Belpre @ Warren 12/14

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Re: Belpre @ Warren 12/14

Post by eaglefan1 »

eagletown, Coach Stout hired Parsons (and im pretty sure at the time he was a volunteer coach) to coach the post players, an area where he does a wonderful job developing young talent, and also in my post i said Stout got the kids to play hard, the kids on the team do play hard, just in case someone was going to take that the wrong way, but sometimes you gotta pull a kid out, pull him to the side and just tell him to relax, or correct what he did wrong.

Also, these kids are HIGH SCHOOL kids. They do need to be taught the game of basketball still. They aren't playing for OSU or Duke. There are so many little things that these kids might not know because in little league, it was always give the ball to the best player and let him do his thing, which back then with these kids was Rashawn and Erik. They weren't taught as much as they should have been in little league because at Belpre, the little league was within the school, and anyone could play and you had to play everyone. So it was hard to teach 5th and 6th grade kids because some of the kids were on a whole other level and knew a lot, and some of the kids were just there because there parents made them play. Its hard to teach kids at that age when they don't even wanna be there.

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Re: Belpre @ Warren 12/14

Post by bankshot »

I think Curt Plummer could have been another Joe Garrett if the kids and most importantly the parents would have let him...i dont think he stood a chance from the get go..when you have kids that already think they know everything about basketball it is hard to try to teach them the game..i also think he tried to discipline the kids but short of a death threat heard so much crap from parents that it want worth it for his well-being...i remember one kid storming off to the locker room before halftime and when he didnt come out for the second half because of being disciplined the parents were down there to rip him before the half started...needless to stay instead of causing a scene in the middle of the game the kid was allowed to come back out and you really think that would have happened with joe garrett? because parents respected him and knew he was doing the right thing because he had kids that would listen and knew they would have to face the consequences if they did something wrong instead of knowing mommy and daddy would get them out of it...Stout and Plummer were both good coaches and they both knew when to get out before it turned into this circus

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Re: Belpre @ Warren 12/14

Post by eaglefan1 »

bankshot wrote:I think Curt Plummer could have been another Joe Garrett if the kids and most importantly the parents would have let him...i dont think he stood a chance from the get go..when you have kids that already think they know everything about basketball it is hard to try to teach them the game..i also think he tried to discipline the kids but short of a death threat heard so much crap from parents that it want worth it for his well-being...i remember one kid storming off to the locker room before halftime and when he didnt come out for the second half because of being disciplined the parents were down there to rip him before the half started...needless to stay instead of causing a scene in the middle of the game the kid was allowed to come back out and you really think that would have happened with joe garrett? because parents respected him and knew he was doing the right thing because he had kids that would listen and knew they would have to face the consequences if they did something wrong instead of knowing mommy and daddy would get them out of it...Stout and Plummer were both good coaches and they both knew when to get out before it turned into this circus

Plummer knows basketball, but he did not know how to transfer that into teaching the kids. Curt Plummer would play 5 on 5 in practices and he would have him and his other 2 coaches and 2 jv players play against the varsity, and the other kids sat on the stage and watched? How is anyone getting better by doing that? He also knew nothing about the teams he was going to play, never did any scouting, and never watched any game film. To gain respect, you must earn it, these kids were already unhappy about the way Coach Stout left, and Plummer didn't do himself any favors by not earning the kid's respect. His assistant was negative in practice, and half the time a few players DID know more about basketball and situational things than Plummer and his coaching staff did. He pulled a kid into his office after a practice and asked the player, "whats this team got? what do you think we should do?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? no where near Coach Garretts level, or even Coach Stouts.

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