Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Sid Farkus
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Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Sid Farkus » ... -join-SCOL

This is the league with McClain, Hillsboro, Washington CH, and Miami Trace. Also has a couple schools from Clinton county. Chillicothe should get Unioto on board to join with them to get the SCOL to the desired eight teams they want.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Rabeanos0512 »

I dont like this move at all. Too many undersized schools that won't give Chillicothe good competition. Not to take anything away from Hillsboro, Miami Trace, East Clinton, Washington CH etc. I understand the SEOAL is evaporating and we need a move BUT. This IMO is not the correct move.

Excuse my for my ignorance on surrounding conferences other than the SCOL, SEOAL, and SVC but what is Logan Elm and Circleville in? That seems like a MUCH better fit for Chillicothe. It just seems Chillicothe is too small for the OCC and too big for other conferences. We are stuck in the middle!

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Hitchbone64 »

Rabeanos12, News reports and quotes from last years admin showed the Cavs admin looking at other options including the Mid state League. To your point, we are stuck in the middle. However, in today's economy, the travel cost has to be considered. In looking at the overall spectrum of the sports program, some will be more competitive, while some may be less competitive.

I remember the community forum on leaving the OCC for the SEOAL. Our girls tennis program by far was the best in Southern Ohio. Coach Disbennet spoke to the fact that the OCC was a great fit for them. However, on the gridiron that was not the case.

In terms of the hoops program, I hope we continue to play an ultra competitive non conference schedule. Conference championships are great, but IMO District Championships are more prestigious. Plus they bring in more revenue to the school. Hopefully wherever we land including stating put, we continue to grow all of our athletic programs, including maintaining the high level in hoops over the past 7 years.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by pfloyd »

... although I DO understand the economics of the want/need to get into a league that is in closer proximity - I am disappointed that the Cav nation is shopping itself around to leave the SEOAL ...


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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by trojandave »

I, too, want to see the Cavaliers stay in the SEOAL, but if they leave, it is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY that the Trojans are always on CHS's schedule!!........too much tradition between these two schools to not continue playing each other on the hardwood!!

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by playtowin »

Rabeanos12 wrote:I dont like this move at all. Too many undersized schools that won't give Chillicothe good competition. Not to take anything away from Hillsboro, Miami Trace, East Clinton, Washington CH etc. I understand the SEOAL is evaporating and we need a move BUT. This IMO is not the correct move.

Excuse my for my ignorance on surrounding conferences other than the SCOL, SEOAL, and SVC but what is Logan Elm and Circleville in? That seems like a MUCH better fit for Chillicothe. It just seems Chillicothe is too small for the OCC and too big for other conferences. We are stuck in the middle!

Everyone you just mentioned is the same size as Chillicothe with the exception of East Clinton who is Div III. Ironton and Portsmouth are both Div III and Chillicothe plays them twice a year in their current conference.

Logan Elm and Circleville are both in the Mid-State League which, school size wise, is smaller than the SCOL.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Raiderball »

I read this article today. Looked at some of the school websites and their locations. One question I have though... Is East Clinton in the SCOL? Are they making a move there? When I looked at their school website and this years basketball schedule didn't appear they were in. Also had a team picture saying they were conference champions of some other conference (can't recall what that was).
Other than Logan it looks to me like the SCOL schools are as big or bigger as SEOAL. Geographically it looks like a great fit. Went to Jeffersonville outlet mall Saturday. Believe it took me about 30-35 minutes to get back to Roosters in Chillicothe. Was thinking about both Chillicothe and Jackson playing in SCOL.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Ironman92 »

I don't agree with that possible move at all.

Best of luck if they leave.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by noreply66 »

No play offs for Chillicothe when they go to this league--but they will fill up the big T-Case

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by playtowin »

There aren't very many teams that go to the playoffs because of who they play in their league anyway. Miami Trace was pretty much a regular in the playoffs, and I believe Washington CH went last year. You have to win to go to the playoffs and that is something that they haven't done in a couple years.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Rabeanos0512 »

I guess the conference I was talking about was the mid-state league then. Why they would not want Chillicothe is beyond me. It's not like Chillicothe is dominant in any sport. Maybe Tennis in the past 15 years but Logan Elm has beat Chillicothe in the tournament in football and basketball in recent years. Close proximity as well.

In middle school at Smith Middle School we played in the Tecumseh Athletic League which included Miami Trace, Greenfield, Mt. Logan (Chillicothe) and others that are escaping my memory. But the point is we played MT and Mcclain in middle school sports and i know we didnt lose a game to them or anyone in the conference those years. I just like the idea of solid competition. Heres an IDEA that I have aLWAYS loved. Join UNIOTO and CHILLICOTHE and get back in the OCC. I guarantee we could compete a heck of a lot better than before. Heck our baseball field is almost in UNIOTO school district!

