Pay to Play?
Re: Pay to Play?
whswarrior.... Currently at Warren the Athletic Boosters pays for all uniforms on a four year rotation schedule. My son runs track, plays football and basketball and he has never had to purchase anything but his shoes (or extra equipment that he just happened to want for himself... like receiver gloves)
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
Re: Pay to Play?
just saw on the news tonight that pickerington went to 500.00 per sport. they did not mention a multi sport discount.
Re: Pay to Play?
... qualified101 - saw that in the paper about the Pick'town cost to "participate" of $500! PER SPORT!!! I about choked ... how can ANY sports program sustain itself with those kind of "costs for students to participate" in A sport - looks like the "cost" of participation will push more and more students to be ONE sport athletes in the future and the future is now ... so far "pay to participate" has not been implemented in Logan however we are seeing more and more "clubs" that are not funded by the school - bowling, archery, middle school baseball, last year ms girls softball ... is this the trend of the future as well - club sports? sponsored by local businesses? how will that play into the OHSAA rules when businesses as sponsors demand to have logos on shirts,shorts etc. - the winds of change are blowin' ... then there are the cutting of the lesser sports altogether - middle school teams, combining of coaches for both JV & Varsity teams ( ie. one person to be both jv/varsity coach) ... more parent volunteer coaches in the offerings down the road? how's this NOT turn into a major headache for THE ONE paid coach? ... it would "appear" that the teaching profession ( of which the powers that be - legislature wise- say they want the best/the brightest teaching our leaders of the future and yet they are destroying the educational system, they are forcing the best /brightest OUT of teaching, they are doing everything possible to KEEP the best and the brightest out of/away from the teaching profession - they attack teachers as a whole as being "what is wrong with our schools" when what is wrong with our schools STARTS and ends with the legislative bodies in the state capitals and Washington DC - making decisions without the expertise to know what works and what doesn't, always choosing "the flavor of the month" as best practices in the classroom, turning the classroom of the future into nothing more than a "preparatory class" for taking a standardized test that tells you nothing more than who takes tests the best NOTHING about who will make the best worker, best post secondary student, a test that does nothing to prepare students for life after or for that matter life during high school ... all you have to do is look at the false name of the Ohio "high stakes" test - the Ohio Graduation Test ... schools are held accountable for being an excellent to poor performing school based on the outcome of THIS test when it is given to students for the FIRST TIME as SOPHOMORES ... if it is to be called a "graduation" test then hold schools accountable for the outcomes on the test "WHEN THE STUDENT IS A SENIOR AND GRADUATING" ... then and only then does this "pie in the sky" term of AYP or Annual Yearly Progress truly hold schools accountable for getting students ALL students to pass the Graduation test ... the state is NOT measuring any progress when they hold anyone accountable the FIRST time they take the test - let the students take the test - get a baseline score for the kids - the majority will pass as they do now BUT those who don't pass given tests can then be given interventions to bring up deficiencies , they take it again THIS TIME schools SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE as to whether the students who did not pass the first time have made PROGRESS toward passing the GRADUATION test ... I read about the Dept of Ed. head man Arne Duncan wanting to make changes to NCLB (of which parts HAVE destroyed education) ... his band of unrealistic, overpaid , side kicks WILL come up with something that is just as "absurd" as NCLB AND will cost the local schools even more $$$$$ to implement and $$$$$ to jump thru hoops ... "pay to participate" ... OGTs ... charter schools ... uninformed legislators ... the continued "unconstitutional" funding of public schools (hell the legislature has yet to find a way to pay for schools that isn't unconstitutional and this has been for 10-12 years!!! they just ignore the fact that the way it is done now has been declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the courts) ... $500 per sport to pay to participate ??? OGT? AYP? ... Reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic and the application of the three - has been replaced by teaching to a test ... while participation in a school sport WAS an option for ALL - now? reduced to only being an option for the wealthy few OR not an option for anyone if the sport is not offered to participate in by the school ...

Re: Pay to Play?
The three Adams County Shools Peebles , North Adams and West Union are going to be paying $200 per sport for high school and $150 for Junior high. They are wanting to eliminate the freshman basketball teams and go to one Junior High team. So the quality and numbers of players in these three schools will probably drop. North Adams boosters has offered to pay for the coaches of these teams but were told the other two schools don't want to so NA can't do it either.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:43 am
Re: Pay to Play?
unioto doesnt use the pay to play...but i hear it may be changing in the near future
Re: Pay to Play?
