Confirmed Coaching Openings

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by skippyhoops »

With that being said Jeff Lisath would be my top and only pick
What if Lisath doesn't take it? Is there no one else out of the 8 candidates being interviewed that you would want? I agree with what you said about Beverly, but there seem to be some other qualified candidates.

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by bvmv4life »

I agree skippyhoops! On the Coach Kellough thread I put my top 3 choices, I'm good with all the candidates except the one I mentioned above..

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by smurray »

I know for a fact why Travis Robertson resigned at Waverly (regardless what some others want to think) and I don't blame him for applying at Chillicothe so soon afterward. Any young coach would want a shot at that position. However, from reliable sources I hear he has or is withdrawing his application at Chilly due to the same reasons he resigned at Waverly. He would have been a top 3 candidate so again I applaud the man and respect him very much for walking away from the chance.

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by Lightle04 »

Steve every time you put your cape on and come to save Travis it just keeps the drama going . Your friends with him ok , we all know that by now . Let it go man so he can get a little peace of mind and his name get dropped.

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by bubbabilly »

I would like to take the time first of all to say, THANK YOU to a man that put his program and players at the top of his responsibility's. Travis Robertson like him or not, took his time as a coach to a whole other level. You can have your own opinion of him and thats fine! I personally have seen his relationship with the kids, scouting reports, the countless hours doing films, and everything else that comes with the job.There is not one single game any player that has played for him that wasnt prepared for what was to come. I understand that its expected from all the knowledgeable people that pay their 5 bucks to watch a game and predict how the outcome should be. A coach cannot go out and shoot that needed freethrow, make that final play, or hit that winning shot and alot of the outcomes of Waverly's loss come down to that. Is it right to blame Travis, they practiced it everyday! Im not blaming nobody, thats just how it ended. Waverly has a huge hole to fill, I personally wish he would have thought his decision out alittle more and stayed, but I also understand that FAMILY is first and thats what he always coached FAMILY! I wish Travis the best of luck, where ever he ends up!

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by Jump23 »

Travis Robertson to coach at Piketon next season?? Lol.

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by Runner00 »

This is all gonna heat up in the next couple days.

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by miggyt »

To recap the Ross-Pike openings:

Shoemaker to PV, to replace Wolfe
Meister from Canton South to replace Kellough at CHS
Robertson appears to be heading back to Waverly to replace himself

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Re: Confirmed Coaching Openings

Post by sparky »

what about his family commitments?

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