Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

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Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by jeep80 »

I know this could have an impact on the remaining Div IV teams from the Southeast if Harvest Prep were to keep winning.

http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/sp ... ml?sid=101

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by svbt1112 »

The investigation probably won't be concluded until after basketball season............. Their girls are playing Reedsville Eastern in the Regional Finals this weekend too.

Shades of 2005?

You have a message btw

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by jeep80 »

svbt1112 wrote:The investigation probably won't be concluded until after basketball season............. Their girls are playing Reedsville Eastern in the Regional Finals this weekend too.

Shades of 2005?

You have a message btw
Yea, that's what's so frustrating. They wait too long to do these things and the team in question keeps knocking people out of the tourney the whole time.
May as well not waste their time. It doesn't help all the teams losing to Prep in the tourney.
Of course, it's only an issue IF Prep is guilty.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by pfloyd »

... is the focus of the investigation on the boys or the girls side at HPS ???


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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by sparky »

now there is a real shocker!

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by jeep80 »

pfloyd wrote:... is the focus of the investigation on the boys or the girls side at HPS ???


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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by homeless_camel »

sparky wrote:now there is a real shocker!

They should just add something to their mission statement...

Harvest Prep develops students academically, spiritually, emotionally, morally, socially, and physically through the power of God and our highly trained and spirit-filled faculty and staff. If he/she excels at athletics, we can ensure that their talents will be maximized to the fullest potential and we will not let any pesky work get in the way of their athletic aspirations.

Yes, I know they haven't been found guilty and yes, I'm aware they aren't the first nor the last school of their kind to "bend" the rules. OHSAA already has 4 divisions, just have another division for a private state title and let those teams play each other.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by earp »

Is the guy that used to coach at Africentirc still there?If so theres youre sign! 8)

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by lurkingintheshadow »

I believe he is still the head coach, its amazing how guys like this commit violation after violation yet still end up "mentoring" young men. If anybody needs a good laugh just read over Harvest Preps website for awhile. Schools like them and Africentric are the pitfall of high school sports. Reminds me of CAPE, schools like HP are just a little more discrete about it.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by jeep80 »

earp wrote:Is the guy that used to coach at Africentirc still there?If so theres youre sign! 8)
What's strange is I met that guy at a scrimmage in 2005. He was the nicest guy you could imagine! Polite; pleasant; great smile!
Can't imagine he would be crooked.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by barnyard bobby »

It's amazing how many people on this site have inside information on the investigation at HPS. The OHSAA hasn't even mentioned the boys or girls basketball teams publicically. It's an investigation on the athletic dept. as a whole. Although everyone is entitled to form their own opinions and come to a conclusion, I would urge everyone to hold criticism until the OHSAA makes a statement. At the end of the day, we are talking about young people. I think they derserve the chance to be innocent until proven guilty.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by TribeManiac10 »

barnyard bobby wrote:It's amazing how many people on this site have inside information on the investigation at HPS. The OHSAA hasn't even mentioned the boys or girls basketball teams publicically. It's an investigation on the athletic dept. as a whole. Although everyone is entitled to form their own opinions and come to a conclusion, I would urge everyone to hold criticism until the OHSAA makes a statement. At the end of the day, we are talking about young people. I think they derserve the chance to be innocent until proven guilty.
I think most of the criticism is directed toward the adults in the athletic department who have a history of bending the rules not the students.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

My sources with the OHSAA have told me that "Harvest Prep is being investigated big time and look for the hammer to come down real soon."

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by captin midnight »

Keyser_soze78 wrote:My sources with the OHSAA have told me that "Harvest Prep is being investigated big time and look for the hammer to come down real soon."
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I have to question "sources" that give information to people who post on a public forums. This isn't exactly the Associated Press.

The investigation was only 30 percent complete by the end of the week per the article posted by jeep80 . Either they've already found so-called major violations or this is complete hearsay from a third party.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by barnyard bobby »

According to the Dispatch article an outside party is investigating the HPS athletic program. Would they contact the OHSAA before the investigation is completed? I would assume that the OHSAA would "drop the hammer" via an official statement and then HPS would confirm notification of any such sanctions. Especially if wrongdoing was found in either basketball program, considering both teams are still alive the their respective tournaments, this would allow compliant teams to compete in the regional games and not get ousted by a team in violation of OHSAA regulations.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by art_vandelay »

barnyard: don't count on it. Harvest Prep has already knocked out a couple of teams, and unlikely the investigation will be complete before end of the tourney. Unfortunately, this sounds exactly like the Africentric situation from 2005 and will not make the teams feel any better when they vacate Harvest Prep's wins. Webster technically has a 2005 Regional Championship due to Africentric vforfeiting their wins from that year, but I don't know anybody from Webster claiming it since they won on the court.*

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by bengalfan76 »

If you think this stuff is not going on in the SE district then you have no clue. Check the real addresses of some of these kids.lol

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

captain midnight.....My sources on the Harvest Prep matter are highly reliable, and whether or not I post on an Internet site is completely irrelevant.

I believe your post has much more to do with me, professionally and/or personally, as opposed to the topic.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by bdubya »

Captin midnight, you posted on a public forum. Does that mean you question yourself?

Keyser works with all seven AP voters in the SE district and a few others out of Columbus, Cincinnati and Zanesville.

He might have a credible source or two (or more) in the AP, especially considering he was the SE district chairperson for the AP about seven years while he was in Athens.

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Re: Harvest Prep being investigated for possible violations.

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

bdubya......All of which you posted is indeed true.

Thanks for all of your support as always.

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