12-10 Warren @ Athens

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Excoach78 »

Warriorfrosh, I hear you loud and clear!! Everybody needs to chil out. Warren is 3-0 thing are fine. Coach Maddox is doing a great job giving players playing time. Coach knows what he has and they will be prepared every game. As long as he sits in the first chair on the bench he is the MAN and does not care what is posted on here. Still one of the best coaches in Southeastern Ohio IMO.

Pfloyd it was nice to meet you last night and talk hoops. Hope we can get together again soon. Have a speedy recovery my wife and I will praying for you.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by WangoZTango »

I am surprised by this blow-out. Sometimes it happens in the early season. I am sure Coach Skinner will have his troops ready for the next game. What choice do you got???

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

CC I'm confused. Hilvy shows no talent or is a key role player? Not sure you have any clue which way you stand on this subject. Do us all a favor and quit cutting on teenage boys. You are an embarrassment to Warrior Nation. And for the record: I am a HUGE fan of Austin Henthorn.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Warrior C C »

Scoop...Hilvi is vital to this team for his loose attitude and character..every team needs that.
He is a Role player though because he doesnt produce the talent that is needed for the playing time he gets. Nothing wrong with being a sub for better players. MAYBE YOU SHOULD STICK TO YOUR BASEBALL POSTS?
Frosh....Different combos is fine as well but is it going to take a couple losses to prove that there is a strong 6 that should be out there more? Warriors havent played ANYONE THAT IS STRONG YET...PLAIN AND SIMPLE ...but still havent seen that many adjustments to put the best TEAM ON THE FLOOR!
EXCOACH78..I would hope that the warriors would be unbeaten and prob have a chance to stay that way through the holidays because Belpre,Logan, are nothing and Portsmouth will be the only test but they are not at full strength? Sosit back if you are an excoach and look athe the road ahead... and look at reality....Warriors arent that strong yet and could be ALOT STRONGER!
BANKSHOT...Im sorry but Mitchem did get playing time and gave it his all when he was in there, wish warriors had 10 players with his heart! Cunningham ,Venham, and Ward are playing stronger but Im like you saying that they are in for a rough game at Portsmouth because they havent played ANYONE as of yet...Portsmouth not being at full strength is the only thing that will be in the boys of blue favor. The sun comes out tmrw! :mrgreen:
Henthorn, Knost and Ward, keep your heads up and keep playing hard because your showing that you def need to be out there more!

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Spartan »

Warren fans, celebrate this team, they are going to give you lots of good memories. They are terrific.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

CC I never claimed to be a basketball guru...the game does not interest me that much. I don't care for the way you cut on kids in a public forum. That is what bothers me. Warren has lots of great basketball players. No reason to slam one for any reason.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by noreply66 »

every town has a CC
Like Logan they have more than one

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by rebelionfan99 »

I agree with you CC. Them three boys just need to keep playing how there playing and they should, not sure if they will, but should be starting by January. Starters arent all that matters. Key role bench players are very important. Without a good bench no team will make it very far in the playoffs. Warren is pretty deep this year and should play for league champions and #1 seed. Thats if they play to there full potential and come to play 100% night in night out. Exspecially against Chilli. Lots of games till chilli. So all you boys keep your heads up and keep playing hard.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Warrior C C »

Scoop....I agree about not slamming kids...This is not about slamming anyone and I am the first one to give credit where credit is due! These are nothing more than an old mans opinion from the bleachers and what I see as constructive criticism...These kids are not 5 years old and should be able to handle anyones posts or should probably not read them. So Mr. Hilverding I sure hope you are man enough to listen to my explanation of what you are to this team and hope I didnt hurt your feelings. You are a special person and athlete and am sure you will do whatever your coach asks of you, so dont take a ROLE PLAYER as a slam, they are important to any team! The sun comes out tmrw :roll:

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

Well, there is certainly alot to take in to night. Probably better than watching the game. I guess I will start with Cap N Scoop. Keep in mind, I am stating what I think, not defending someone elses post or "letting them get in my head". I don't think CC is Bashing kids as you do. I think he treats this like they used to treat the barbershop. Not everybody used to go to the barbershop to get a hair cut, they went for conversation. Some listen some talk, some rattle. Its not telling Coach Maddox how to coach, its discussing the "WHAT IF", or "IF IT WERE ME", doesn't change a thing. Stop coddling these so called boys, you act like they are 6 or 7 year olds. Realize that they have the option to inlist in the military, register to vote, drive a vehicle, even make the choice to become parents or at least practice parts of that. I also have to believe that some of them agree with what they hear good and bad.

Warrior Frosh, hey buddy, you keep hangin out in the Amen Corner, but I know you can't believe that the Athens game was a display of what the Warriors are capable of doing. Athens of last night, and Athens of last year is exactly what high school sports are about. Some years you have it and everything goes well, other years it doesn't. Wishing all the best to Athens, their players and coaches.
I hope that the game last night will be something of the past, and everything is great from here on out.

