8th Annual Rebels Classic Basketball Tournament
March 12-13, 2011
WHO: 4,5,6 Boys and Girls
WHERE: McClain High School (4-5 Gyms)
200 North 5th Street
Greenfield, Ohio 45123
AWARDS: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Sponsors Awards
1st & 2nd Individuals Awards
DISTANCE: 1 Hour South of Columbus, 1 Hour & 15 min. North of Cincinnati, 1 Hour from
Dayton, and 25 Minutes from Chillicothe
COST: $125.00 per team (taking 1st 8 Paid Teams in each Grade/Gender=48 Teams)
GAMES: Guaranteed 3 games for the Money (Either Pool Play or Dbl Elimination)
All Depends on how many teams in each division, which way we play that Div.
REFS: All Refs are licensed Jr. High and or High School Refs
RULES: Rules are available upon request to seperate Email Address. There are different
Rules and Regulations for all 6 Groups (Clock, Press, etc.)
ELIGIBILITY: The Player, must meet OHSAA Eligibility Age Guidelines, to participate, for each
Grade they play in!
A 4th Grader can not be 11 before Aug. 1, 2010
A 5th Grader can not be 12 before Aug. 1, 2010
A 6th Grader can not be 13 before Aug. 1, 2010
**If any player is these ages at game time, will not be permitted to play, because
OHSAA, states these Players would not be Eligible to Play there Senior Year,
therefore I do not allow them to play, due to the age advantage and not going
to be Eligible to Play High School Basketball or Sports!
DEADLINE: March 5, 2011 is Entry Deadline, that means having all forms and fees to me by
that Date, so I can try and have Schedules made up and to Coaches by 3/8/11.
CONTACT: If interested in more Info & Rules & Registration Forms, contact me here or at
[email protected] or by my Cell 740-701-7677.
TEAM TYPE: This is a School Team Tournament, and all players must play for the same
Team and School they Represent. Sorry if this is an inconvience to Teams,
but want it to be fair to all participants! If you are an AAU/OYB, All-Star Team
there are LOTS of Tournaments out there for your teams to participate in! I
want to keep this fun and compettitive, and probably is a Few Teams out there
that are School Teams that could compete with AAU/OYB & All-Star Teams, but
not many! I know as a COACH myself its no FUN for Players or Parents to go in
and BEAT UP on Teams, just to Win a Trophy or Medal. There is a FORM that I
have the Schools Principals VERIFY that all the Players on that Roster, attend
that School they are playing for! There are some Coaches and parents out
that will forge this just to win, and nothing I can do about that, except not
allow them access or availability to play in my Tournament in Future Years
Again, SORRY if the above RULE elminates your Team! Hoping to have in Next
Couple Years and AAU/OYB Tournament for all grades, Boys & Girls, just not yet
Travis O'Connor
South Central Rebels Basketball Coach/Organizer
Rebels Classic Site Coordinator/Planner/Coach
**Its been a Great Tournament over the Past 7 years, with No to minimual
Complaints! We started off 7 years ago with only 8 Teams and have grown
every year since, to a total of 42 Teams last year in all 6 Divisions!
***Hope to hear from or See all you Basketball Players and Fans on March 12,2011
Rebels Classic Basketball Tourney
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:50 am
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 79
- Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:50 am
Re: Rebels Classic Basketball Tourney
Post by rebels8530 »
Don't be left, only taking 8 teams in each Division (6)
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