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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by smurray »

Chicken Coop,
I'm not hiding behind a screen name at all, I'm using my real name. And losing the game has nothing to do with it. Did you hear me blame the refs or some other reason for losing other than the Tigers couldn't get it done?
If an opposing player scores their 1,000th point at Waverly the game is stopped and a game ball is given to that player. And I can assure you Waverly fans will be on their feet applauding the accomplishment.
Waverly's coach HAD to call a timeout as soon as the ball went through the bucket because your coach told him before the game started he would NOT agree to stop the game when it happened. You are totally correct - we had our signs out and EVERYONE in the gym new what was happening. Even makes it worse that Valley fans couldn't acknowledge the accomplishment. These are High School kids - come one.

See you at Waverly in a few weeks, come and see me at the scorers table.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by roundingthird »

I'll back you on that smurray.
Waverly does a great job recognizing other opponents players when they hit their 1,000 point in Hawhee's Palace! I have been to several games where opponents hit that mark, and like you said time is called (for fans to applaud that player and recognize his/her accomplishment) and then the ball is given to that player.

It's sad to hear that about Valley's coach, very poor sportsmanship imo.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by rockyraccoon »

This should come as no surprise since the same thing happened last year with Hank Leslie. For a coach to say he wouldn't stop the game before the game started shows total lack of class. How did he know at that time it wouldn't be a blow out. I hope when Blake Yates gets his 1000 point that whoever they are playing looks beyond this coach's shallowness. Sadly, I can still remember a game where Valley was up 30 points, with their starters playing against subs, still applying full court pressure, going for steals and lay ups. That says a lot about a coach's character.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by Hoggy »

Congrats to Martin on scoring his 1,000 point tonight!

Congrats to the Indians on the victory.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by playtowin »


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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by sleepy floyd »

I was unable to attend last nights game sounds like a great game but to force Waverly to use a time out to honor Martin is a shame. If this was discussed before game and Valley told them they would have to use a time out to honor him is absolutely wrong. 2 years in a row Valley does wrong thing when a player scores 1000th point. Hopefuly if Yates scores 1000 points other teams coach will do right thing who knows valley might not stop game to honor one of their own.
Congtats to Martin

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Coach from Valley was probably thinking if he makes him use a timeout to recognize his 100th point, he might be out of timeouts at the end of the game in a crucial spot. Does anyone know if Waverly had any timeouts at the end of the game? That timeout might have came in handy late in the game.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by N B Heat »

Waverly was basically outcoached as Valley put a tremendous defensive effort and Waverly didnt adjust to it . Waverly must be really limited on the bench because I seen little to no substitutions from Waverly and it showed in the 4th as the Tigers were a step behind Valley late in the game .

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by soccerfix »

yabbadabbadoo wrote:Coach from Valley was probably thinking if he makes him use a timeout to recognize his 100th point, he might be out of timeouts at the end of the game in a crucial spot. Does anyone know if Waverly had any timeouts at the end of the game? That timeout might have came in handy late in the game.
Waverly had at least one timeout at the end of the game. Waverly's coach tried to call a timeout to ice the shooter, but the ball had already been handed to the shooter. With no time on the clock can a coach call a timeout? I've met Valley's coach and he is really a nice guy and I like the way he coaches, but what is his rationale not honor a superior athlete at his milestone? To suggest that a coach would stoop so low to consider for another coach to waste a timeout to better his chance of winning is terribly wrong.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by rockyraccoon »

He didn't allow it last year with Leslie because it would have affected the flow of the game. As said above, when Yates hits this milestone, I hope he isn't punished for his coaches action. You take 30 seconds, make an annoucement, retire the ball and get back to the game.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by toast »

rockyraccoon wrote:He didn't allow it last year with Leslie because it would have affected the flow of the game. As said above, when Yates hits this milestone, I hope he isn't punished for his coaches action. You take 30 seconds, make an annoucement, retire the ball and get back to the game.
That would certainly be the classy thing to do. If what's been said regarding the Valley coach refusing to stop the game is accurate........that is indeed truly sad. I too know Waverly stops the game if anyone reaches the milestone.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by coop »

I'll be honest, I dont know if they would, or wouldnt have stopped it, all I was saying is the fact that they INSTANTLY called the T.O., so I didnt think Valley was given the opprotunity. Again, I dont know if he would have, but that is what I saw.

I wont beable to come to the scorers table and see ya bud, I live in Indianapolis. LOL

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by Crab's Brother »

This is the first chance I have had to post about this game and I have a few things to say. First off, that was a very good win for the Indians. They fell behind in the middle of the second quarter, but never stopped playing hard and really picked up the defensive pressure in the latter stages and won a huge early season conference game.

As far as the 1000 point thing goes.....Me and some of the people around me knew what was going on because the AD was in our section and mentioned it when Martin missed the FT that would have made a 1000. You cannot compare not stopping the game the other night to not stopping the Northwest game with Hank's milestone last year. Leslie's 1000th point came with under :30 seconds left in a 1 point game. Harrison's came in the first half. I wished we would have stopped the game the other night. I understand the accomplishment and how it should be handled and we did not handle it right as a program Friday night. But don't say that no one on the Valley side stood and acknowledged. Myself and my friend beside me stood and clapped for the player. Congrats to Harrison for the milestone and congrats to the Indians for the big win.

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Re: Waverly@Valley12/10

Post by Bo_Diaz »

I can't believe the way people are acting over the 1000 point thing... I for one had a hard time figuring out what was going on. I could see the Waverly people waving pieces of paper but couldn't read them. Then with the noise in the gym it was tough to hear what the PA guy was saying. It was only after I asked someone next to me and finally seen what the banner said, did I realize what was going on. I seen many Valley fans applauding Mr. Martin, and I did too after I figured out what was happening. I think people take themselves and the actions of others a little too serious when it comes to athletics. You guys are acting like the crowd was booing and giving zero acknowledgement, which was absolutly not the case.

Also, comparing this situation to the NW is a joke! The NW situation would have effected the outcome of the basketball game. There was an opportunity for NW to make an announcement and recognize Leslie without disrupting the basketball game. NW should have made the annoucement after regulation or called a timeout when Leslie made the free throw. By continuing to play Valley was able to go down the court against a NW defense that was in transition and score a bucket forcing overtime.

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