Ex Coach 78..........I'm gonna have to say that you are the type of guy that tries to coach all the players after the fact. You have a special spot for the game, and you loved your high school experience. I will even venture to say that you want that for your son. That's great, but don't throw the old man off the wagon. He by no means deserves the ride, but I have a feeling you are gonna be that same old man one day.

Bankshot...I m not gonna leave you out...I bet you wish I would. You said something along the lines of a player having the opporturnity to prove himself.. I couldn't disagree more. It would be an opportunity to prove yourself if the parents would approach it that way, but its not. Its a he deserves it opportunity. If I had one wish it would be that parents would see what they make their kids look like with that attitude. Why not go to the coach with the What do I need to do to make my son better, so he can be where I think he needs to be, attitude?

OK, I'm done. TEAM, play hard, Practice Harder, and GET BETTER EVERYDAY...

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

If you are not willing to tell a kid something in person don't hide behind a screen name and do it.

Coddling kids? Ask my kids if I coddle them, especially after games...lol

I have no problem discussing strategies on a public forum/similar to a barber shop setting but singling out a kid and stating he has yet to show any promising strengths after he has played great in your face defense and had multiple one touch passes for assists on fast breaks is not right.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

Think what you want, defend whom ever you choose. You know the "Warren Way" as I do. You can't compare apples to apples if you have a pear, and an apple. TRANSLATED..... I'm gonna have to say this this way...(Just to be nice) You ( indirectly said to anyone who will listen) better play in your face defense, and have a good pass if your not gonna shoot, score, practice in the summer, eat drink and sleep basketball, and still expect to be a starter. NOW BEFORE YOU GO ASSUMING ANYTHING. I am not pionting this at Hilvey, I am stating my feelings. I don't know if he wants to start, play, or just hang out with the guys... I never asked him. I don't even know if he wants you to defend him or not. It really doesn't matter.

I do know that alot of the kids get a real kick out of what the old man has to say. I hope they don't take it personal. They also have the ability to post, read, and reply like everybody else and they don't. Take it for what its worth. They seem to.


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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by bankshot »

32,16,6...thanks for not leaving me out because basically you didnt say anything about me...im just saying from the parents perspective if they think their child deserves the pt when their child is presented with the opportunity to step up in a game like this(if they are deserving of more pt) then they would have proved that against a struggling team like athens...i agree i dont think parents should be able to complain about pt unless the go to practice day in and day out and see what kind of attitude and effort their child puts forth in practice...if they deserve the chance to make a difference than you better shine when you get the opportunity...as for me i dont have a dog in the hunt so i could care less..

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

Bankshot, thanks for the input. Your dog will be in the hunt soon, probably leading the pack. If we are lucky, wearing warrior blue. Just make sure that dog enjoys the hunt, and keeps you both smiling.

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Warrior C C »

Well scoop, maybe your in your face defense is good and your 1 touch pass assists works also, but If Im a scout and seeing the boy hasnt scored since the bank 3 pointer at waterford scrimmage, Id prob wouldnt worry about guarding him to much and is a lesson learned for the knost boy it seems because he lost his spot prob just because he became a non scorer from anywhere other than a layup. He didnt shoot outside the paint and he now sees where that got him. Its a good thing because now he is working harder than ever to gain it back which is great to see him play with so much more intensity. Keep up the good work Mr.Knost.
Only difference is He isnt a senior and has to work for his spot. My history lesson all along is to speak what I see on the floor and with so many more weapons available, Id take my chances with the stronger guns. So Scoop you go to war with your Hilvi and his red rider bb gun, and I will go to war with Ward,Knost,Henthorn, and Hastie and their High powered Rifle anyday....
So goodluck Warriors and if ya want to use your bb guns to wound someone to slow them down and just get to the CONVO thats fine, But id really like to use your bigger weapons to get past that Convo because times running out and this could be your best chance this year, atleast I would like to see it while I was alive...or maybe it just wont happen under this coaching staff because of the way its ran, but id say out of pure opinion Mr.Maddox , that this could be your best chance from what Ive witnessed over the years? And there is 2 kids named Cunningham and Venham that only deserves this chance before they graduate!
32.16.6....Thanks for trying to make people understand what this is about, just wish people wouldnt be so blind to the truth sometimes...Ths sun comes out tmrw :mad:

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Re: 12-10 Warren @ Athens

Post by Auburntgrfan »

Looks like Warren can go wayyyyyyyyyyyyy deep into the bench. Boy, I wonder how many coaches would not love to be in the Warren Coaches shoes right now. His biggest problem seems to be keeping the sideline(bleacher) coaching staff happy with just who is on the floor. A task no coach can ever come out of being right. Hope that the kids can keep their sights on the prize at the end of the year. Play within themselves, put any petty ego's (or fans ego's), way on the back burner, TEAM ball will get them as far as they want to make it. Which I hope is deep into the second season. One game at a time and the rest will take care of its-self. Good luck to the players and the staff. Go Blue.

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