Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by eaglesorfalcons »

CATalyst wrote:
gymrat88 wrote:
KingJames wrote:Eastern played like crap. It was pretty classy out of Fed Hocks student section to chant "You Suck" everytime Hendrix got the ball
Of course Eastern playing like crap I'm sure had NOTHING to do with Federal Hocking in any way whatsoever. :roll:

As far as the student section, I encourage you sometime to go to a rivalry game such as Moeller vs. St. Xavier. If you think that a student section telling a player they suck is classless, then you obviously haven't seen too many Basketball games. The fact that FH's student section called him out basically translates to them recognizing him as a good player. It is part of the game, and you just take it for what it's worth.

93Bulldog- The final score was 50-40. The Lancers played with a lot of heart tonight and gave it their best shot. The FH JV won by 21.
That is amazing. Congrats to Fed. Any team can be beat - whoever shows up and ready to plan wins. What a great win for Fed.
fed. hock lost

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by middlechild »

To all of the Fed Hock students in the "student section" Your parents should be proud. Does it make you feel good to call out a student? Did Tyler disrespect any of you? I dont think so. Why? Because his parents taught him to respect other people. Yours should have done the same. Dont hate the player. Makes you and your school look bad. Great win EAGLES! Ugly win, but a "W" Moving on to Southern tomorrow!

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by lostaboutfedhock »

Eastern has great players yes BUT when Eastern cares enough to have a good coach, they will come out on top!! All other schools have coaches with experience and the knowledge about the game. Coach Murray is very inexperienced and does not show any feelings for his players. Federal Hockings coach doesnt seem to care about his players he only wants to make one be the whole team, while letting his father run the show from the stands! Maybe he should be called "Coach Murray Parsons", just a thought. What a shame that a blow up occured tonight when a senior took a thrashing for not much of a reason. And turn around and tell his father to go sit down for trying to comfort his son. Also he and his assistant coaches wives were sitting behind the team and laughing about the situation, real professional! What other schools start a sophmore over talented seniors or juniors for that matter?

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by fedhocker »

lostaboutfedhock - I agree with your statements on Coach Caldwell and Coach Murray. Howie runs a really good program. I also think it is ridiculous for a kid to look up in the stands and let dad coach, because it does happen night in and out for the lancers, however if you don't think the sophomore is one of the top 5 players on this team then you have your parent "blinders" on.

As a stated in a previous comment the entire program is a joke right now, and the blowup on the bench just being another example. I doubting that would happen on Eastern's side of the floor.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by Foxworthy »

Catalyst wrote:
"That is amazing. Congrats to Fed. Any team can be beat - whoever shows up and ready to plan wins. What a great win for Fed."

Obviously Trimble didn't show up at Reedsville a few nights back either. Great observation Catalyst!!

Congrats to Eastern on a hard fought win. The Eagles had their hands full in the Lancer House and King James when you go into to someone else's house to do battle if you can't take the heat then get out!! This is competitive varsity athletics not tea time!! Who is gonna hold their hand when they step into a dog-eat-dog world after graduation???? FH has a great student section !!

Sorry to see the Lancer House divided again!! This does nothing more than pull this program down...........

FH is a young team with lots of contributing Sophomores and Juniors. They are playing better and with more discipline and patience giving Howie and the Eagles all they could handle last night. It wasn't the roll over that was predicted and actually a much closer score than the 10 point victory throughout the game with intentional fouling at the end for ball possession and the Eagles capatilized on hitting their free throws which is excellent fundamental play.

Good luck to the young Lancers on their next outing and keep it coming. May Lancer Nation put down the gauntlet and unite, better yet may the players work with their coach as a unit and quit listening to everyone else in the stands and on the sidelines.

Fedhocker - Howie blows up at his players continously in one constant face screaming event but when other people blow up at players it is a catastrophe! You don't make sense here.

Go Lancers! Lancer Pride!

