Westerns varsity basketball job.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
it did for western a few years back. if it would have been legal white and mccloud would have played varsity as 7th graders. by the way, where are they now?
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
These boys are pretty good but not White or Mcloud good not yet anyways . The kid closest by far at this point is the Shanks boy but as a group I am very impressed with there work ethic they are all in the gym every day playing and hitting the weights. I for one am looking forward to my sons getting an oppertunity to play a few years with them the mix of some of the older boys with the younger ones getting some burn on the floor will be fun to watch. We just have to get our school board on track and get this coach drama over with so they can have someone guide them toward there ultimate goal WINNING !!!!
- JV Team
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- Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:01 pm
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
No word yet board said they were going to interview all the applicants.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
There isn't one that's my concern that the board is going to drag there feet and the kids are going to suffer for it missing out on summer leagues and shoot outs just look on this web sight how fast they are filling out. We were young and inexperienced last year and our record reflected that the kids need to get some work in against some of the teams around here to try to improve. Just my oppinion though.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Still no decision! It gets more ridiculous by the day. And the community wonders why we dont have a competitive program. It starts at the top!
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
This past season's team had no size, no quickness, not much talent, and they make Kite reapply? Joke. As far as where it starts, It starts with each individual child to make a real committment to get better, not just pay lip service to it. If only 3 children at the varsity level made that committment, and i mean a real committment, than it wouldnt matter who their coach is, just like it doesnt matter now.
- Varsity
- Posts: 519
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:38 am
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
This school board sounds like the bumbling idiots that dismantled Jackson. Giving in to the parents and outside pressures of people that think they know the game! At the end of the day, measure the man by how hard he works and how his players respond. If the had expectations of winning as small and young they were, then they are all idiots. If they hire Jordan, then they get what they deserve. He'll he misses practices for deer season. Kight works very hard. Let him build a program like you hired him to do.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Wow! Maybe a few more English teachers should take priority. This hurt my eyes!lightle04 wrote:I think the board better take the opinions of there players into consideration the varsity team went to the last board meeting and read a letter to the board they all sat down and wrote. Some of those boys that play only due cause they like Kight. I would hate to see upperclassman not play over this mess. And now the board who had to decide to cut teachers out of jobs last week are under pressure to hire a coach. And as a parent of a player I want them to make a decision at the next meeting if they don't then it will be to late to get into summer leagues at almost all spots. Then a team that started 2 sophmores and 2 juniors will loose out on time to improve as a team and that is important if they are to improve. We need the board members to step up and squash this stupid stuff next meeting. To be honest with the resent way we run coaches off to have any applications is surpriseing. So hire someone I hope it's Kight but quit tourchering these boys that bust there buts to play for us and get this crap over.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
They let kite go last night. They are going to interview lawhorne and jordan and pick one i guess.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Rumor has it that Lawhorn pulled out his application??? GOINDIANS do you know anything about that?
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
I heard he did not want to take the job "away from Kite". Now that he has been fired no matter what I assume he will keep his application in. Dont know for sure havent talked to John.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
ballboy09 you just couldn't leave well enough alone could you? Funny how the day after coach Kight was let go you start worrying about grammar. Why don't you just throw a little more salt on the wound. You must be one of our haters. You got your way so leave lightle04 and the rest of us who care about coach Kight alone!!!
See if this hurts your eyes!
Niny persent ov thu postes on hear ar nat speld crectly. How's that for grammar!!
See if this hurts your eyes!
Niny persent ov thu postes on hear ar nat speld crectly. How's that for grammar!!
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Oh, thank's Ironman92.
Btw, you need a space between question and mark.
See how ridiculous this is. This could go on forever if we want to be childish. That was my whole point. We need to worry more about what's important and stop trying to make people feel bad. If you find mistakes I don't really care. I'm not an English teacher and I am so done with this.
Btw, you need a space between question and mark.
See how ridiculous this is. This could go on forever if we want to be childish. That was my whole point. We need to worry more about what's important and stop trying to make people feel bad. If you find mistakes I don't really care. I'm not an English teacher and I am so done with this.
- Varsity
- Posts: 519
- Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:38 am
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Well, all I can say, is I hope the board and the people behind the firing of Coach Kight get what they deserve! The bad thing is, the kids are the ones that suffer! I will GUARANTEE the next coach will not work as hard and put in the time and effort as David Kight. Coach Jordan fought the system at Jackson until they did not renew him. His "Gonna Do It My Way" attitude was just to much. He was successful on the court and everyone knows the knowledge is there, but in my opinion, all he wanted to do was coach on game day and try to get his son a position. Good luck to the players next year. I hope they have a good season and enjoy they're high school career. Isn't that what it's all about? The players all seem to have Kight's back and they haven't even had success. So he must have been doing something right!
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Im not sure what goes through the minds of some schools and their administrators. Everyone wants instant results regardless of how much talent someone has to work with. Kight took his lumps with a team with little to no talent. Where were Jordan and Lawhorn then? They didn't want the job when they were terrible. Now that they have a decent group coming up, they want to dive in. You would think the folks at Western would have a little more loyalty then that, not to mention a little more pride. They are being used by some guys that just move around and only stay for a short time, and letting go a coach that was probably willing to be there long term.
Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
I have to say I'm nervous the coach was let go no succesor has been named so there's no one to run a open gym kids can't even get into there own weight room to lift . This team went 0-21 last year cause they we smaller and weaker as well as haveing less varsity experence on the floor . They need someone there to open the weight room and suppervise open gym if they are to turn last season around. Never thought that the players at Western in order to work on there game would have to go to anouther school to get to improve for there school . But I guess that's the way it is . 

Re: Westerns varsity basketball job.
Still haven't hired a Coach yet? What in Hades is the Board waiting for? They should put the kids first and hire someone so they can get the kids in open gym!!!!