Pay to play is mismanagement bulls$%%. Between fundraisers shootathon's and donations there is no way anyone can convience me that football and basketball dont make a profit
Re: Pay to Play?
Pay to play in some school districts are pricing students out of playing. Some schools forget their state funding is based off of the students they have. I remember Grove City tried to do away with sports to save money and it ended up costing them more by the number of students they lost to other schools. I think some these schools charging $500 a sport might have the same happen to them. It is funny to me, how these schools act like sports is one of their big expenses. In most school districts sports is probably only about 1% of their total costs but that is the first thing most schools want to attack.
- All Conference
- Posts: 990
- Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:09 pm
Re: Pay to Play?
My beloved Chillicothe Cavaliers have proposed to increas the pay to participate. Currently it is $40 per student athlete per year with allowances made for the no income/low income group. The proposes new fee is $50 per sport per kid. Each household maxes out at $200 per family. There will most likely be no waivers for no income/low income.
IMO, the fee was lower than I would have proposed. The cost of transportation is through the roof and probably won't get better anytime soon. Chillicothe proposed eliminating freshman sports in football, basketball and girls volleyball. The alternative is increased pay to participate and the loss of multiple paid assistant coaches.
I like gahs4ever struggle with the school funding formulas. However, that wont change soon. Therefore, booster clubs, parents and communities better step up or these programs are at risk
As for whether these sports are profitable or not, you would really have to look at not just variable cost, but fixed cost and some level of absorption of these cost that generally just show up in overhead.
IMO, the fee was lower than I would have proposed. The cost of transportation is through the roof and probably won't get better anytime soon. Chillicothe proposed eliminating freshman sports in football, basketball and girls volleyball. The alternative is increased pay to participate and the loss of multiple paid assistant coaches.
I like gahs4ever struggle with the school funding formulas. However, that wont change soon. Therefore, booster clubs, parents and communities better step up or these programs are at risk
As for whether these sports are profitable or not, you would really have to look at not just variable cost, but fixed cost and some level of absorption of these cost that generally just show up in overhead.
Re: Pay to Play?
As far as summer travel ball goes last year the NCAA voted to ban summer recruteing all together because of some of the illegal recruiting . It was then looked at again and they decided to do a one year study to see if there was anyway of monitoring it to keep kids from being made ineligeble by shady coaches . So aau will be crushed if this study goes badly and athlets in these rual areas are the ones that will be hurt because of lack of exposure. Putting more pressure on parents to come up with money for Payto play programs.
Re: Pay to Play?
pay to participate or ride the bus. it will really hurt the numbers of kids playing. then they will have to come up with a "play for free" program just like they have a "free lunch (and breakfast and dinner)" program to have equality. this just means that the government will have to pay for these economically disadvantaged youths. its all a big "cluster flop". school funding needs redone. the former governor had that as part of his platform and did nothing. the current gov will do the same. but with government involved there is not equity. can't wait until they get involved in the college football "championship". i digress and relinquish my spot on the soap box.
Re: Pay to Play?
Well, the trip is 218 miles round trip. Assuming 10 MPG (probably too optimistic) that would be 21.8 gal of fuel @ $5/gal would be $109/bus. Comparing this to fuel at $3/gal that would be an increase of $44 per bus. If people really start looking at the math, there will likely be either no band bus, other pep busses or things like that for the long trips to offset the increased cost of fuel.gahs4ever wrote:If gas at the retail pumps DOES go to $5 a gallon this summer, I'd like to know what it is going to cost all of our busses to make the long trip from Gallipolis to Newark in week 2?
Re: Pay to Play?
I guess the next thing commercialized could be a school bus!?! I can just see a Fred's Pizza or McDonalds logo on the side of the Wheelersburg bus.... :122245 :122246RxBurgFan wrote:pay to participate or ride the bus. it will really hurt the numbers of kids playing. then they will have to come up with a "play for free" program just like they have a "free lunch (and breakfast and dinner)" program to have equality. this just means that the government will have to pay for these economically disadvantaged youths. its all a big "cluster flop". school funding needs redone. the former governor had that as part of his platform and did nothing. the current gov will do the same. but with government involved there is not equity. can't wait until they get involved in the college football "championship". i digress and relinquish my spot on the soap box.