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by fedhocker »

Foxworthy I was referring to the parent going over to the FH bench and exchanging words with the coach. You would never see that happen on an Eastern bench. Listen, I'm a Lancer fan through and through. I have nothing in the fight and just want to see the best for our community and a respectable program. I cheer the Lancers on night after night and that will never change, and in the end it is about a game and a group of teenage boys who will probably never have the opportunity to do this again.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by athens78 »

Parents should stay in the stands and shut up. If a parent would do that to Howie the kid would be off the team or never get back on the floor and the Eastern Administration would have backed him. Stop taking up for little johnny that isn't very good and teach him or her some respect for authority and adults.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by lostaboutfedhock »

Fedhocker, first I am not wearing "parent blinders", hard to do when u dont have a kid on the floor. I have been there for years watching ball games, after mine graduated I continue to come and support the team. This is the second year in a row that it has looked this way. I think its time Federal Hocking make some changes for the future. There is a good group kids in the school district that deserve to be recognized and not talked about in negative ways. Coach Murray has no respect for his players nor their parents, he is a show and tell coach. You have to give respect to get respect!

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by Foxworthy »

Thanks for the clarification Fedhocker. Not really a very appropriate time to approach a coach and for once (what am I saying here???) Athens 78 makes a good point even in his/her own nasty style.

Your statement "in the end it is about a game and a group of teenage boys who will probably never have the opportunity to do this again." I agree and disagree. Sports should really be a teaching tool and goes much deeper than just a game. A lot of really important life lessons can be learned through athletics and one is it takes a "team" to do anything on and off the court and when you can't capture that "team concept" you have really missed the boat. Yes, they are teen-age boys but knocking on the door of being men. All I have to say is FH sure has their share of "helicoptor" parents.

There is a time and place to have a meeting with a coach and on game night is not one of them.

Go Lancers!!

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by colts01 »

First off, Howie has the respect of his players, parents, school and the entire community. He also treats his players with respect, he may yell at them but he always goes back with something positive.

Murray does not have the respect of anyone. His players included.

Murray coaches to the best of his knowledge and ability, however limited that may be. The main fact is that the problem is Dr. Wood and John Murphy. They didn't have to hire him back after what happened last year, several parents even went to them in a meeting and asked for him not to come back, they were promised by John Murphy that he would not be back this season, and look where he is.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by gymrat88 »

lostaboutfedhock wrote:Fedhocker, first I am not wearing "parent blinders", hard to do when u dont have a kid on the floor. I have been there for years watching ball games, after mine graduated I continue to come and support the team. This is the second year in a row that it has looked this way. I think its time Federal Hocking make some changes for the future. There is a good group kids in the school district that deserve to be recognized and not talked about in negative ways. Coach Murray has no respect for his players nor their parents, he is a show and tell coach. You have to give respect to get respect!
First of all, if you want to call out Coach Murray, then I guess that is your constituitional right to do so. After all coaches everywhere get called out for just about anything. But when you bring in kids to the picture and their parents, I feel that is uncalled for. FH just gave the best team in the league a run for their money and you want to get on here and talk about issues that are only going to ruin chemistry? If you have a problem with things, why don't you talk to Coach Murray, or the School Administration in private? Because by brining it up on a public forum where kids can read what is being said, you're only causing problems that a 3-8 team does not need anyway. I have a very hard time believing you are not either 1) a parent 2) a relative or 3) someone close to the family in the situation when you join SEOPS last night, create a name called "lostaboutfedhock", and then proceed to call out one player and one coach to stick up for another player and his family. If you truly don't have a kid on the floor, then why are you so adament to bring up an issue that is a distraction? If you truly care about the team and program as a whole, then you will let the issue die and not post about this anymore. We have already had one person who is not from this area talk about the lack of continuity he sees from just reading our posts. How much more bad press do you want?

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by mikethompson »

Who should they hire ?

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by Grinder »

Wow, let the drama continue. On a side note if you don't want your players called out, don't call out the opponents player. I don't know anything about this program but I sure feel sorry for the players trying to play for it.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by floyd88 »

A player who's habitually disrespectful to his coach should be off the team. Period. The player in question, a senior, has acted this way forever...there are obvious of anger management issues. This behavior is embarrassing to the player, his team, and the school. His teammates should not tolerate it. Coach Murray has tried to put an end to it, but the school's athletic politics that has condoned this behavior for years have probably made him fearful of removing the player from the team.
In last night's game, this players "tantrum" was, once again, unacceptable...another embarrassment to the team/program. If my son acted this way, I would personally remove him from the game.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by Eagle82 »

