think they both could compete and be starters there. So why would the kid from western bypass Waverly who knows. Everyone is tossing out past facts. I agree Eastern has had some great teams and great run but it is all about what is going on now not past and I see Waerly having a good run at it this year. But if he is really setting out a year why go to Waverly as well they will be down to just only the big one. It sounds like Eastern has some very good younger talent for him to fit in with so over all Eastern would be the better fit. If we was looking to play this year I could Waverly or Piketon being a consideration but if he does have to set out a year that is different. As for him to even consider Piketon this year he would have a very hard time seeign alot of playing time let alone crack the startign line up. This is one of the deepest Piketon teams in many years and they are loaded with lots of talent. They will got at leat 10 deep and the top 7 or 8 could start for other many teams in the area. Plus Coach L at piketon wouldnt put up with any knucklehead type of actions he would bury them on the bench until their attutdue changed. I do wish all the teams good luck this year and looking forward to the holiday classic when we get to see all 4 teams and settle some of this on the court as it should be. I like coach Fitch I think he is a good coach and a great guy and wish his luck as well.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by eagleworld »

no coach in the area runs a tighter ship than coach fitch, he does a great job with the boys and and wont put up with any crap no matter who the player is. i can promise u that legg or brush would not be buried on the bench for some knucklehad play nor would kretzer or martin. I am not saying Lisath or robertson puts up with any crap either , but there shouldnt be any misunderstanding that coach fitch will because he wont.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Primetime »

thats the thing about being tight and tooo tight...some players have to be able to make misteaks in order to get into their game if you rip a player out for the first thing (which has happened) it can be a real confidence killer. And it doesnt look like the tightest ship when it comes to jordan thornsberry making what you call "bonehead" plays he seems to get a few more than the other boys.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Lightle04 »

Man Prime Time did Jordan take your spot on the team or maybe your kids spot you have got to let it go man support the team the players but don't pot shot the kids and coach if coaching was easy everyone would do it same for playing no matter what you might think nobody puts in more time than Jordan and Fitch do they had a great season last year but your knittpicking to degrade them put your effort into supporting them and maybe they will do even better than last year this season

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by eagleworld »

There is a difference between making mistakes and a bad attitude. My point was coach fitch wont put up with a bad attitude no more than Lisath or Robertson. A coach has to live with players making mistakes that is going to happen , but a bad attitude is different and by no means do imean fitch is too hard on the boys i think he does a great job of dealing with the players. and i dont think Thornsberry got away with more than the other players, it may have seamed that way to some people but he is also the point guard he has the ball more than any other player so chances he may have more turnovers than other players, but dont u think Lisath would let legg get by with more mistakes than some of the other players.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by deweese3 »

its sad that most people on here would rather the kid sit out his junior season then play. posting where he lives, posting rules, doing everything in their power to keep him ineligible just because he's gonna help eastern? people should want him to play ball and have a successful season.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by deweese3 »

and as far as jordan and aaron starting at waverly, who cares? they play at eastern not waverly so why would that even be discussed?

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by smurray »

People posting where he lives and the transfer rules on this site will have nothing to do with the young man being eligible to play. All schools know the rules and I'm sure they understand he is not eligible under those circumstances. It has nothing to do with what folks post on this site.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by deweese3 »

and thats whats messed up about the OHSAA. they would rather see a kid sit out a year then play and thats messed up. what good comes out of that? i can understand if he went to eastern just to play basketball but that wasnt the situation.
cheer4baseball wrote:Aaron Satterfield did transfer to Eastern. He will be ineligible to play for the 2010-2011 season. His parents are not moving to district. And they do not live on Beaver's Ridge, They live on Leeth Crk.
the point was why is that post even necessary??? just sounds like people only post stuff like this to make sure he is ineligible.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by smurray »

What is messed up is people "transferring" all over the place to play sports. If there were legit acedemic reasons for him to transfer out of Western that may make a difference. If that's not the case than he'll have to sit a year, that's all people are saying. This is a forum where people talk about and discuss what's going on so the post you refer to is not out of line or intended to do any harm. Again, people posting on here will have no influence on his eligibility.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by deweese3 »

smurray wrote:deweese3,
What is messed up is people "transferring" all over the place to play sports. If there were legit acedemic reasons for him to transfer out of Western that may make a difference. If that's not the case than he'll have to sit a year, that's all people are saying. This is a forum where people talk about and discuss what's going on so the post you refer to is not out of line or intended to do any harm. Again, people posting on here will have no influence on his eligibility.
Like i said i can understand if it was just for basketball and idk what the situation was but from what i hear he is gonna stay at eastern whether he has to sit a year or not. so that right there should tell u that it wasnt for basketball. i dont see why adults make such a huge deal about high school sports. its suppose to be fun

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Lightle04 »

I think there's alot of attention being paid to one or to kids and the link is ment for focus on the team like I said last year and everyone thought I was crazy when I picked Eastern so I'll say it again this year Eastern is a top 2 team in our league again without the transfer they are well coached and play as a team no one trying to stat stuff that's why they win hard work and team first attitude

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Hoggy »

Does anyone know what teams the Eagles will have for scrimmages?

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by TribeManiac10 »

Hoggy wrote:Does anyone know what teams the Eagles will have for scrimmages?
They scrimmage Peebles this friday I believe.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by Hoggy »

TribeManiac10 wrote:
Hoggy wrote:Does anyone know what teams the Eagles will have for scrimmages?
They scrimmage Peebles this friday I believe.

Thank you.

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Re: Eastern Pike-2010-2011

Post by bballin »

Does anyone have Easterns schedule this year?

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