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL


Were they not in the SCOL at one time?

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by friendoftheprogram »

The SCOL also listened to Wilmington pitch their entrance into the league. If both are added, Chillicothe will have plenty of football competition between Wilmington and Clinton-Massie. WCH has their ears, and Miami Trace was once a dynasty. And yes Raiderball, East Clinton begins playing in the league next year. The current league is Miami Trace, Washington Court House, McClain, Hillsboro, Clinton-Massie, and East Clinton. London and Madison Plains elected to leave the conference after this school year "to find better competition", though neither school won a league title in any sport, and frankly the league stands to get much better if they swap them for Wilmington and Chillicothe.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by bman »

London and Plains left the SCOL for travel and to play in their own district so they could get better recognition and media coverage. They were the only two Central District schools.

As for Chillicothe and the SCOL, this would be a great fit for both sides. Adding Chillicothe and Wilmington to the SCOL will bring the league to a higher competitive level and will feature less travel for both Chilli and Wilmington. The SCOL has a rich tradition.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by bvmv4life »

Chillicothe and Unioto joining WTF??!! Lol Chillicothe don't like Unioto and Unioto don't like Chillicothe...been like that for years and I don't see it changing anytime soon..IMO tho Chillicothe would be a dominate force in basketball if they join the SCOL...other sports would be a toss up...

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Rabeanos0512 »

bvmv4life wrote:Chillicothe and Unioto joining WTF??!! Lol Chillicothe don't like Unioto and Unioto don't like Chillicothe...been like that for years and I don't see it changing anytime soon..IMO tho Chillicothe would be a dominate force in basketball if they join the SCOL...other sports would be a toss up...

We dont hate each other. Yeah its a good rivalry but I have many friends who went to Unioto and I know many others who do as well. Heck half the time we bring up sports that convo is brought up. Some Unioto Alums agree with me "Man can you imagine if they would combine our schools". This isnt Michigan Vs. Ohio State here dont get it twisted. We hardly every play Unioto. And like I said, Our highschools are closer to each other than any other in Ross county I guarantee that. 2 miles? tops

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Blackcobra »

Offseason makes a player, not the season. I love it when people say if we arent in a certain league we will go nowhere in postseason, lol. The player is as good as he develops his skill. once the season starts they either got it or they don't..they can get sharper yes or polished but being in any league is a joke for your success. Thats like saying you can only be great if you work at a certain place. Chilli should join the SCOL. Or have fun driving 2 hours to your away games.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Blackcobra »

BVMv4life Chillicothe is far from a powerhouse in basketball. Few years yes but over the long haul NO. You could make that statement for a program say like Portsmouth OH. I would estimate that only people from Chillicothe View them as a Powerehouse over the past 20 years. The have good athletes but their program isnt strong. Fudamentals are weak and they dont utilize their strengths to their potential. They should be beating people (most) by 20 every game.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by Rabeanos0512 »

Drbasketball2000 wrote:BVMv4life Chillicothe is far from a powerhouse in basketball. Few years yes but over the long haul NO. You could make that statement for a program say like Portsmouth OH. I would estimate that only people from Chillicothe View them as a Powerehouse over the past 20 years. The have good athletes but their program isnt strong. Fudamentals are weak and they dont utilize their strengths to their potential. They should be beating people (most) by 20 every game.
Chillicothe has had more success in the last 7 years than aruably any team south of columbus Dr.Basektball. going for their 5th district title this year in the KEllough era I believe. I will agree with you that overall we might not be a powerhouse but no one is seeing the success that my Cavs are having as of late. I dont know how 4 disctrict titles in 5 years is not a powerhouse.

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Re: Chillicothe making pitch to join SCOL

Post by miggyt »

I ran the numbers on enrollment (as of this year) for both the SEOAL and the SCOL (present, future and possible): Here they are:

South Central Ohio League
Hillsboro 302 285
McClain 258 226
Clinton-Massie 221 220
Miami Trace 302 293
Washington CH 265 250
London 248 217
Madison-Plains 165 166
East Clinton 182 160
Wilmington 357 361

***London and MP are leaving after this year. East Clinton will be in next year and Wilmington and Chillicothe are under consideration to join in 2013.

Southeast Ohio Athletic League
Chillicothe 339 367
Gallia Aca. 258 245
Portsmouth 179 156
Warren 356 320
Jackson 295 282
Logan 478 435

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