It seems that I missed a good game to watch.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by fhclass94 »

What Brent Deeter did at the game was incredibly disrespectfully and embarrassing for the Federal Hocking school and program. Whether what the coach said was right or wrong, blowing up like that on the court and sidelines is flat out obnoxious. It blows my mind that a kid like that is on the team. I've been to two games this year and that's just one thing I cannot stand to see. It appears that the Lancers coach, Chris Murray is doing his best to try and run the program and get it back on track. As for the student section, its part of a rivalry! Distractions and chants are said. If you complain about students showing enthusiasm, you don't deserve to be in the gym watching the game. And if I do recall to past years, Eastern has been drummed by Fed Hock repeatedly!! Every school has it's droughts, and I see the Lancers regaining control of the TVC in a few years.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by lostaboutfedhock »

Everyone has opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can say as I feel, free world we live in. Trust me, there are many in the stands where I sit (middle section) that feel as I do. Federal Hocking needs to get there stuff together, the kids deserve better than what they are getting. Mr. Murray needs to treat his players with respect to get it. Maybe Brent got furious and shouldnt have acted out when he did but u also got to look at it where he is coming from. And people saying things towards him should STOP, he's a great kid. Mr. Murray is the one with the issues, an adult acting in his manners is out of hand. I am so glad my kids no longer are in school at Federal Hocking...but both of them did graduate there. I have been around the school for years and can see a change in our school district. Everything needs to change at our school. I am done talking about it! Thank You.

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by floyd88 »

Lost about Fed Hocker--you obviously have not witnessed other outbursts by the previously mentioned player for numerous coaches over years, not just Mr. Murray this year. What are the excuses for those tantrums? Will he scream and yell at his future boss when given direction on how to improve? He may be a nice young man off the court, but then why this behavior during team play?

I wonder if those of you saying Coach Murray has no respect from his players have polled all of the players before speaking for the entire team. Just a thought.

Coach Murray's young team played in a summer league and attended a basketball camp, neither of which had happened in recent years. From what I hear, he attends middle school and biddy league games when he can. My guess is he'd probably be the first to admit his mistakes and hopefully he's learning along the way. Seems he and his staff are doing the best they can to build a program, not just a team.

If you have a problem with the coach, who is certainly young and inexperienced relative to all the other coaches in the conference, as his whole staff is, then the problem is with the administration who does the hiring. It is hard to be too critical of an athletic director who makes as little money as Federal Hocking's does for such a demanding and important position in a school system. A higher, respectable salary would attract more qualified individuals to the position.

As for parents coaching from the stands, it has happened with past Fed Hock players. Doesn't make it right.

Congrats to the JV team on a great victory after losing to Eastern earlier this season, and congrats to the Varsity for hanging tough with the best team in the league. Go Lancers!

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by Buick_Chris »

floyd88 wrote:A player who's habitually disrespectful to his coach should be off the team. Period. The player in question, a senior, has acted this way forever...there are obvious of anger management issues. This behavior is embarrassing to the player, his team, and the school. His teammates should not tolerate it. Coach Murray has tried to put an end to it, but the school's athletic politics that has condoned this behavior for years have probably made him fearful of removing the player from the team.
In last night's game, this players "tantrum" was, once again, unacceptable...another embarrassment to the team/program. If my son acted this way, I would personally remove him from the game.

Very well said, I couldn't agree with you more.......

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Re: Eastern vs Federal Hocking 01/21/2011

Post by amazinghocks »

Buick_Chris wrote:
floyd88 wrote:A player who's habitually disrespectful to his coach should be off the team. Period. The player in question, a senior, has acted this way forever...there are obvious of anger management issues. This behavior is embarrassing to the player, his team, and the school. His teammates should not tolerate it. Coach Murray has tried to put an end to it, but the school's athletic politics that has condoned this behavior for years have probably made him fearful of removing the player from the team.
In last night's game, this players "tantrum" was, once again, unacceptable...another embarrassment to the team/program. If my son acted this way, I would personally remove him from the game.

Very well said, I couldn't agree with you more.......

Ditto to both of you . Coach Murray is doing fine.

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